GFN members add farmersvoice to UK policy


Two Global Farmer Network members engaged as part of the Advisory Council for the Science for Sustainable Agriculture. Andrew Osmond and Paul Temple, both farmers from the United Kingdom add their voices to the Advisory Council, which aims to promote a more evidence-based conversation around sustainable agriculture and food production, and which also stands ready to expose, comment on and challenge unscientific claims, contradictory positions or policy decisions in relation to sustainable agriculture.

In its launch prospectus, Science for Sustainable Agriculture applauds early action by the UK
Government to diverge from restrictive EU rules on precision breeding technologies, but cautions
that without a matching commitment to follow the science on key policy issues such as future farm
support, R&D funding and sustainability metrics, Britain’s food system could face a perilous food

In the above photo, Julian Sturdy MP presented a copy of the Science for Sustainable Agriculture prospectus to farming minister Victoria Prentis in Parliament.

In particular, the report warns of a policy drift towards lower-yielding farming systems, and even ‘re-wilding’ of productive farmland, and accuses the Government of ignoring the outputs of its own research programme into sustainable intensification, while allowing post-Brexit policy development to become overly reliant on campaigning and voluntary NGOs.

Science for Sustainable Agriculture is supported by a 17-strong independent advisory group of political, scientific and industry leaders from a range of sectors and backgrounds. It will provide a web-based platform for hard-hitting commentaries from members of the advisory group and others, alongside relevant news items, reports and publications. For the full report and further information click here.

Andrew Osmond

Andrew Osmond

Andrew specializes in herbage ley seed and malting barley. He farms more than 700 hectares of grass for seed and a large area of specialist spring malting barley. His farm is a mixture of owned, tenanted and contracted farming arrangements, driven by servicing market demand.

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