USA Farm Tour-Fixing Tile


Tim Keegan is een boer in Iowa en lid van het Global Farmer Network. Here he shows us one of the maintenance jobs on his farm that happens before planting season begins. Fixing drainage tile is important. The tile is needed to drain saturated soils so crops can grow.

Tim Keegan

Tim Keegan

Animal Science diploma van Iowa State, Master diploma, Varkens Voeding van Kansas State. In 2009 Hij begon de landbouw met schoonfamilie. 4,000 acres maïs, soja bonen; 150-head koeien / kalveren operatie. Gebruik precisietechnologie, zone mapping, bemonsteringsraster, om beter te passen zaad, kunstmest en chemicaliën. Hebben geïnvesteerd in zonne-energie.

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Een gedachte over "USA Farm Tour-Fixing Tile

  1. I love this. Thanks for the creativity. Would want to see more of these farm videos