Here’s how you can help provide a direct-support lifeline to Ukrainians


Global Farmer Network meðlimur Kees Huizinga og eiginkona hans Emmeke Vierhout hafa tekið höndum saman við The Leeuw Kyiv Foundation til að veita líflínu til allra horna Úkraínu—daglega, vörubílar með hjálpargögn fara frá Hollandi djúpt inn í Úkraínu. Þar sem aðrir geta ekki farið…Viltu hjálpa?

Ýttu hér til að styðja Leeuw Kyiv Foundation sem hefur nú fullan hug á mannúðaraðstoð. Upphaflega stofnað í 2006 af hollenska samfélaginu í Kyiv fyrir menntun á hollenskri tungu og menningu, the Foundation now collects and distributes aid to those who need it in Ukraine.

If this war is ever over we will rebuild Ukraine, The Leeuw Kyiv Foundation will do its part in that too, but until then let’s keep Ukraine afloat where it can: Keep our lifeline open!”

Kornelis Kees Huizinga

Kornelis Kees Huizinga

Kornelis 'Kees' Huizinga has farmed in central Ukraine for 20 ár, growing onions, carrots, hveiti, Bygg, kanóla, sugar beet, korn, sunflowers and navy beans. They also have a modern dairy farm. Kees is a member of the Global Farmer Network. í 2022, Kees received the GFN Kleckner Global Farm Leader Award.

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