GFN sustainability Food company messaging 2021


What would farmers say if they had a chance to talk directly to food company executives? Quite a bit, as it turns out. Farmers sell through a value chain and often don’t get to talk with those who market their crops to consumers as end products. This video includes Global Farmer Network members from around the worldRuramiso Mashumba-Zimbabwe, Jennie Schmidt-United States, Selandia Baru, Alana Koch-Canada, Maria Giraudo Gaviglio-Argentina, and Gabriel Carballal-Uruguaysharing their farming practices, and encouraging a dialogue between those who grow food and those who market it.

These five GFN farmers were part of a video presentation shown during a Food Executive Summit titled Accelerate Ambition: New paths to success in a changing food system. The virtual meeting was offered by Corteva and Eat Well Global.

Alanna Koch

Alanna Koch

Patani, pamimpin industri, jawara tatanén lila-lila, urut eksekutif pamaréntah senior jeung diréktur perusahaan ngalaman, Alanna Koch nyaéta Pupuhu Déwan Institut Global pikeun Kaamanan Pangan (GIFS) di Universitas Saskatchewan. Anjeunna damel sareng patani sareng industri pertanian ngalangkungan perusahaan konsultan na, KoHert Agri Nyarita. Sateuacan ieu, Anjeunna janten Wakil Menteri Premier Brad Wall sareng Sekretaris Kabinet sareng janten Wakil Menteri Pertanian Saskatchewan salami salapan taun..

Alanna geus kalibet dina industri tatanén, boh sacara profésional boh sacara pribadi, pikeun sabagéan ageung karir sareng hirupna. Alanna jeung salakina, Gerry Hertz, tegalan di Edenwold, SK, sarta komitmen kana rotasi pamotongan sustainable practicing tillage minimum jeung ngamangpaatkeun téhnologi pamotongan canggih tumuwuh séréal, siki minyak sareng pepelakan pulsa.

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