GFN 农民的影响


V. Ravichandran, 来自印度的全球农民网络成员, GFN 董事会成员, 和接收者 2013 GFN Kleckner Award exemplifies what it means to amplify our farmer voices. He takes every opportunity to speak up, to inform, to weigh in, and to give examples of why farmers need access to tools, 技术, 与贸易 – why innovation is important to sustainability, why we need to push against the status quo.

Recently he started counting this up. “…in the last few months, I have attended about 60 such virtual meetings while enjoying the comforts of my village and attending to my routine farm activities. 学习, knowledge sharing and sharing our experience haven’t been deterred by our geographical separation.

On September 23rd, 例如, Ravi was an invited speaker in The African Biennial Bio-Sciences Communication Symposium一种 which included regulators, 科学家们, policymakers, 农民, and other stakeholders – 关于 1,500 people in all, from Ethiopia, 肯尼亚, 马拉维, 尼日利亚, 加纳, 乌干达, 和更多.

V. Ravichandran

V. Ravichandran

在一个六十英亩的农场上, 拉维种水稻, 甘蔗, 棉花和豆类. 在夏季明智地利用水, 他使用洒水器和滴灌系统. 增加了机械化以解决劳动力短缺; 12 雇员. 克莱克纳全球农场领袖奖获得者 2013, 拉维自愿担任全球农民网络董事会成员. 点击观看简介
