GFN WebinarIntroduction to No Till Farming Practices


Farmer-to-farmer peer knowledge transfer is a fundamental part of the Global Farmer Network. In this guided conversation, GFN member Edgard Ramirez, Argentina is the first to kick-start the no-till and conservation agriculture conversation.

This webinar was recorded on November 23, 2023 and is available for viewing. It is the first in the no-till series.

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Edgard Ramirez

Edgard Ramirez

Rolnik rodzinny, agronom i doradca uprawiający soję, kukurydza, pszenica na 275 ha. Prowadzi międzynarodowy program transferu technologii kasowej do Afryki, począwszy od Ghany i Gwinei, uprawa kukurydzy i soi.

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