Kutsigira Sayenzi Kukunda Pandemics Asingaperi NeMosquito Control

macro pikicha ye brown brown mosquito

Pane chero munhu akambokuishuvira iwe ufare World Mosquito Zuva?

Kunyangwe neni. Asi nguva ikozvino yasvika. Gore rega rega, isu tinocherekedza World Mosquito Day muna Nyamavhuvhu 20. Yakagadzwa mukati 1897, Chinangwa ndechekusimudzira nezve kubatana pakati peumhutu uye marariya yakatanga kuwanikwa nemuongorori weBritain Sir Ronald Ross paLiverpool School yeTropical Medicine.

brown winged insect photographChirevo chezuva racho chinogona kunge chiri WMD, except that it’s already taken by “zvombo zvekuparadza vakawanda.” Asi iyi ingave iri nzira inobatsira yekufunga nezveumhutu. Aya mawere-anoyamwa ropa zvipembenene chirwere-chinopararira maWMD. Iwo maCentral eChirwere chekudzora uye ekudzivirira anovadana “the world’s deadliest animal.”

Ivo dambudziko rekare, asi sayenzi yezana ramakore 21 inogona kukwanisa kutibatsira kukunda kutyisidzira kwavo, using tools similar to the ones we’ve developed to grow the best and healthiest crops the world has ever seen.

Ndinovenga umhutu asi vanondida. I’m a umhu maginiti—chikamu chemarara 20 muzana yehuwandu hunotaurwa nevanoongorora University of Florida vanonyanya kukwezva tarisiro. Kana vachindiruma, Ini ndakazvimba ne welts.

As much as I’d like to say that we should wipe out the global population of mosquitoes, that isn’t really the goal. Vashoma chete ve 3,500 marudzi ehumhu anogara achirwisa vanhu. Vamwe vese vanotisiya isu tega uye tinopa chikafu kushiri, popo, matatya, nezvimwewo zvisikwa. They’re even pollinators that help plants reproduce.

Idzo dzinotiruma, zvisinei, inogona kuendesa chirwere chinouraya. Marariya yega inouraya mazana ezviuru zvevanhu gore rega rega, kunyanya munyika ichiri kusimukira. Other mosquito-borne diseases are a rogue’s gallery of horrible ailments: yellow fever, dengue fever, dzakasiyana-siyana encephalitis, uye zvakawanda.

There’s also the Zika virus, iyo yakapararira munzvimbo dzinopisa uye inoramba iri parutivi rweUnited States. Vatsvaguriri vakabatanidza iyo nehurema hwekuzvarwa, inosanganisira inotyisa inonzi microcephaly, izvo zvinoguma muvacheche vane abnormally diki brain. (Makore mana apfuura, Ndakanyora nezve kutyisidzirwa kwaZika apa uye apa.)

Pfungwa iripo ndeyekuti umhutu hune chekuita nekutambudzika kwevanhu.

Tese zvedu tinogona kutora matanho akareruka ekudzora umhutu padyo nepamba pedu nekubvisa nzvimbo dzekubereka. Matekiniki anosanganisira kuvhara midziyo yakavhurika uye kudurura zvimedu zvinounganidza mvura yemvura. Kuisa kure kumusoro-pasi kwecisbee mumashure mako kunogona kuita mutsauko.

Tinofanira kushandisa simba resainzi, wo.

grass fieldPamapurazi, we’ve learned how to defend our crops from pests through traditional crop-protection tools as well as the innovation of GM crop technology. Nekuda kwe budiriro iyi, we’re growing more food than ever before and feeding a planet of dzinenge 8 mabhiriyoni vanhu.

Now we’re applying this know-how to the problem of mosquito control. Muzukuru wangu muzukuru anotora chikamu mune iyo tsvagurudzo. Anodzidza nzira iyo mazai ehutu anotungira. If we’re going to eradicate some of the world’s worst infectious diseases, tinofanirwa kunzwisisa uye kupokana neumhutu panguva dzose dzehupenyu hwavo. Izvi zvinogona kusanganisira kugadzirwa kwemakemikari akachengeteka kuvanhu asi anokuvadza kumhutu.

Iyo sainzi nyowani yekugadzirisa-gene inogona kupa mhinduro dzekugadzira. One of the most intriguing involves the release of GMO male mosquitoes that mate with females but whose offspring don’t survive. Imwe yedzidziso yekutanga nzira iyi yakatungamira kukundwa kweparazzi yaive yadeya indasitiri yemombe. Iyo yekupedzisira entomologist Edward F. Lace, uyo wandaive nerukudzo rwekuziva kuburikidza nekushandira pane USDA mapaneru, yakagadzira nzira dzekusimudzira yakadzora zvikuru dambudziko re screwworms.

Munguva yekubuda kweCovid-19, we’re devoting enormous efforts to defeating an airborne disease that is responsible, pakunyora uku, for close to 800,000 kufa kwepasi rese. (Umhutu don’t transmit coronavirus yacho.) Izvi zvakakwana—uye semugari wechikuru, I’m trying to protect myself and others by living a life in near lockdown.

Asi umhutu hunomiririra rudzi rwegomarara risingaperi. Urbanization uye shanduko yemamiriro ekunze inogona kutovaita ivo akafa, kana tikatadza kutora nhanho.

The good news is that we’ll conquer the coronavirus. Mishumo yenhau inoratidza kuti vacccin ichavepo munguva pfupi iri kutevera.

.Patinofamba kupfuura dambudziko reCovid-19, let’s remember the menace of mosquitoes—uye ita chisungo chesainzi uye zvekushandisa zvinodiwa kuti tikwanise kutarisira tarisiro yenyika pasine maWMD.

Click pano kuita mupiro kuGlobal Farmer Network.

Carol Keizer

Carol Keizer

Carol has worn many hats in the food and agricultural industry over her life. But her passion has always revolved around beef cattle and mentoring the next generation of agricultural leaders, therefore playing a part in shaping policy affecting food, agriculture and business management on both the National and International levels. Carol and her family called Illinois home for the majority of her career, but her scope of leadership and involvement has been anything but local.

Carol now focuses on current issues of interest to our Global Farmer Network relative to innovation, sustainability and valued trade of red meat and other livestock products.

siya mhinduro