Here’s how you can help provide a direct-support lifeline to Ukrainians


Global Farmer Network member Kees Huizinga and his wife Emmeke Vierhout have joined forces with The Leeuw Kyiv Foundation to provide a lifeline to all corners of Ukraineevery day, trucks with relief goods go from the Netherlands deep into Ukraine. Where others cannot goWill you help?

Klik disini to support The Leeuw Kyiv Foundation which is now fully committed to humanitarian aid. Originally founded in 2006 by the Dutch community in Kyiv for the education of Dutch language and culture, the Foundation now collects and distributes aid to those who need it in Ukraine.

If this war is ever over we will rebuild Ukraine, The Leeuw Kyiv Foundation will do its part in that too, but until then let’s keep Ukraine afloat where it can: Keep our lifeline open!”

Kornelis Kees Huizinga

Kornelis Kees Huizinga

Kornelis 'Kees' Huizinga telah bertani di Ukraina tengah untuk 20 tahun, menanam bawang, wortel, gandum, jelai, canola, bit gula, Jagung, bunga matahari dan kacang navy. Mereka juga memiliki peternakan sapi perah modern. Kees adalah anggota Jaringan Petani Global. Di 2022, Kees menerima Penghargaan Pemimpin Pertanian Global GFN Kleckner.

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