Jim Wilson grew up on his family’s farm in Angus, Сцотланд, home of the Angus cattle breed. A graduate of Aberdeen University, Jim made his way back to his family’s farm, Fern Farm, which is a typical Scottish farm growing crops in the hilly Scottish topography. Alongside farming, Jim is the owner and operator of Soil Essentials, a business focused on technology and precision agriculture.

In this podcast series, produced by the GFN, farmers from around the world amplify their voices and tell their stories.

Јим Вилсон

Јим Вилсон

Узгајање житарица, махунарке и кромпир, брдовита топографија је оно што је Џима у почетку довело до прецизног аг, са циљем побољшања продуктивности и смањења трошкова.

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