Pjesky interview – Estados unidos. agricultor: ‘We need things to get back to normal


GFN member Esperanza Pjesky from Oklahoma was interviewed on Yahoo! Finance recently.

Yahoo Finance’s Adam Shapiro and Julie Hyman join Rancher and Wheat Farmer Hope Pjesky to discuss the impact of the trade disputes on U.S. agriculture.

In order to watch you will need to visit the Yahoo! website below.

Link: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/us-farmer-china-trade-talks-205953336.html

Esperanza Pjesky

Esperanza Pjesky

Hope Pjesky yéetel u láak'tsilo'ob le agricultores /ganaderos tu xamanil Oklahoma, tu'ux crían wakax ganadero yéetel trigo Chich chak u ke'elil. Hope yaan jump'éel k'a'am k'ana'an ju'uno'ob le global koonolo' u ts'o'ok sido apoyado tumen u selección bey Beca Agricultura Eisenhower yéetel chúunk'in ti' jump'éel Beca u Agricultura McCloy.

Hope le miembro le Farm Foundation, ku k'amik becarios agrícolas internacionales ti' uláak' noj lu'umilo'obo' Oklahoma yéetel Washington, Dc. ka proporciona máasewáal poolil ti' le cha'ana' máasewáal poolil Agrícola u Oklahoma. Bey xan u ofreció bey voluntaria ichil ya'ab ja'abo'ob bix u miembro le junta directiva ti' le Global Farmer Network.
