agricolae Views: Open Dialogue Benefits Everyone


Global Farmer Network member Timotheus Leguee @JakeLeguee from Canada recently hosted the Twitter handle at Agricolae non Fines @World_Farmers.

Jake getting a little help on the farm from his son.

Agricolae non Fines @World_Farmers is a project of GFN members. They take turns hosting for a few weeks to share what’s happening on their farm and then hand it over to another GFN member. It’s a fantastic way to see and learn about about farming in different parts of the world.

Jake shared a thread describing a conversation he and a seasonal employee had on the family farm in Saskatchewan. It struck us as something worth highlighting and sharing further, because as the title suggestsdialogue is good.

Timotheus Leguee

Timotheus Leguee

Jake et villam suam GMO canola, triticum, statum, fabam,, GMO soybeans, Linum ergo et lentem frixum cicer. Unus de primo ad rura soybeans in area germinare 2010. Porro frumentum. Non enim alimentis frugifera insula, 20+ annorum.
