Wahrheit über den Handel & Technology’s Greatest Hits


It’s our new book, whose full title is “The Food Security Reader: The Best of Truth about Trade & Technology.

Readers of this column may know that we’ve been writing these pieces every week for over a decade. It turns out that a few of them hold up pretty well. So we’ve gathered the finest in a new anthology, which is hot off the press.

Wenn wir eine Rockband wären, this would be our album of “greatest hits.

Our ‘day jobinvolves growing the food the world needsusing less of our resources to grow more. When we aren’t planting, Ernte, or worrying about rainfall, we devote ourselves to Truth about Trade & Technology and its mission: giving farmers a voice in public debates about free trade and the importance of access to technology in agriculture.

We believe farmers should enjoy the right to sell what they grow to consumers around the world. For every three rows of corn grown in the United States, one is shipped abroad. Our livelihoodsand the American economydepend on these exports. Trade allows us to get food where it is needed.

One of our columns, by Chairman Dean Kleckner, is headlined “Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-Bahrain.” (Ja…you can hum it to the tune of “Barbara Annby the Beach Boys.) It’s about the economic and security reasons for a free-trade agreement with a Middle Eastern nation. “Bahrain may be a tiny country, but by helping us create jobs at home and spread freedom around the planet, it’s also an important part of a grand strategy,” wrote Kleckner.

Wie du siehst, we tackle the issues of the day and try to do it in a way that’s both entertaining and informative.

When we aren’t discussing the politics of trade, it’s the politics of what we eat. We believe farmers everywhere, in developed and developing countries, should have access to the most effective tools they need for growing crops and producing food. That means governments should base their regulations on science-based methodsnot fear.

Im 2009, the popular U.S. TV show “CSI: Miamiattacked corn farmers and biotechnology out of sheer scientific ignorance. Iowa farmer and TATT Board member Tim Burrack fired back in a rapid-response column: “The result was worse than bad television. It was malicious propaganda based on distortions and lies about the common practices of modern agriculture. Call it ‘un-reality TV,he wrote. “There’s only one way to say it: ‘CSI: Miamiputs the ‘BSin CBS.

“The Food Security Readercovers a lot of ground in 440 Seiten. Unsere 23 contributors discuss mad-cow disease, biofuels, and even the FarmVille fad on Facebook. The range of topics is impressive.

Some of the best columns come from our network of global farmers. Rajesh Kumar of India pleads for access to biotechnology: “Farmers have the ability to take a big step forward with biotechnologybut only if the government in New Delhi will allow us to do so. If it doesn’t let us grow biotech eggplants, it may not permit us to grow any of the biotech crops that my country needs.

Traurig, Kumar and a billion of his countrymen are still waiting for this opportunity, about a year and a half since this column appeared.

“The Food Security Readeris dedicated to the late Norman Borlaug, the father of the Green Revolution and an inspiration to everyone who farms. For his pioneering efforts to improve food production, Borlaug won the Nobel Peace Prize.

We don’t expect “The Food Security Readerto win the Nobel Prize in Literature, but we do hope that it will help Truth about Trade & Technology follow in Borlaug’s footsteps as we confront the 21st century’s great challenge of feeding the world. DR. Borlaug believed in a farmer’s ability to accomplish great things when given the right tools. It’s our hope that the farmer’s voices encapsulated in this book will support his vision and explain why trade and technology are necessary if we have any hope of achieving food security and environmental sustainability on our crowded and hungry planet.

Copies are available right now at Amazonas or on the TATT website. Be the first in your town to own one! And while you’re at it, why not consider purchasing a copy for a friend and your local library.

Mary Boote, an Iowa farm girl, serves Truth About Trade & Technology as Executive Director. www.truthabouttrade.org

Mary Boote

Mary Boote

Mary Boote ist Chief Executive Officer des Global Farmer Network. Aufgewachsen in einer Molkerei im Nordwesten von Iowa, Schweinefleisch, Mais, und Sojabohnen Familienfarm, Sie hatte das Privileg, als Landwirtschaftsberaterin des Gouverneurs von Iowa, Terry E, zu fungieren. Branstad aus 1997-1999.

Über das Global Farmer Network, Mary arbeitet mit Landwirten auf der ganzen Welt zusammen, um Kommunikationsplattformen zu entwickeln und bereitzustellen, die die Perspektive und Stimme der Landwirte als integralen Bestandteil des Dialogs über das globale Agrar- und Lebensmittelsystem einbeziehen. Die Mission: Stärkung der Stimme der Landwirte bei der Förderung des Handels, Technologie, nachhaltige Landwirtschaft, Wirtschaftswachstum, und Ernährungssicherheit.

Benannt als eine der Weltanschauungen 100: Die Spitze der globalen Industrie 100 Visionäre und Marktführer in der Biotechnologie von Scientific American Worldview in 2015, Mary hatte die Gelegenheit, international zu reisen, Dienst an Führungsmissionen in der Landwirtschaft, die sich auf so unterschiedliche Themen wie Anweisungen zur strategischen Planung und persönlichen Vertretung privatisierter Landwirte in neuen unabhängigen Ländern konzentrierten, um mehr über kleinbäuerliche Maisprojekte zu erfahren und den Handelsverhandlungsprozess bei der Welthandelsorganisation zu beobachten.

Mary besuchte das Northwestern College, Orange Stadt, Iowa und hatte das Privileg, an der 2009 Harvard AgriBusiness Seminar.

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