Video: CRISPRcon 2019 – Panel Discussion “Achikura Good? Gene Editing uye Agriculture”


Nigerian Global Farmer Network nhengo, Patience Koku, akanyora mavhiki mashoma apfuura vari Regai Africans Sarudza Chii Best For Africa about her participation on a panel at CRISPRcon 2019. The video of the recent panel discusson held in the Netherlands can be found at the organization’s website and seen at their YouTube page. So now you can see for yourself exactly what this remarkable woman and farmer meant she posed the question in her column, “Sei aiva European “nyanzvi” lecturing me on what African farmers need and don’t need?”


[Via] CRISPRconPublished on Jul 8, 2019
Gene fora aigona kudzora chirimwa tupukanana, kuvandudza mhuka zvakanaka, tiwedzere udyo, kuwedzera Goho uye zvakawanda. Ndezvipi zvinogona mhinduro uye matambudziko zvakasikwa kana zvakapfuudzira ne Gene fora, kusanganisira vaya nechokuita mumagariro, zveupfumi uye kwezvakatipoteredza zvaitika? Ndezvipi zvinotarisirwa zvakarurama kuti Gene Editing mune zvokurima? Tingaita sei nechokwadi societal kubatsira?
-Johan Van Arendonk, Hendrix genetics
-Patience Koku, muzadze Farms
-Niels Louwaars, kunoita
-Leon Mol, Ahold, Delhaize
-Tom Wakeford, nezvimwewo Group
Moderator: Palazzo Pitti, freelance Wenhau
CRISPRcon – a program of the non-advocacy, non-profit Keystone Policy Center – creates a unique forum in which a broad selection of diverse voices come together to discuss the societal aspects of CRISPR and other emerging genetic technologies across applications including agriculture, utano, uye kuchengetedza. CRISPRcon 2019 akanga maiva ne Wageningen University uye Research musi June 20-21 muNetherlands. Apa ndipo CRISPRcon wechitatu wegore uye wokutanga kunze U.S.
For more info, kushanya
Onyaole Patience Koku

Onyaole Patience Koku

Patience Koku is serving the GFN as Regional Lead: Africa. Patience's farm is located on the Jere Azara irrigation scheme, Kagarko Local government, in Kaduna State Nigeria. The farm produces two crops annually under center pivot irrigation. They grow mostly seed corn and corn grain for major food processing companies in Nigeria, kufanana furawa Mills pamusoro Nigeria. She is the recipient of the 2019 Kleckner Award from the Global Farmer Network and 2018 Cornell Alliance For Science Farmer of the year. She also serves on the Cornell Alliance For Science advisory board. In her time as a member of the GFN, she has advocated on major stages.

siya mhinduro

One thought on “Video: CRISPRcon 2019 – Panel Discussion “Achikura Good? Gene Editing uye Agriculture”

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