2011 – Gilbert Arap Bor, Kenia


Farmers in the developing world must participate in the global economy by embracing and using new technologies


Monjes, Iowa – Gilbert arap Bor isn’t afraid to speak up. As a smallholder farmer in Kenya, he draws from personal experience, knowing what it’s like to make ends meet in a developing world. Ha visto de primera mano cómo otros agricultores de todo el mundo tienen acceso a tecnologías como la biotecnología que les permiten ser económicamente más viables y más productivos que todas las demás formas de agricultura que se practican actualmente en Kenia..

“Kenyan farmers must participate in the global economy by embracing and using new technologies, incluyendo aquellos relacionados con el desarrollo de semillas. No deben quedarse atrás en el discurso político., “said Bor. “They should be participating in producing enough food for their people’s consumption, among other crops that improve their economy.”

Gilbert’s willingness to speak out on behalf of developing world farmers whose voice often goes unheard, led to his selection as the 2011 recipient of the Kleckner Trade and Technology Advancement Award.

El premio, given by Truth About Trade and Technology (TOMADO), recognizes a global farmer who exemplifies “strong leadership, visión y determinación en el avance de los derechos de todos los agricultores para elegir la tecnología y herramientas que mejoren la calidad, quantity and availability of agricultural products around the world.”

Gilbert and his family do small-scale dairy and crop farming on 25 acres of land in Kapsaret, located in the North Rift Valley- the “Bread Basket” of Kenya. They grow maize, vegetables and fodder, producing enough to feed their family and selling the surplus in available markets to feed other Kenyans.

In addition to his farm, Gilbert works as a faculty member of the Catholic University of Eastern Africa in Eldoret, Kenia. In this role, Gilbert is working to establish a Center for Food Security and Enterprise Development on the university campus.

“I understand the urgent need to deal with food security in Africa” says Bor. “I feel I have a very central role to play, both as an educator and a farmer.”

Though he would like to, Bor has not yet been able to start growing GM or biofortified crops since the government in Kenya has not allowed the release of GM seeds to Kenyan farmers. But that will change very soon. Kenya passed the Biosafety Act of 2009.

Gilbert states that “this ushers into the country a new era of technology advancement for agricultural production. The law now paves the way for Kenya to undertake commercial production of genetically modified crops.”

Bor received the Kleckner Trade & Premio avance de la tecnología el martes, octubre 11 en Des Moines, Iowa at a Global Farmer Awards Dinner hosted by CropLife International.

El comercio de Kleckner & El premio al avance tecnológico se estableció en 2007 en honor a Dean Kleckner, the chairman of Truth About Trade & Tecnología. The award is given annually in conjunction with the TATT Global Farmer Roundtable. Previous award recipients are Rosalie Ellasus of the Philippines in 2007; Jeff Bidstrup of Australia in 2008; Jim McCarthy of Ireland in 2009 and Gabriela Cruz of Portugal in 2010.
Columns by Gilbert Bor

Wall Street Journal, Opinion Europe

Africa Can Feed the World, 15 noviembre 2011

Daily Nation – Nairobi, Kenia:

How African farmers can help feed billions, 16 noviembre 2011

Biotechnology the answer to food shortages, 11 septiembre 2011
We all need to play our role in the fight against food insecurity and malnutrition, 22 Mayo 2011
Let farmers grow genetically modified crops, abril 5, 2011
Editoriales de TATT Guest:

African Farmers Will Help Feed Billions, 17 noviembre 2011

Breaking the cycle of food shortages in Africa with fertilizer and technology, 25 agosto 2011
A Kenyan’s determination to fight malnutrition, 27 abril 2011
A Lenten appeal for biotechnology, 10 marzo 2011
A smallholder farmer’s quest: Produce more food for more people, 5 marzo 2010

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6 pensamientos sobre "2011 – Gilbert Arap Bor, Kenia

  1. […] Bor was named the recipient of the 2011 Kleckner Comercio & Premio avance de la tecnología. The announcement was made October 11 durante el 2011 Global Farmer Roundtable hosted by Truth […]

  2. […] Gilbert arap Bor from Kenya is a member of the Global Farmer Network, y el 2011 Kleckner Comercio & Ganador del Premio al Avance Tecnológico. His commentary, “Biotech Can Safeguard Africa’s Breadbasketappears in the Opinion Europe section (posted April 10, 2012). […]

  3. […] Bor is a member of TATT’s Global Farmer Network and the 2011 Kleckner Trade and Technology Advancement Award recipient. […]

  4. […] Farmer Network member and 2011 Kleckner Award recipient Gilbert Bor from Kenya will make another appearance on the stage for the Borlaug Dialogue panel […]

  5. […] Gilbert arap Bor is the 2011 Kleckner Trade and Technology Advancement Award recipient, and V. Ravichandran received the award in 2013. […]