GFN WebinarIntroduction to No Till Farming Practices


Farmer-to-farmer peer knowledge transfer is a fundamental part of the Global Farmer Network. In this guided conversation, GFN member Edgard Ramirez, Argentina is the first to kick-start the no-till and conservation agriculture conversation.

This webinar was recorded on November 23, 2023 and is available for viewing. It is the first in the no-till series.

Be watching this website, GFN’s facebook or LinkedIn pages for information on topics, along with how to register for future events.



Edgard Ramirez

Edgard Ramirez

Familie Bauer, Agronom und Berater wachsen Sojabohnen, Mais, Weizen auf 275 ha. Er leitet ein internationales Programm zu übertragen, nicht bis Technologie nach Afrika, beginnend in Ghana und Guinea, Anbau von Mais und Sojabohnen.

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