Farmers make big decisions in the face of COVID-19


As US farmers hit planting season, WQAD8 reporter Eleano Tabone interviews Iowa farmers, including Global Farmer Network member Mark Heckman in this April 27, 2020 piece. Watch here; highlights are below.

WEST LIBERTY, Iowa – Spring is planting season and farmers across the region say they aren’t letting the current health pandemic stop them. America’s grain producersremain optimistic.

Crops still need to be planted and people still need to eat.

According to the USDA, 94 million acres of corn and 85 million acres of soybeans will planted across the nation this year. The fourth largest amount since 1990.

Mark Heckman

Mark Heckman

Pertanian di West Liberty, Iowa, Mark Heckman volunteers as a board member and secretary for the Global Farmer Network and is past committee member for Iowa Corn and Advisor for the US Grains Council. He and his family partnership farm raises corn and soybeans with a focus on soil health. Ladang kulawarga ogé kalebet produksi daging babi sareng sapi. Heckman Farms ngagunakeun téknologi anu ngadukung panggunaan sustainable kandang babi sareng sapi bari ngajaga standar kualitas cai sareng hubungan anu saé sareng tatanggana.. His businesses utilize chemistry and microbials to enhance natural systems produce more products for safer and more abundant food.

Mark museurkeun kana ningkatkeun produksi pangan anu lestari, eupan, sareng bbm, and off-the farm is a Strategic Development Director for EcoEngineers of Des Moines, Iowa. Mark mangrupikeun anggota baheula tina Partnership Kaséhatan Taneuh sareng parantos ngadedikasikeun seueur karirna ngabantosan produser sareng perusahaan fokus kana pasar khusus sareng bahan bakar anu tiasa diperbaharui.. Anjeunna ogé ngagaduhan kaahlian dina Manajemén Résiko Strategis, Ngayakeun Komoditas jeung Énergi, Pangwangunan kawijakan, jeung Panutup Paparan Bahan Baku.

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