Fiorese Highlights Pollinators Role in Agriculture


Third-generation Brazilian farmer Henrique Fiorese tells how university researchers discovered an entirely new species of native bee, Ceratina (Ceratinula) fioreseana, on his farm. Bees play an important role in agriculture, and Fiorese shares more about their vital role in honor of World Bee Day.

Fiorese is a member of the Global Farmer Network.



Henrique Fiorese

Henrique Fiorese

Henrique is a lawyer specializing in labor law. He is legal director of a Brazilian grain producers association, ABRASGRÃOS. He's the third generation of their family farm, started when his grandfather came from Italy to Brazil. He farms with his father and brother. They grow soybeans, zviyo, field beans, wheat and sorghum on 2,800 mahekita. Special care is given to 1,200 hectares of native forest.

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