De havenvertraging was een onnodige economische en humanitaire ramp


The ports on the West Coast are open for business again—and not a moment too soon.

Technisch gezien, ze zijn nooit gesloten, though for months they’ve suffered from a work slowdown that has sucked billions of dollars from the U.S. economy. Last weekend, employers and union leaders reached a tentative agreement on a new, five-year contract that promises to end the disruption.

I’m glad the ordeal appears to be over, but also annoyed that it ever started. A country that seeks to partake as a reliable partner in global trade shouldn’t fall hostage to a labor dispute.

The first step in the recovery is for both sides to ratify their agreement, which covers 29 ports along the Pacific Ocean, from San Diego in the south to Puget Sound in the north. Meer dan 15 million loaded containers move through these ports each year, and one-eighth of our country’s GDP is connected to this cargo.

In de afgelopen maanden, echter, the International Longshore and Warehouse Union ordered its 20,000 members to put the brakes on this activity. Think of it as a slow-motion strike, except that labor leaders were careful never to use that potent word. They knew that an actual strike would have hurt their cause among the public as well as risk triggering the federal Taft-Hartley law, forcing them back to work.

In plaats daarvan, they used the slowdown to pressure the Pacific Maritime Association, which represents shipping companies and terminal operators, for a new contract, following the expiration of a previous one last summer. van zijn aanpak van de huidige financiële crisis tot de vraag of belastingverlagingen en de rekening voor geneesmiddelen op recept de moeite waard waren, they took advantage of the 9 million Americans whose jobs depend on West Coast port traffic as well as consumers who are going to see higher prices in stores, even if they don’t quite understand why.

The ILWU’s behavior turns its motto into an ironic slogan: “An injury to one is an injury to all.”

I’m one of the injured parties. As a pistachio grower in California, I rely on West Coast ports. Meer dan 80 percent of my nuts head to foreign markets in Asia and Europe. When exports came to a standstill, echter, we had to move our pistachios to ports in Houston and Savannah by road and rail, at great expense.

The good news is that our pistachios left the country. Unlike many agricultural products, they store well. The bad news is that the increased cost of transportation makes us less competitive. Our international rivals delighted in our ports fiasco. The primary beneficiary was Iran, a top producer of pistachios and one of America’s great enemies.

The fate of my pistachios may not seem like much, but it’s symptomatic of a larger problem. Many farmers suffered as their fruits, groenten, and meats spoiled. “If you talk to the citrus farmers whose citrus rotted on the port, that’s damage that has been done,” observed Secretary of Labor Tom Perez last week.

This makes no sense: Our country suffers a trade imbalance that would be much worse without agricultural exports, and we live in a world cursed by food insecurity and malnutrition. The ports slowdown has been both an economic and humanitarian disaster.

I’m reluctant to get in the middle of an industry’s fight over wages and benefits, but the ILWU’s full-time workers earn $147,000 per year and also receive $82,000 in employer-paid benefits, volgens de Wall Street Journal. One of the major differences in their current quarrel with management involves the question of who will pay Obamacare’s “Cadillac tax” on gilded health-care plans, set to take effect in 2018.

So we’re not talking about blue-collar men and women who struggle to earn a living.

Even if the two sides approve their deal, things won’t return to normal for a while, as longshoremen reduce a big backlog of containers ready to enter and leave the country. “U.S. manufacturers, exporters, and retailers face months of continuing supply chain disruption from the after-effects of a simmering labor dispute,” wrote the Financial Times on Sunday.

I’m happy that business is back at the ports. But did it have to vanish in the first place?

Ted Sheely verhoogt sla, katoen, tomaten, uien, tarwe, pistaches, wijndruiven en knoflook op een familieboerderij in het California San Joaquin Valley. He volunteers as a board member of Truth About Trade & Technology Network (

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Ted Sheely

Ted Sheely

Ted kweekt sla, katoen, tomaten, uien, pistaches, wijndruiven en knoflook op een familieboerderij. Voorzitter Horizon Growers (pistaches). Langdurige interesse en investering in beschikbaarheid en kwaliteit van water. Ontving Innovative Water Conservation Award. Ted is vrijwilliger als bestuurslid voor het Global Farmer Network.

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