Overcoming Food Shortage and Global Warming by SRT


In this TEDx Talk, GFN member Chandrashekhar ‘ShekharBhadsvale, India describes the farming technique known as the Saguna Regenerative Technique (SRT) and how it improves soil quality. An advocate for SRT, que é a agricultura de conservación empregando a labranza cero, Shekhar explains how the technique is different from normal practices that are employed by farmers of India which leads to loss of quality of soil and erosion. He talks about the eco-friendliness of the technique and quotes examples of how farmers and farms benefit after employing SRT.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.

Chandrashekhar Bhadsavle

Chandrashekhar Bhadsavle

Agricultura dende entón 1976 - elevou a facenda a un estado no que moitos da sociedade saben dela e queren visitala. Cultivos de campo, leiteiro, agro-forestal, acuicultura e horticultura + destino turístico. Defensores da técnica do arroz Saguna (SRT), que é a agricultura de conservación empregando a labranza cero.

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