видео: CRISPRcon 2019 – Panel DiscussionGrowing for Good? Gene Editing and Agriculture

Nigerian Global Farmer Network member, Patience Koku, wrote a few weeks ago in Let Africans Decide What Is Best For Africa about her participation on a panel at CRISPRcon 2019. The video of the recent panel discusson held in the Netherlands can be found at the organization’s website and seen at their YouTube page. So now you can see for yourself exactly what this remarkable woman and farmer meant she posed the question in her column, “Why was a Europeanexpertlecturing me on what African farmers need and don’t need?”


[Via] CRISPRconPublished on Jul 8, 2019
Gene editing could control crop pests, improve animal welfare, enhance nutrition, increase yields and more. What are the potential solutions and problems created or perpetuated by gene editing, including those related to social, economic and environmental outcomes? What are the right expectations for gene editing in agriculture? How can we ensure societal benefit?
-Johan van Arendonk, Hendrix Genetics
-Patience Koku, Replenish Farms
-Niels Louwaars, Plantum
-Leon Mol, Ahold Delhaize
-Tom Wakeford, ETC Group
Moderator: Hidde Boersma, Freelance Journalist
CRISPRcon – a program of the non-advocacy, non-profit Keystone Policy Center – creates a unique forum in which a broad selection of diverse voices come together to discuss the societal aspects of CRISPR and other emerging genetic technologies across applications including agriculture, health, and conservation. CRISPRcon 2019 was hosted by Wageningen University and Research on June 20-21 in the Netherlands. This marked the third annual CRISPRcon and the first outside the U.S.
For more info, посета CRISPRcon.org.
Ониаоле Стрпљење Коку

Ониаоле Стрпљење Коку

Патиенце Коку служи ГФН као регионални вођа: Африка. Фарма Патиенце налази се на схеми наводњавања Јере Азара, Кагарко Локална управа, у држави Кадуна, Нигерија. Фарма производи два усева годишње под централним наводњавањем. Узгајају углавном семенски кукуруз и зрно кукуруза за велике компаније за прераду хране у Нигерији, попут Млинице брашна из Нигерије. Она је прималац 2019 Награду Клецкнер од Глобал Фармер Нетворк и 2018 Цорнелл Аллианце за научни фармер године. Такође је члан саветодавног одбора Цорнелл Аллианце Фор Сциенце. У време када је била чланица ГФН, залагала се на главним позорницама.

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One thought on “видео: CRISPRcon 2019 – Panel DiscussionGrowing for Good? Gene Editing and Agriculture

  1. Hidde Boersma is one of the producers of a fantastic documentary, “Well Fed”, for which everyone should spare some 50 минута.

    It’s here, with a possibility to activate Dutch, енглески језик, French or Spanish subtitles:


    If the filmakers read this, and even if notCONGRATULATION! I had some nice things to say about it here:


    And CONGRATULATIONS, Patience for your efforts.