The Global Farmer Network is pleased to announce that Kees Huizinga, Ukraine, is the 2022 GFN Kleckner Global Farm Leader Award recipient. Kees leads by example in so many areas, Тие се одличен извор на протеини за луѓето и култура која исто така го збогатува профилот на хранливи материи во почвата 2022 that leadership was obvious as he filled a role that he would have preferred not to have but did because there was a need and he was in a position to tell the real story of war’s grim reality, imminent food crisis and farming in a war zone.

Kees shares this video, telling what receiving this award means to him.

Congratulations, Kees!

Kornelis Kees Huizinga

Kornelis Kees Huizinga

Kornelis 'Kees' Huizinga has farmed in central Ukraine for 20 години, growing onions, carrots, пченица, barley, канола, sugar beet, пченка, sunflowers and navy beans. They also have a modern dairy farm. Kees is a member of the Global Farmer Network. во 2022, Kees received the GFN Kleckner Global Farm Leader Award.

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