Here’s how you can help provide a direct-support lifeline to Ukrainians

全球農民網絡成員Kees Huizea同佢嘅妻子Emmeke Vierhout與Leeuw Kyiv基金會聯手,為烏克蘭嘅各個角落提供生命線—每日, 載有救援物資嘅貨車由荷蘭深入烏克蘭. 人唔可以去嘅地方…你會幫忙嗎?

click 呢度 支持而家完全致力於人道主義援助嘅利烏基輔基金會. 最初成立於 2006 由基輔嘅荷蘭社區為荷蘭語言同文化教育, 基金會而家收集並向烏克蘭需要援助嘅人派援助.

“如果呢場戰爭結束,我哋將重建烏克蘭, Leeuw Kyiv基金會都將為此自己嘅一份力量埋, but until then let’s keep Ukraine afloat where it can: 保持我哋嘅生命線暢通!”



Kornelis 'Kees' Huizinga has farmed in central Ukraine for 20 年, growing onions, carrots, 小麥, barley, canola, sugar beet, corn, sunflowers and navy beans. They also have a modern dairy farm. Kees is a member of the Global Farmer Network. 在 2022, Kees received the GFN Kleckner Global Farm Leader Award.
