感謝 Clayton Yeutter 的指導


三十五年前, 感恩節前後, 一個 克萊頓·耶特 was focused on using American trade laws to negotiate on behalf of the United States for the Uruguay Round of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. As the U.S. Trade Representative in the Reagan administration, one of his main goals was to make it easier for farmers to buy and sell their products across borders.

他曾要求他的顧問為各國製定削減補貼的計劃, 關稅, 和市場准入壁壘. 他們回來提出將這些減少的建議 50 十年以上的百分比. 當他們提交草稿時, Yeutter 看了看,刮掉了 50 並將其替換為 100 百分. As a skilled negotiator, he realized that if you want to get to fifty, 你需要從一百開始.

Clayton got buy-in from the Secretary of Agriculture, 他的同事內閣官員, and the United States set the table for what became one of the most important trade pacts ever negotiated in human history.

This story and many others are included in a new biography that talks about his role in global trade at this point in America’s history. The title, “與鬥士的押韻: Clayton Yeutter 美國政治家,” is a reference to what Yeutter would say when a person asked the pronunciation of his last name. He was an extraordinary public servant and statesman whose efforts in support of cross-border business and free trade are still having a positive impact on agriculture and farmers.

Yeutter grew up near the town of Eustis, NE.

我在克萊頓生命的最後幾年認識了他. 我們在基本層面上建立聯繫: 他是來自內布拉斯加州的農場男孩,而我是來自愛荷華州的農場女孩. 我們都對公共政策感興趣, 特別是在農業方面. 他曾為四位總統工作過, 我曾為州長工作.

His career was prestigiousafter serving as U.S. 裡根總統時期的貿易代表, 他是喬治·H·W (George H.W) 總統領導下的農業部長. Bushhe was a busy man whose advise was sought out by many, 但他從不認為自己對我來說太重要或太忙. I enjoyed an open invitation to see him on visits to Washington, D.C., and he took an active interest in the Global Farmer Network because he believed in the mission of our farmer-led and voiced organization that advocates for better trade policies and access to science-based technology in agriculture.

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Across a number of years and breakfast meetings, he became a model mentor: a person who shared his experience and advice and expected nothing in return.  While his expertise and perspective were sought out, 還有許多來自他的未經請求的鼓勵筆記和電子郵件,為全球農民網絡的農民在全球範圍內分享的工作和信息提供了微妙而重要的肯定.

克萊頓·耶特死於 2017, but the book brings him back to life. I can see that broad grin and hear his voice saying: “我們必須放開世界農產品貿易, 以便食物供應可以流向需要的地方. Trade barriers must be made more expensive for countries that resort to them.”

brown wooden board這個原則是他畢生工作的基礎, 當他繼續與加拿大談判貿易協定時, 日本, 歐盟, 和整個世界. Clayton Yeutter 在他自己的時代為農民創造了更好的生活,他的影響力繼續使今天的農民過得更好.

As I prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving in the United States with my family this week, I have much to be thankful for. Included in that long list are the mentors I have been privileged to have in my life. And this year, special gratitude for the remarkable legacy and friendship of Clayton Yeutter.



瑪麗·布特(Mary Boote)擔任全球農民網絡首席執行官. 在愛荷華州西北部的一家奶牛場上飼養, 豬肉, 玉米, 和大豆家庭農場, 她有幸擔任愛荷華州州長Terry E的農業顧問. 來自的布蘭斯塔德 1997-1999.

通過全球農民網絡, 瑪麗與世界各地的農民合作,開發和提供交流平台,使農民的觀點和聲音成為全球農業食品系統對話不可或缺的一部分. 使命: 擴大農民促進貿易的聲音, 技術, 可持續農業, 經濟增長, 和糧食安全.

被評為世界觀之一 100: 全球行業頂級 100 《科學美國人世界觀》的生物技術遠見者和領導者 2015, 瑪麗有機會出國旅行, 擔任農業領導職務,重點是針對新獨立國家的私有化農業者的戰略規劃和個人代表指導等問題,以了解有關小農玉米項目的更多信息,以遵守世界貿易組織的貿易談判程序.

瑪麗參加了西北大學, 奧蘭治城, 愛荷華州,並有幸參加了 2009 哈佛農業商業研討會.
