Pixam tumen le mentoría Clayton Yeutter


Thirty-five years ago, around Thanksgiving, Â Clayton Yeutter was focused on using American trade laws to negotiate on behalf of the United States for the Uruguay Round of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. As the U.S. Trade Representative in the Reagan administration, one of his main goals was to make it easier for farmers to buy and sell their products across borders.

U pedido yaan u asesores u elaboraran jump'éel plan utia'al u le noj lu'umilo'obo' redujeran u k'ochbesajulo'ob., aranceles, ka barreras u muuk' ti' le mercados. Jsuutnajo'ob yéetel jump'éel ba'ax ka wa'aliko' utia'al xu'ulsiko' 50 porcentaje te' lajun ja'abo'ob. Ka presentaron u tuup ts'íib, Yeutter ka tu wilaj ka tu la'achaj u 50 ka reemplazó tumen 100 Tuméen ciento. As a skilled negotiator, he realized that if you want to get to fifty, K'abéet a comenzar le cien.

Clayton got buy-in from the Secretary of Agriculture, u láak' gabinete, and the United States set the table for what became one of the most important trade pacts ever negotiated in human history.

This story and many others are included in a new biography that talks about his role in global trade at this point in America’s history. The title, “Rimas yéetel Fighter: Clayton Yeutter Estadista Americano,” is a reference to what Yeutter would say when a person asked the pronunciation of his last name. He was an extraordinary public servant and statesman whose efforts in support of cross-border business and free trade are still having a positive impact on agriculture and farmers.

Yeutter grew up near the town of Eustis, NE.

Tin k'ajóoltaj u Clayton ichil u kuxtal.. K conectamos ti' jump'éel nivel básico: Leti' ka'ach jump'éel granjero Nebraska yéetel Teene' ka'ach jump'éel ch'úupalo' p'ujik Iowa.. Xan estábamos interesados ti' le kanata'al públicas, especialmente túun le agricultura. U trabajado utia'al kan presidentes, yéetel Teene' u trabajado ti' jump'éel jala'achilo'.

His career was prestigiousafter serving as U.S. Representante comercial yáanal Jo'olpóopo' Reagan, bin c. Secretario u Agricultura yáanal le Jo'olpóopo' George H.W. Bushhe was a busy man whose advise was sought out by many, Ba'ale' Mix bik'in tu yilaj bey wéet bey jach Páaybe'en jump'éel ocupado ti' teen.. Disfruté ti' jump'éel invitación jaapal utia'al in wilej ti' visitas Washington, Mulix.C., yéetel u interesó activamente ti' le páawo'ob Global ti' Agricultores tumen creía ti' le mentaj k Básica dirigida yéetel expresada tumen agricultores aboga tumen ti' kanata'al comerciales yéetel muuk' le ma'alo'obtal bey je'el ti' le ciencia ti' le agricultura..

hanged white printing paper

A lo largo de ya'ab ja'abo'ob ka reuniones u yuk'ul, sutnaj ti' jump'éel mentor bix: a person who shared his experience and advice and expected nothing in return.  While his expertise and perspective were sought out, xan bino'ob ya'ab notas ma' solicitadas yéetel correos electrónicos u múusik' ti' u proporcionaron jump'éel afirmación sutil yéetel k'a'abéet u meyaj yéetel le mensajes agricultores le páawo'ob Global ti' Agricultores táan u compartiendo ti' mundial..

Clayton Yeutter kíim ti' 2017, but the book brings him back to life. I can see that broad grin and hear his voice saying: "K'a'abet k liberalizar le koonolo' agrícola mundial, utia'al u suministros janalbe'eno'ob páajtal u fluir tu'ux ku k'a'anan. Trade barriers must be made more expensive for countries that resort to them.”

brown wooden boardLe principio bin fundamental utia'al u meyaj u kuxtal., A medida u máan u negociar Mokt'aan comerciales yéetel Canadá, Japón, le Unión Europea, ka yóok'ol kaab entero. Clayton Yeutter yutstal kuxtal le agricultores ti' u leti'ob k'iin yéetel u influencia continúa ma'alobkiinsik kuxtal le agricultores bejla'e'..

As I prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving in the United States with my family this week, I have much to be thankful for. Included in that long list are the mentors I have been privileged to have in my life. And this year, special gratitude for the remarkable legacy and friendship of Clayton Yeutter.

Mary Boote

Mary Boote

Mary Boote desempeña bey Directora Ejecutiva ti' le páawo'ob Global u Agricultores. Criado ti' jump'éel lechería le noroeste u Iowa, K'éek'eno', Ixi'im, ka p'ujik láak' soja, Yanchaj le privilegio ti' ten bey asesora agrícola ti' le jala'achilo' u Iowa Terry E. Branstad u 1997-1999.

Ti' le páawo'ob Global u Agricultores, Mary ku meyaj yéetel agricultores le yóok'ol kaaba' yo'osal j yéetel ofrecer plataformas u comunicación u involucren le perspectiva yéetel le t'aan ti' le agricultores bey tu'ux integral ti' le diálogo yóok'ol le yaan agroalimentario mundial. Le mentaj: Amplificar u t'aan le agricultores ti' le taak'in le koonolo', Ma'alo'obtal, agricultura sostenible, Tuméen económico, yéetel le seguridad alimentaria.

Nombrado bey juntúul le Worldview 100: Global Industry's top 100 Visionarios yéetel ya'ak u jo'olmakilo'ob ti' Biotecnología tumen Scientific American Worldview ti' 2015, X-María lelo'oba' ts'o'ok u ts'o'ok u oportunidad u ichil k'áax internacionalmente, tu misiones máasewáal poolil agrícola ba'ax ku centraron ti' cuestiones jach variadas bey le instrucción yóok'ol múuch'meyajil estratégica ka representación máaxo'ob ku meyajo'ob ti' le agricultores privatizados ti' le noj lu'umilo'obo' recién ma'alo'ob utia'al u kanik asab tu yo'olal le múuch'meyaj ixi'im mejen productores u yilo'ob le tuukula' negociación comercial ti' le Básica Mundial ti' le koonolo'.

Mary asistió al Northwestern College, Noj Pak'áalo', Iowa yéetel chi' le privilegio u táan u táakpajalo'ob ti' le 2009 Seminario agroindustrial u Harvard.
