Details are being finalized forMobiliséierung vum GFN fir Ënnerstëtzung vun engem Resilient Agri-Food System” der Februar 5-11 roundtable and communication training program to be held in Buenos Aires, Argentinien. The group will also travel to Rosario, visiting farms and ag businesses along the way.

At the event, emphasis and key is ‘mobilization’ – the action word that drives who we are and why Global Farmer Network (GFN) members will come to Argentina. Training is an available track but the emphasis is on the knowledge transfer of GFN members through listening, panels, and agri-business tours.

The vision and goal is to bring together and connect GFN membership to share their recent challenges and opportunities experienced, to identify commonalities, and determine a unifying, common message that recognizes agriculture’s role in attaining food security as part of the solution to the main challenges faced by humanity.
  • Showcasing the diversity of GFN membership, farmer-members are traveling from these countries to connect, share and mobilize: Argentinien, Brasilien, Kanada, Kolumbien, Tschechesch Republik, Dänemark, Däitschland, Honduras, Indien, Irland, Italien, Mexiko, Holland, Neiséiland, Nigeria, Philippinnen, Polen, Puerto Rico, Ukraine, Vereenegt Staaten, Uruguay, and more as visas are approved.
  • At the same time, a new cohort of farmers will join in stimulating roundtable discussion and take part in communication training. GFN is welcoming farmers from: Kanada, Italien, Japan, Mexiko, Nigeria, Philippinnen, Puerto Rico, UAE, United States and more as visas are approved.

Pilu Giraudo, GFN member from Argentina is leading the planning with a team of GFN members on the ground from Argentina and Uruguay, and GFN staff. In this piece, she talks about the powerful force of a face-to-face meeting in farmer-to-farmer knowledge transfer. #GFNMobilizing

Maria Beatriz Pilu Giraudo

Maria Beatriz Pilu Giraudo

D'Maria 'Pilu' Giraudo ass eng Mamm a 5. Generatioun Bauer déi mat hirer Famill en No-Till System benotzt fir Soja ze wuessen, Weess, Geescht, Feierblumm an sorghum, souwéi Béischten an der Santa Fe Provënz, Argentinien. Ausbildung als Agraringenieur, Pilu ass den Éierepresident vun Aapresid (Argentinien No-Till Bauerefänkerei Association) and a member of the Global Farmer Network Advisory Committe, serving as Finance & Development Committee co-chair. Si ass aktiv a verschiddenen nationalen an internationalen ONGen involvéiert déi sech op nohalteg Landwirtschaftsinitiativen a Plädoyer konzentréieren. A senger Plädoyer abegraff ass e wëchentleche Radioprogramm, vun ländleche Fraen gehost, déi all Samschdeg Geschichten aus hire Bauerenhaff a Liewen deelen. De Pilu huet zwee Joer laang geschafft fir d'Politik fir nohalteg Entwécklung fir de Ministère fir AgroIndustrie an Argentinien an an 2016 war als Global Bauerefänkerei Network Kleckner Award Empfänger unerkannt.

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