What is the Global Farmer Roundtable?

How do you feed, clothe and fuel a growing world population that is expected to increase by 2.6 billion people by 2050? And, you must accomplish this by using resources like water, land and fertilizer more efficiently, improve environmental sustainability, adapt to a changing climate, enhance food and nutritional security, and drive economic impact that will raise the quality of life globally? It’s a daunting challenge, but not out of reach.

This growing global demand for food, feed, fiber, fuel and the inputs needed to produce them will require that farmers everywhere have access to the technologies, tools and strategies they need to maximize their productivity and profitability. Farmers engaged as full partners with all stakeholders can innovate to meet the world’s needs.

The Global Farmer Network Roundtable & Communication Training program, hosted by The Global Farmer Network (GFN), gathers farmers from around the world to discuss current issues in food, feed, fiber and fuel production. The most recent GFN Roundtable & Communication Training program was held September 10-16, 2023 in person in Washington, DC. The next program is scheduled to be held in the United Kingdom in 2024, and will include a virtual component prior to meeting in person in the UK.

Dr. Norman Borlaug, father of the Green Revolution, challenges the world’s farmers to collaborate learning from each other by sharing their collective experiences, wisdom and knowledge. He reminded all of us that the successful revolutions of the past can be templates for our actions and a resource to maintain our morale.

In that spirit, the Global Farmer Network Roundtable & Communication Training program features a facilitated dialogue among global farmers to better understand and address the challenges of filling an increasing food and nutritional security gap. Through dialogue and time spent together they discover commonalities, share their challenges, discuss tools, technologies and strategies that can be adopted to meet these challenges, and are empowered to meet the demands of feeding, clothing and fueling the world in a manner that is sustainable through shared work, message and mission. The farmers are trained with purpose – challenged to discover the power of their unique viewpoint, refine their skills to communicate their story with impact and gain a platform to expand their circle of influence in the global food challenge debate.

Those who have attended can testify to the impact this program can make in a person’s life–it can be life-changing! Check out this short video of what some of them have to say about the experience.

Members of the Global Farmer Network have been invited to provide keynote messages and speak on panels around the world, author editorials that have been published in major international media markets and invited to join major discussions regarding food and nutritional security at the World Economic Forum, the World Food Prize, the FAO and many other expert groups around the world.

Do you know a farmer who would benefit from this experience, be willing to engage in an important dialogue and add their voice to the Global Farmer Network?

To nominate a farmer or yourself for an upcoming Global Farmer Network Roundtable & Communication Training program, please follow the link below. Nominees must be actively engaged in agricultural production (for example: grains, cereals, fruits, vegetables, fiber, dairy, livestock, poultry, aquatic/fisheries). 2024 Global Farmer Network Roundtable & Communication Training program nominations are being accepted now.

Selected nominees will be personally contacted by the Global Farmer Network.

Participants must be able to converse in English, have a valid passport and obtain a travel visa if necessary. Having an active presence on social media will also be a consideration. The ability to communicate readily via email is recommended and desirable.

Click here to nominate someone you know for the 2024 Global Farmer Roundtable.


Frequently Asked Questions: Here are some general questions and answers to help give an overview of things to think about for potential participants.

Q: What is the Global Farmer Roundtable?

A: Approximately 30 farmers from various backgrounds and cultures who are invited to gather and discuss agricultural trade and technology access issues, and then continue to be part of a global network of producers.

Q: Who is invited?

A: Those invited have been both small and large scale producers from six continents. Invitees have demonstrated leadership at their local level or beyond, are influential within their own networks and farming organizations and share the desire to expand the Global Farmer Network. English language skills are necessary spoken and written.

Q: What does it cost to attend?

A: GFN provides the airline ticket, hotel reservation, and many but not all meals. Those attending are responsible for other meals and personal costs, including charges made to their hotel room. There is no funding for out of pocket or personal expenses.

Q: How long does it take?

A: The virtual component will include several on-line meetings and homework. For the face-to-face event, depending on distance, be prepared to take up to ten days to travel to and from the event site and participate in the full program, as planned—we are planning events Monday through Friday, perhaps including a Sunday evening reception.

Q: What clothes are needed?

A: Meetings are business casual.

Please note: It is important that the contact information be complete and accurate for both the nominee and nominator. International correspondence and travel can be difficult, and incomplete or inaccurate information may prevent us from making contact with nominees, or in helping with visa and travel arrangements. Because of time differences, email tends to be the easiest form of contact and is preferred. If you have questions, please write, telephone, fax, or e-mail Global Farmer Network using the contact information below:

Global Farmer Network
Attn: Mary Boote, Executive Director
309 Court Avenue, Suite 214
Des Moines, Iowa USA 50309
Phone: (001) (515)274.0800
Fax: (001) (240)201.8451
Email: [email protected]