Le ko'olelo'obo' ku cultivan ku campeonas ti' seguridad alimentaria


Le wíiniko'obo' ti' tuláakal tu'ux táan preocupada tuméen le coronavirus. Wey tu Zimbabue, Táan k asab preocupados tumen le asombrosos táanil yo'osal ti' le economía debido a le bloqueo.

That’s because in my country you’re much more likely to die from lack of clean water, wi'ij ka desnutrición u ti' Covid-19.

closeup photo of desk globeYaan k ch'a' le pandemia ti' serio, Je'ele'. Ts'o'ok kiinsik u jach 294,000 máako'ob mentik kex planeta tak bejla'e'. It has shut down the world’s most advanced economies. Je'el u páajtal k yaantal Ta'aytak u ka k ti' jump'éel depresión global.

“Le humanidad Ma'atech u lelo'oba' ts'o'ok jump'éel asab urgente ts'íib ku crear jump'éel inmunidad amplia utia'al u coronavirus” Ku ya'alik Bill Gates, whose foundation is the planet’s leading funder of vaccines.

Núukik le coronavirus, Zimbabue u restringido le viajes yéetel le nukuch reuniones. K encierro k'alik le xooko'ob, k'inbesajo'ob deportivos, ka piscinas. Le wi'inal máano', we marked the 40th anniversary of our nation’s independence-but not with the big public celebrations that we had looked forward to holding.

We’re doing our part to stop the spread of the disease.

That hasn’t stopped its arrival. A principios de mayo, we’d counted thirty-seven confirmed cases of coronavirus. Chúumuk ti' leti'obe' ku séen yutstal yo'osal, Ka ts'o'ok u registrado Kanp'éel muertes.

Ba'ale' le talamilo'ob le coronavirus u yu'ubike' u, especialmente tu comparación yéetel k uláak' aflicciones. Tu yáax kan wináal ti' le ja'aba', Je'ebix., asab u 200,000 Le zimbabuenses u contraído malaria yéetel asab ti' 150 máako'ob kíimo'obe' leti', Éejenil ti' le Naciones Unidas.

That’s not even our biggest health problem: Asab ti' 1.3 millones zimbabuenses ku kuxtalo'ob yéetel VIH, yéetel le k'oja'anil kíinsik decenas u miles Amal ja'aba'.

P'óochik, millions of people don’t get enough to eat. Óol u chúumuk le jo'olkaajo' rural ku yaantal ti' “Crisis” O “Láakal” Situación, Informes le tsoolil jejelas Integrada ti' le Fase ti' Seguridad Alimentaria, juntúul norma utilizada tumen le Naciones Unidas yéetel láak'o'ob utia'al P'iis muuk' ti' le janalbe'eno'ob.

Ichil le paalalo'obo' zimbabuenses ichil tuláakal 6 wi'inal yéetel 23 Wi'inal, Chéen 11 por ciento tin k'aab jump'éel “dieta mínima u aceptable,” Éejenil yaan u páawo'ob u a'alajil t'aan ti' Seguridad Alimentaria. Lela' jump'éel ts'o'oka'an crucial utia'al le ma'alo'ob, ka u amenaza le desnutrición yaan táanil ti' tuméen kuxtal, impidiendo ti' le máako'ob ku ts'aiko'ob yilaje' ti' u potencial.

Mientras seen, k enfrentamos ti' jump'éel crisis alimentaria global: Arif Husain, u le cha'ana' Mundial u janalbe'eno'ob, ts'oonak relatado le New York Times u yaan u 2020, “jump'éel estimado ti' 265 millones máako'ob ku k'a'ana'antal u empujadas a el borde de le inanición.”

selective focus photography of dried fruits on fieldZimbabwe’s food insecurity has many sources, Bey k'aak'as cosechas, cháak' ti' a yáanal u normal, Hiperinflación, extrema óotsilil, ka meyaje' deficiente. Coronavirus agravará le talamilo': Farmers who grow perishable food are losing their livelihoods because lockdown orders don’t stop fruits and vegetables from ripening.

Ba'ale' le ba'ala' xan bey jump'éel desafío ichil le ya'ab ts'o'ok enfrentamos.

We can’t even depend on water. Jump'éel le ti' maneras u Je'e bix u páajtale' le propagación je'el Ba'ax k'oja'anil, incluyendo Covid-19, jach practicar le higiene simple, Bix u p'o' u k'ab bix u rutinaria ka exhaustiva. Ya'ab zimbabuenses ma' táan u béeytal ts'a le sencillo paso tumen carecen u muuk' le ja'o' malixe'.

Páajtal ma' coronavirus, Lela' leti' jump'éel nuxi' vulnerabilidad ti' k toj nacional.

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the severity of these problems, and we won’t solve any of them soon. Ba'ale' je'el u béeytal u ts'aik mejen wook Káajse'ex abordar le.

Ruramiso Mashumba, Slyvia Tetteh, Sussana Phiri ku meentik u empoderar le ko'olelo'obo' agricultoras.

That’s why I’ve joined with two other women who also farm in sub-Saharan Africa: Slyvia Tetteh u Ghana Ka Sussana Phiri u Zambia. K k'ajóoltikbaj le otoño máanak tu, USA, participating in Cornell University’s Alianza tumen le Ciencia Cha'ana', Ba'ax yaan bey ba'ax ku kaxtik ka'ansik le agricultores tu yóok'ol kaabe' ti' ma'alo'ob yóok'ol le tecnologías agrícolas yéetel bix je'el u páajtal k utilizar le utia'al cultivar asab janalbe'eno'ob.

We’ve launched Women Who Farm, juntúul poolilta'ab ku ku k desafíos náats'al bey ko'olelo'obo' agricultoras. Le ko'olelo'obo', Je'ebix., Producir 70 percent of Africa’s food but own only 20 por ciento lu'um. Xan K'abéet k asab muuk' ti' le nu'ukulilo'ob, yik'áalil ti' protección cultivos, yéetel kaambalo'ob k'a'abeto'ob. Our goal is to elevate women’s voices and stories-and also to build a leadership-development program for mentorship and support. Lela' jump'éel estrategia in chowak plazo ku cuyos beneficios completos páajtal ch'aik tuláakal jump'éel kuxtal utia'al Il a wilej.

Amal ko'olelo' ku p'áatal ti' jump'éel ma'alo'ob agricultor ku p'áatal ti' jump'éel defensora ti' le alimentaria.

Coronavirus is one of many problems-and no matter which problem we’re trying to defeat, ko'olelo'obo' cultivan le nuxi' nu'ukulil le solución.

Beetik clic waye' utia'al u beeta'al jump'éel donación ti' le páawo'ob Global u Agricultores.

Ruramiso Mashumba

Ruramiso Mashumba

Ruramiso Mashumba is serving the GFN as Regional Lead: África. Ruramiso is a young female farmer from Marondera, Zimbabwe and founder of Mnandi Africa, an organization that helps rural woman combat poverty and malnutrition. She is currently studying for an MBA in sustainable food and agriculture. The trailblazing farmer holds several accolades and achievements to her name that is testimony to the outstanding work she is doing in the Zimbabwean agricultural sector. Ruramiso ts'o'ok sido reconocido bey le 2020 Ganador le makul GFN Kleckner.
