Marautaka na galala ni veisau


Au a tarai au ena gauna a tara kina na i-Bell.

A dua na gauna balavu sa oti: Au se qai yabaki vitu se walu ka a kauti au o tinaqu ki Philadelphia me'u mai sarava na vanua. Although our family farm in New Jersey is just 17 miles from downtown, it felt like a world away.

Back then, everyone touched the Liberty Bell. Nothing was roped off or imprisoned behind walls of glass. You could wander as you pleased through Independence Hall, where on Julai 4, 1776, the Continental Congress approved the final text of the Declaration of Independence.

I like to think that we owe our Independence Day to farmers. The colonists who made the daring decision to break away from their mother country were the members of an agricultural society. The Founding Fathers might as well be called the Founding Farmers.

They got a lot of things wrong, especially with respect to slavery, but they also got a lot of things right. The most inspiring words in the Declaration of Independence-all men are created equal”-arguably did more to advance human freedom than anything written or said before or since.

I still have a fake parchment copy of the Declaration of Independence, purchased on that long-ago visit and now buried in a box in our farmhouse. That’s one thing that hasn’t changed: The souvenir shops still sell replicas of the declaration on the brown, crinkly paper that’s supposed to look and feel old.

The authentic Declaration of Independence contains more than 1,300 words. Much of it documentsa long train of abuses and usurpations.It’s basically a list of complaints. This is where these early Americans get into the details of why they want their own country.

One of their grievances always catches my eye, probably because I’m a farmer: The declaration accuses King George III ofcutting off our Trade with all parts of the world.” (See also this column by my friend and fellow farmer Mark Wagoner.)

Independence Day may be a celebration of our freedom, and farmers like me always have appreciated the freedom to plant what we choose, grow as we please, and harvest as we see fit with safe and reliable technologies.

Yet we also know that we’re dependent-and we’re especially dependent on our customers. Farming is our business. We produce more than we can eat and then we sell it.

Ena dua tale na kena itukutukuni, we all needTrade with all parts of the world.It can happen at the roadside vegetable stand, and for years I moved a lot of produce this way. It can happen at farmer’s markets in nearby towns and in grocery stores in big cities. It also can happen across borders.

The Founding Farmers knew how much they depended on trade. Today’s farmers depend on it more than ever. “Global food trade has to be kept going,” said Maximo Torero Cullen, the Chief Economist of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), in a recent veivakatarogi. He pointed out that among the billions of meals that people around the world eat every day, one in five calories has crossed at least one international border. Over the last four decades, this rate has increased by 50 pasede.

Signing of the Declaration of Independence took place in this room at Independence Hall.

Something tells me that John Hancock and the other 55 signers of the Declaration of Independence would have approved of the new United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), which officially went into force on July 1 and replaced the outdated NAFTA treaty. Because of it, we’ll have an easier time exchanging goods and services with our North American neighbors.

Io sa vakakina, the global food trade faces enormous challenges, from the threat of broken trade deals with China to the ever-present specter of protectionism. The coronavirus pandemic has made everything worse, and in ways with which we’ve all become grimly familiar.

Ena Julai 4, we Americans will celebrate our freedom-but in 2020, we also feel a little less free. Here in New Jersey, we still can’t dine in at restaurants. We’re told to wear masks constantly. The European Union continues to ban most American travelers, even under the loosened rules it just introduced.

I’m confident that eventually our freedoms will come back, or at least most of them will. Things will get better.

Meanwhile, we’re still trading. Food and other products continue to move across borders. This freedom is so essential that not even Covid-19 could take it away.

Ena gauna, we’ll once again touch the Liberty Bell, at least metaphorically.

Kiliki eke me vakayacori e dua na cau ki na ilawalawa ni dauteitei ni vuravura raraba.

John Rigolizzo, Jr.

John Rigolizzo, Jr.

John Rigolizzo, Jr. e dua na ikalima ni itabatamata me dauteitei, susugi cake e liu 1,400 eka na kakana draudrau bulabula kei na sila ena ceva kei New Jersey. Sa susuga cake oqo na iteitei ni matavuvale 70 e vica na eka na sila kei John ratou vakasalataki ira na dauteitei e kea me baleta na tubu kei na volitaki kakana draudrau ni volitaki kakana. E voladia o John me dua na lewe ni matabose ni iLawalawa ni Dauteitei e Vuravura Raraba ka sa vakarautaka na veiliutaki ena Board ni Maroroi Kakana ni Kakana, na iSoqosoqo ni Dautei Vakarauta ni Siqeleti Vou kei na Matabose ni Tomata ni Jersey Vou. Vaka e dua na Peresitedi ni Bureau ni teitei e New Jersey, na nona gagadre kei na veitokoni balavu ni gauna ni veisau galala a tokoni mai na nona vakaitavi ena 11 sa veisau na tabana ni kaulotu kei na veidinadinati ena soqoni ni iSoqosoqo ni veiqaravi e vuravura raraba mai Seattle kei Geneva.

Biuta e dua na isaunitaro