Led by GFN Member, Platform for Sustainable Ag Launches


After meeting in Argentina at the Global Farmer Network’s “Mobilizing the GFN in Support of a Resilient Agri-Food System” for a week of connecting, intentional development, and building out action plans, GFN member Shuichi Tokumoto, Ä appun, has launched the Japan Biotech Crop Network (JBCN). Tokumoto serves as JBCN’s chairman of the board.

JBCN is directly connected with professional farmers from all over the world, a platform for practical discussions on latest technologies such as biotechnology and inconsistency, land-use farming that should be, proposing truly meaningful policy suggestions with long-term perspectives, and sustainable agriculture. In addition to others, GFN members serve JBCN in advisory roles:

  • AD Alvarez, Filippini
  • Cherilyn Jolly-Nagel, Kanada
  • Gabriel Carballal, Uruguay
  • Judith de Vor, Netherlands
  • Kees Huizinga, Ukraine
  • Marcus Holtkotter, Frankfurt
  • Pilu Giruado, L-ArÄ¡entina
  • Paul Temple, United Kingdom
Tokumoto joined the GFN in February 2023, after attending the GFN’s February 6-10, 2023 roundtable and mobilization event held in Argentina. His YouTube channel, which provides facts from the agricultural field, has more than 10 million views and is still growing as a medium.
Shuichi Tokumoto

Shuichi Tokumoto

Shuichi Tokumoto jipproduċi ross, fażola u qamħ fuq 1,000 ettari. Wara li ġie introdott għal sistemi ta 'għelejjel MĠ u teknoloġija ġdida tal-kisi taż-żerriegħa, jippjana li juża prattiki sostenibbli biex ikabbar l-uċuħ immodifikati ġenetikament b'enfasi fuq agrikoltura li ma tagħmilx ħsara lill-ambjent. Huwa jservi bħala direttur rappreżentattiv, Korporazzjoni Agrikola Siġra & Kumpanija Norf.

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