Should officials leave people to make their own choices on how to stay safe after lockdowns?


Global Farmer Network board member Terry Wanzek recently wrote a piece, “The Bean Farmer’s Guide to Social distancing and Personal Freedom,” that was published in the Wall Street Journal about people having the ability to be safe amid Covid-19. He spoke a little bit more about it early Saturday morning, May 16, 2020 on Fox and Friends.

Terry Wanzek

Terry Wanzek

Terry Wanzek is a fourth generation North Dakota farmer. This family partnership raises spring wheat, corn, soybeans, barley, dry edible beans and sunflowers. Terry was elected to serve as a North Dakota State Senator, providing leadership to the agriculture committee and serving as Senate President Pro Tempore. Terry continues to provide leadership to the National Association of Wheat Growers and the NoDak Mutual Insurance. He has a degree in Business Administration and Accounting from Jamestown College and completed the Texas A & M Executive Program for Agricultural Producers.

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One thought on “Should officials leave people to make their own choices on how to stay safe after lockdowns?

  1. Terry, I want to commend you highly on your recent article published in the WSJ. You made a terrifically valid point: government, get the Hell out of our midst! There are exceptions, of course, but MOST of us are capable of managing our businesses and daily routines WITHOUT big brother’s interference. We can make sound decisions using rational thinking! Thank you for bringing this concept to forefront. Many more people in positions of politics OR authority need to realize your point. Keep up the great work!
    From a fiscally tight-fisted Hoosier. 😄🇺🇸