Here’s how you can help provide a direct-support lifeline to Ukrainians


Nhengo yeGlobal Farmer Network Kees Huizinga nemukadzi wake Emmeke Vierhout vakabatana neThe Leeuw Kyiv Foundation kuti vape nzira yekurarama kumakona ese eUkraine.—mazuva ese, marori ane zvinhu zvokuyamura anobva kuNetherlands achipinda muUkraine. Kwaasingaendi vamwe…Uchabatsira here?

Click pano kutsigira The Leeuw Kyiv Foundation iyo ikozvino yakazvipira zvizere kune rubatsiro rwevanhu. Yakatangwa mu 2006 nenharaunda yeDutch muKyiv yedzidzo yemutauro wechiDutch uye tsika, the Foundation now collects and distributes aid to those who need it in Ukraine.

If this war is ever over we will rebuild Ukraine, The Leeuw Kyiv Foundation will do its part in that too, but until then let’s keep Ukraine afloat where it can: Keep our lifeline open!”

Cornelius Kees Huizinga

Cornelius Kees Huizinga

Kornelis 'Kees' Huizinga has farmed in central Ukraine for 20 makore, kukura hanyanisi, makarotsi, gorosi, bhari, canola, shuga beet, zviyo, sunflowers uye navy beans. Vane zvakare purazi remukaka rechimanjemanje. Kees inhengo yeGlobal Farmer Network. mu 2022, Kees akagamuchira mubairo weGFN Kleckner Global Farm Leader.

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