最好的TATT 2010


On trade, we watched U.S.President Obama evolve from trade skeptic to trade enthusiast, at least rhetorically. 在一月, Terry Wanzek cheered Obama’s State of the Union address, with its promise to double exports in five years and push for free-trade agreements with Colombia, 韩国, and Panama: “His words on the subject were some of the most encouraging of his presidency.” (发表自由贸易议程的声音– 29 一月 2010)

Then Wanzek suggested a reasonable goal: “If the president is truly committed to expanding America’s trade opportunities, he should first try for a simple accomplishment. How about winning congressional approval for just one of the trade pacts that we’ve already negotiated?”

By the summer, Tim Burrack was impatient for progress: “Now [奥巴马] has to turn these words into action,” he wrote in July. “Does the president really need a panel of advisors to tell him that the highest priorities on the U.S. trade agenda are approving the free-trade agreements already negotiated with Colombia, 谈判自由贸易协定, 和韩国? This has been true for more than three years. Yet Congress has let these deals languish. And the Obama administration has done almost nothing to revive them.” (We Need a Grand-Slame Trade Agenda– 30 七月 2010)

Carol Keiser was willing to wait until after the mid-term elections. “It’s time to quit the drama and get the deal done,” she urged in November. She was speaking specifically about the trade agreement with South Korea. (Let’s Get It Done!– 4 十一月 2010)

在十二月, Dean Kleckner proposed combining all three trade agreements into one vote. “I’d gladly take the agreement with South Korea on its own merits. Not long ago, I feared that we’d never see it enacted. 今天, I’m optimistic about its chances. Yet the arguments for and against each trade agreement are almost identical. To the extent that differences exist, they’re just variations on a theme. A case for one agreement is really a case for all three.” (Let’s Kill Three ‘Trade-BirdsWith One Stone– 16 十二月 2010)

最终, Obama didn’t deliver any trade agreements in 2010, but the supporters of free trade have good reason to hope for big news in 2011.

On technology, there was also welcome news. “The real story about biotech crops is not just good, 但实际上比最积极的新闻稿听起来更好,” wrote Bill Horan in April. (真实的故事关于转基因作物– 23 四月 2010)

在八月, Australian farmer Jeff Bidstrup, 该 2008 克莱克纳贸易的接受者 & 技术进步奖, made a compelling observation: “Agricultural biotechnology has just passed an important milestone: Farmers around the world have now planted more than a billion hectares of genetically modified crops.He credited TATT’s “Counting Upwebsite tool for the calculation. (多语言测量里程碑– 26 八月 2010)

“Biotech crops make sense because they improve production and protect the environment,” wrote Bidstrup. “I’ve seen it on my own farm in GM cotton and many Australian farmers have seen it on theirs in GM canola. We’re looking forward to the day when GM traits come to wheat as well.

Yet biotechnology also faced new threats from lawsuits and regulations.

“Imagine a judge telling U.S. Olympian Shaun White that he has to surrender his gold medal in the halfpipe because he didn’t practice his amazing 1260 Double McTwist enough times before unleashing it in Vancouver,” wrote Reg Clause in February. “That’s roughly what has happened to farmers who plant alfalfa.” (明智法规的要求– 26 二月 2010)

Four months later, Clause followed up with a report on a significant legal victory: “In the Supreme Court’s first-ever ruling on genetically modified crops, the justices issued a resounding decision in favor of biotechnology.” (判断事实关于生物技术– 25 六月 2010)

Yet lawsuits remained potent adversaries. “The risk is that activist groups will hurl so much litigation at minor crops such as sugar beets that the scientists and entrepreneurs who create and market new agricultural products will begin to fear that the costs outweigh the benefits,” wrote John Rigolizzo Jr. in September. “Research and development will cease. Farmers and consumers will pay a steep price. We can’t let that happennot if we care about the fate of family farms, 食物的成本, and the American tradition of innovation.” (Litigating in Favor of Weeds– 30 九月 2010)

在十月, Ted Sheely warned about the dangers of over-regulation. “I support sensible regulations. It’s the insensible ones that drive me batty. The problem is that the EPA often refuses to exercise common sense. Its one-size-fits-all approach is bad for everyone. The only people it helps are the regulators who seem to think that their job is to produce a bumper crop in onerous new rules, without a care for whether rural America produces the food that our country needs.” (监管勒死– 7 十月 2010)

In a popular column on the game FarmVille, John Reifsteck turned to a basic truth: “Food doesn’t just come from the grocery store. It comes from the dedication of men and women around the world who work the land.” (农场维尔– 30 十二月 2009)

It’s something policymakers should bear in mind when they think about trade and technology, no matter what the year.


Mary Boote serves as Executive Director for Truth About Trade & Technology www.truthabouttrade.org



玛丽·布特(Mary Boote)担任全球农民网络首席执行官. 在爱荷华州西北部的一家奶牛场饲养, 猪肉, 玉米, 和大豆家庭农场, 她有幸担任爱荷华州州长Terry E的农业顾问. 来自的布兰斯塔德 1997-1999.

通过全球农民网络, 玛丽与世界各地的农民合作,开发和提供交流平台,使农民的观点和声音成为全球农业食品系统对话不可或缺的一部分. 使命: 扩大农民促进贸易的声音, 技术, 可持续农业, 经济增长, 和粮食安全.

被评为世界观之一 100: 全球行业顶级 100 《科学美国人世界观》的生物技术远见者和领导者 2015, 玛丽有机会出国旅行, 担任农业领导职务,重点是针对新独立国家的私有化农业者的战略规划和个人代表指导等问题,以了解有关小农玉米项目的更多信息,以遵守世界贸易组织的贸易谈判程序.

玛丽参加了西北大学, 奥兰治城, 爱荷华州,并有幸参加了 2009 哈佛农业商业研讨会.
