Negotiating a U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement has proven to be as difficult as many analysts had expected. Agriculture has been a major pressure point because of the Korean government’s history of protecting agriculture from international competition. It is tempting to think about taking the low hanging fruit in an agreement and forgetting about the hard to reach items. That would lower the bar for all future bilateral free trade agreements and miss an opportunity to build on the successes of agreements under the WTO.

As Deputy U.S. Trade Representative Karan Bhatia said on September 26, 2006 in discussing a U.S.-Korean agreement, “The fundamental goal of free trade agreements is to achieve comprehensive liberalization, including in the agricultural sector….Studies suggest that potential gains of a KORUS FTA would be at least cut in half for both economies if agricultural trade were somehow to be excluded.” While industrial products like autos and pharmaceuticals receive much of the attention in the talks, negotiators recognize that agriculture is also a key component for both countries.

There are plenty of opportunities for U.S. negotiators to accept a partial agreement. According to USTR estimates, the average applied tariff by Korea for imports of goods and services is 11.2 percent compared to 3.7 процентов за U.S. Только 5.7 percent of the items on the Korean tariff schedule are tariff free compared to 30.9 процентов за U.S. The differences are even greater in agriculture with Korean tariffs averaging 52 percent and the U.S. тарифы 12 процентов. A less than complete agreement in agriculture may be particularly tempting given the one-way nature of U.S. agricultural trade with Korea. U.S. agricultural exports to Korea were $2.2 billion in calendar year 2005, down from exports of $2.9 млрд 2003 before the discovery of BSE in the U.S. Imports from Korea were only $210 млн 2005, down slightly from the 2004 record of $233 миллиона.

Given the size and topographical nature of Korea, Соединенные штаты. could reduce agricultural tariffs without fearing a surge of imports from Korea. With total Korean agricultural imports from all countries at over $10 млрд в год, а 50 или 75 percent cut in Korea’s average agricultural import tariffs would likely result in major increases in agricultural exports to Korea from the U.S. because Korean applied tariffs are high across a wide range of U.S. экспорт сельскохозяйственной продукции. According to the USTR website, tariffs on most fresh fruits and vegetables are 45-50 процентов, 30-54 percent on fruit juices and 30 percent on potatoes. Beef has tariffs of 8-40 процентов, свинина 18-30 percent and poultry meat 18-27 процентов. Milk products have tariffs at 36 percent for cheese, 49.5 percent for whey and 176 percent for over quota skim milk. The over quota tariff for corn is 328 процентов и 487 процент для соевых бобов.
Despite the tariff on beef, total exports of beef to Korea were valued at $749 млн 2003 before trade was suspended. USDA has had ongoing negotiations to restart beef trade. Trade is now hung up over the potential for small amounts of bone to be in beef shipments. Korea is holding to a zero tolerance standard, и нас. companies have refused to ship meat to Korea because of uncertainties of what regulators would do if small amounts of bone were found in a shipment of meat. This is a food safety issue that needs to be resolved based on the WTO agreements.

The biggest stumbling block in the agricultural negotiations is Korean resistance to inclusion of rice in an agreement. This is not a new issue. Ð’ 1994 under the WTO rules established during the Uruguay Round, Korea designated rice as a sensitive product. Rather than establishing a tariff-rate quota for rice imports, they agreed to increase import from zero to 4 percent of consumption over 10 лет. The WTO rules also provided that this “special treatment” could continue for an additional length of time if individual WTO members had the opportunity to negotiate concessions for continuing the special treatment arrangement.

В конце 2004 Соединенные штаты. and Korea reached a new agreement in which Korea will almost double rice imports from all countries over the next 10 years from 225,575 metric tons in 2005 в 408,698 metric tons in 2014 and provide guaranteed minimum access for 50,076 метрические тонны США. rice each year. That was not a large step for Korea since they had purchased more than 50,000 метрические тонны США. rice each year for 2002 через 2004. Purchases in 2005 были только 16,000 метрических тонн, but imports for the first seven months of this year were almost 63,000 метрических тонн. The tariff rate on the imports is 5 процентов. There are no provisions for imports above the quota amount. По 2014 total rice imports will likely be about 7 percent of total consumption.

The logical starting point for the new agreement would be allow the current WTO sanctioned agreement on rice to continue until its conclusion in 2014. This would allow the rice industry and the politicians another eight years to adjust to the new reality. Access could then be scaled up for another seven years so that at the end of a 15-year transition the Korean rice market would be open to U.S. rice imports based on market conditions in the two countries.

By definition, free trade agreements should result in free trade. Some transitions are easier and shorter than others depending on the economic and political situation. WTO agreements on food issues and minimum market access for sensitive products provide a framework for resolving the beef and rice issues. If the Korean government refuses to accept free trade in rice after a transition period, Соединенные штаты. should end negotiations. Соединенные штаты. government made one mistake in not including sugar in the U.S.-Australian FTA. It should not compound that mistake by making another one on the other side of the table. Соединенные штаты. should recommit to bilateral free trade agreement covering all products in all industries. Anything less is a move toward protectionism that hurts producers and consumers in both countries.

Росс Korves

Росс Korves

Росс Korves служил правду о торговле & Технологии, прежде чем она стала глобальной сетью Farmer, из 2004 – 2015 как аналитик экономической и торговой политики.

Исследование и анализ экономических проблем, важно сельхозтоваропроизводителям, Росс дала глубокое понимание относительно интерфейса анализа экономической политики и политического процесса.

г-н. Korves служил Американской федерации фермерских бюро в качестве экономиста 1980-2004. Он служил в качестве главного экономиста с апреля 2001 до конца сентября 2003 и удерживал титул старшего экономиста с сентября 2003 до конца августа 2004.

Родился и вырос на южном Иллинойсе свиноферме и получил образование в Университете Южного Иллинойса, Росс получил степень магистра в области агробизнеса экономики. Его исследование и исследования расширили на международном уровне благодаря своей работе в Германии как 1984 Макклый Сельскохозяйственный сотрудник и исследование путешествие в Японию 1982, Замбия и Кения в 1985 и Германия 1987.

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