Led by GFN Member, Platform for Sustainable Ag Launches


After meeting in Argentina at the Global Farmer Network’s “Mobilizing the GFN in Support of a Resilient Agri-Food System” for a week of connecting, intentional development, and building out action plans, GFN member Shuichi Tokumoto, 日本, has launched the Japan Biotech Crop Network (JBCN). Tokumoto serves as JBCN’s chairman of the board.

JBCN is directly connected with professional farmers from all over the world, a platform for practical discussions on latest technologies such as biotechnology and inconsistency, land-use farming that should be, proposing truly meaningful policy suggestions with long-term perspectives, and sustainable agriculture. In addition to others, GFN members serve JBCN in advisory roles:

  • 阿尔瓦雷斯, 菲律宾
  • 切里琳·乔利-内格尔, 加拿大
  • 加布里埃尔·卡尔巴拉(Gabriel Carballal), 乌拉圭
  • 朱迪思·德沃尔, 荷兰
  • Kees Huizinga, 乌克兰
  • Marcus Holtkotter, 德国
  • Pilu Giruado, 阿根廷
  • 保罗·邓普, 英国
Tokumoto joined the GFN in February 2023, after attending the GFN’s February 6-10, 2023 roundtable and mobilization event held in Argentina. His çš„YouTube channel, which provides facts from the agricultural field, has more than 10 million views and is still growing as a medium.


德本修一生产大米, 豆子和玉米 1,000 公顷. 已引入转基因作物系统和新的种衣技术, 他计划采用可持续的做法来种植转基因作物,重点是环境友好型农业. 他担任代表董事, 农业公司树 & 诺夫公司.
