Sharing the Australian GM Cotton Story of Environmental Progress


As fires and drought devastate Australia, scores of protesters call on government to take action oncatastrophicclimate change.

Ya'ax le políticos yéetel u avaros xokaj regularmente u utilizar le ciencia utia'al u justificar u demandas bulliciosas. Anyone who disagrees with these views is immediately ridiculed and labelled aclimate-denierwith the social standing and intellect of a troglodyte.

Yet they refuse to apply the same scientific principles to biotechnology-and in South Australia, they’re already threatening to reimpose a Moratoria yóok'ol le pak'al cultivos modificados genéticamente.

This political catastrophe is counterintuitive to the credible body of scientific proof on plant biotechnology-including evidence of environmental benefits-which actually outweighs the global scientific consensus on climate change.

Xan contradice 25 ti' probada agrónomica, Económico, yéetel le avances ambientales ti' u pak'al jejeláas variedades ku modificadas genéticamente belal way yóok'ol kaabe' yéetel uláak' pak'chaje' Australia.

Le wíiniko'obo' ts'o'ok u jantik billones janal tak janalbe'eno'ob derivados ti' le biotecnología bey le ixi'imo', Soja, Alfalfa, yuumo'ob, squash, and papaya first started being produced in the United States.

How many deaths or illnesses have been linked to genetically modified crops?” asks Cameron J. English of the Genetic Literacy Project. “Not one. Not so much as a sniffle.

He continuesThat’s not a surprise to scientists, as almost every food-related expert and every major oversight or regulatory body in the world has concluded that biotech crops are as safe for human and animal consumption as food grown conventionally or organically.

Other arguments used to justify the anti-GM stance in South Australia, such as a so-called premium for growing non-GM canola, have been discredited through independent economic analysis. Yet somehow evidence and facts are all-too often ignored on this issue.

This convenient ignorance has denied South Australian farmers access to this safe technology, while watching on as producers in other states have grown GM canola successfully, such as here in Victoria for the past 12 Ja'abo'ob.

Le ba'ala' ts'o'ok u ocurrido xma' peek le asab chen indicio u ku le pronósticos Juicio tu Xul u betiko'ob súutulo'ob jaajil, that were touted by politicians and activists in scare and misinformation campaigns which delayed the crop’s uptake long after the science was confirmed.

Desafortunadamente, le comportamiento irresponsable abolla le Jets' óol te' k'íiwiko' ku, scaring off investment-not just in South Australia-into plant biotechnology research and development of new crops that actually enhance farmerslong-term ability to manage climate adaptation.

Utia'al australianos ma' agrícolas, Ts'o'ok u sido testigos le debate ku apoderó ti' le k'alt'aan GM ti' Australia Meridional ka páajtal yantalto'on u yaax yaantal preguntando u ba'ax ku trataba le alboroto, u tsool t'aanil le bastante simple.

It’s no different to a single Australian jurisdiction banning laptops and other modern communication technologies that help deliver improved improve educational outcomes, ka' jo'op' u aj-ka'ansajo'obe' yéetel le paalalo'obo' uláak' xooko'ob le Nojlu'umila' páajtal tsáabaltio'ob áantaj le nu'ukul, utia'al u ofrecer beneficios genuinos.

GM canola won’t solve every problem our farmers are experiencing right now due to this savage drought and other challenges. But it’s an invaluable tool with great potential to help build sustainability and grow crops that produce better results in a world we’re continually told, especially by those who preach science when demanding radical climate action, carries increased production volatility.

A story of environmental progress these scientific vandals won’t share with the public-like a skeleton in the closet-is the one about GM cotton that was first planted in Australia in 1996.

Before its introduction, growers spent about $50 million annually on insecticides-but in the 20-years of using GM varieties, improved pest control has led to a 92 percent reduction in insecticide use.

Ti' 2016, GM cotton accounted for 98 percent of total cotton plantings, in Australia.

This proves exactly what can happen when growers have the choice to move beyond the scare tactics of vocal minorities and experience the real and practical scientific, environmental, and economic benefits, on-farm.

Andrew Weidemann

Andrew Weidemann

Andrew Weidemann cultiva yéetel u yatan Julie, suku'un Rodney yéetel u yatan Andrea tu región Wimmera ti' Victoria, Australia tu'ux cultivan trigo, Cebada, Canola, Habas, elegantes ka guisantes jach yáax, Lentejas, oaten ka heno vetch yéetel corderos yáax calidad Suffolk sak.
