Le agricultura yéetel le ku


I’ve lived through tornadoes and hailstormsbut I’ve never seen anything like the derecho that blasted across Iowa and the Midwest on August 10.

Only in the last few days has life on my farm returned to something that resembles normal. For nearly three weeks, we’ve been cleaning up, helping neighbors, and assessing the massive damage.

My family is luckier than a lot of my fellow Iowans. On our farm, near the town of Mount Vernon, the storm did a lot of damage to trees, buildings, and grain bins. It also flattened or damaged a lot of our corn. We’re still not sure how much of it we’ll recover.

But in so many places the devastation is a lot worse.

Just a mile north of us, there are not many grain bins left standing and entire fields of crops are wiped out. The physical wreckage is bad enough, but the emotional devastation may be even worse. Farmers watched a season’s worth of work vanish in a 45-minute flash of fury. For many, the recovery will take years.

Le loob financiero jach grave, ba'ale' esperemos ya'ab ka'a yanak biin bin yano'ob yantio'ob utia'al wáantik ti' leti'ob manejar le asab. We still don’t have an accurate estimate for the damage and we probably never will, Ba'ale' le funcionarios estatales yaan ti' Tu ya'alaj le 10 millones acres yéetel—one-third of Iowa’s total—tu yu'ubaj le táanil. Ku estima ti' le rendimientos ixi'im ti' le zonas asab afectadas.

Ba'ale' le witso' rusa emocional yéetel u incertidumbre le tojol le cultivos, le noj ba'ate'el comerciales yéetel le clima ts'o'ok u tu jump'éel nivel estrés in yaan teen yaan asab ti' ku yane' páajtal manejar.

silhouette photography of man illustrationBey yéetel le je'el negocio, le agricultura Chuup yéetel riesgos. K meentik tuláakal u páajtal utia'al controlar yane' ti' leti'ob. Luchamos xu'ullsa'al le xíiwo'obo', plagas yéetel k'aas k'oja'anilo'obo' yéetel yik'áalil fitosanitarios. Evitamos u erosión le lu'umo' yéetel le escorrentía kanantik ka gestionando k sikte yéetel cultivos cobertura yéetel métodos ma' límites. Páajtal je'el u páajtal k tolerar yaan períodos secos yéetel períodos húmedos wa plantamos cultivos ti' OMG yéetel ciertas ba'alo'ob, though it’s impossible to know in November (Le ken k manik neek') what we’ll wish we had in the summer (Le ken k cultivos ch'íijilo'ob).

We simply can’t do much about the weather. We’re at the mercy of the sun and the heat and the rain and the wind. Chéen k'a'abet k kuxtal beyo' ka meentik k utsil esfuerzo.

Le analte'obo' yaan k'inbesajo'ob extraños bey tornados yéetel tormentas bat. Chéen ba'ale', tienden concentrar u ruina ti' ti' relativamente mejen. Le tu tojile', Tuméen le contrario, barrido yéetel cientos millas, u Nebraska u Grandes Lagos, ti' jump'éel bejo' ka'ach docenas millas ancho. Le iik'o'obo' asab k'a'ankach volaron ti' 140 millas tumen p'isib—le equivalente ti' junp'éel chak categoría kantúul.

Óol mina'an tak k janti' mix advertencia. Le pronóstico le k'iin je'elo' ts'o'ok u pedido iik' yéetel ja', but we didn’t know about the severity of the derecho until about 45 minutos Ma'ili' ti' u golpeara. Corrí tu yotoch ka' ooks nu'ukulilo'ob ti' k p'ujik, bateó tumen le najo', preparado ti' jump'éel corte energía, ka tu yoksaj in ch'i'ibalil ichil le sótano.

Ti' ka' le tu tojile' máanak, Tin ch'a'aj jump'éel encuesta rápida in p'ujik ka binen le kaajo', Tu'ux in wu'uyik bey kex minia'an bombero. K kaxtik máako'ob ku necesitara áantaj yéetel eliminara le escombros. Kexi' ma' k'a' in wil le nivel loob generalizado.

Táan u sido in kuxtal ka' jo'op' continuamos le limpieza k p'ujik yéetel paklan le máako'ob te' tséelilo' yéetel u láak'tsilo'ob.

Paakat paachil, Wa ka'ach u prestado asab óolal in wakax yéetel terneros, Je'el ojéeltik ti' le desastre ku avecina.. They seem to have a sense of what’s on the way. Ku kaxtiko'ob ti' bajas yéetel u apiñan. U instinto supervivencia ti' leti'ob k'a'ana'an ma'alob: Le intia'al úuch tuméen le tu tojile'.

Bey tu beeto'ob in soja, Ba'ax ku bey vulnerables u le ixi'imo' ti' le violentas tormentas ba'ax ku ts'áiko'ob iik' significativo.

Ti' in ixi'im Chúuns tin wook, especially in the areas where we’ve practiced no-till agriculture. Le ma' ts'aik u paache' lu'um, we’ve made it healthier. Jaanta' le páak'alo'obo' ku ts'úumuj asab. Le tallos ku beta'al asab k'a'ankach. Kex, Mix peek utsil ixi'im je'el durar asab u le iik'o'obo' huracanados-fuerza, Ba'ale' in observación tuláakal u ixi'im ti' sikte no-till funcionó ma'alob ti' to'on.

Ti' le ixi'imo' ti' le bejo' le ba'alche' conocida bey tu tojile' u Loch u taabal wa aplana. We’ll try to recover some of the grain, but we don’t know what to expect. Ya'ab tu'ux kak, Kex, we’ve suffered a total loss and we’ll be dealing with those consequences in the coming year.

Le agricultura jach jump'éel negocio Chuup yéetel ku. Ku k k'a'ajsa'al u páajtalil u na' ku ka k incapacidad utia'al u controlar u leti' k túuxta'al. It’s a reality faced by all farmers: K sustento tu menudo najaltiko'ob taak'in en torno a ba'ax ma' je'el u páajtal k controlar. In tia'al, Lela' bey asab frustrante yéetel desafiante ti' le crianza yik'áalil seguros utia'al u tséentik, combustible ka vestir le yóok'ol kaaba'. Yéetel u estrés acumulado yéetel le incertidumbre P'iis yo'osal k familias.

A medida u dirigimos ti' le fase final ti' le k'iinil tuméen, we’re confronted by a lot of unknowns.

We’ll harvest what we can and continue to work hard. Perseveraremos, betpajal ichil le riesgos, which we’ll both manage and endure.

That’s what farmers do.

Beetik clic waye' utia'al u beeta'al jump'éel donación ti' le páawo'ob Global u Agricultores.

Tim Keegan

Tim Keegan

Animal Science degree from Iowa State, Master's degree, Swine Nutrition from Kansas State. Ti' 2009 he started farming with in-laws. 4,000 acres corn, Soja; 150-head cow/calf operation. Use precision technology, zone mapping, grid sampling, to better apply seed, fertilizer and chemicals. Have invested in solar technology.
