Who loves sweet corn as much as we do?


Just about everyone knows the frustration of driving to the grocery store or your local market, locating the bins of freshly-picked sweet corn, and shucking a few husks to check for quality. Then you see it, usually near the top of the cob: A tiny worm, munching on the kernels of sweet corn that you had hoped to eat for dinner.

It’s enough to make you lose your appetite.

díkybohu, this annoyance soon may become a thing of the pastas long as we don’t let the enemies of agricultural technology have their way with our food.

Po léta, farmers like me have raised genetically modified corn. Více než 90 percent of all the corn grown in the United States is a GM product, much of it now bred to enjoy a natural resistance to pests and weeds. We depend on it to produce the food we eat every day.

The market for sweet corn, the kind of corn that we buy at grocery stores and eat at homenot the corn that feeds animals, makes sugar, or blends into biofuelsis a small sliver of the corn market. Although biotech sweet corn became widely available a number of years ago, only now has it started to gain momentum as a popular consumer item.

One early result was improved taste. When the husks come off corn, the sugar in the kernels starts to break downso shucked corn should be eaten as soon as possible, to keep its flavor. If we can keep the husks on longer, we’ll savor our corn even more.

PÅ™es 20 pÅ™ed lety, when I began growing “sweet” corn, retail customers were looking for good flavor and the corn tasted good. “Sweet” is a matter of perspective however. It was not long until I was introduced to sugar enhanced corn. The sugar content in the sweet corn went from 8 procenta do 17 percent and the corn tasted ‘better’. Dnes, super sweet corn, s 30 percent sugar content, wows customers everywhere. These genetic enhancements defined the “sweet” in sweet corn and for close to 20 léta, this is what moms have been preparing for the dinner table.

Other benefits of GM sweet corn aren’t as obvious. One of the chief advantages of biotech crops today is that they allow farmers like me to use fewer chemicals to control insects, pests and weeds. This is a benefit that consumers will experience firsthand, even if they don’t quite realize it right away. Initially, they may not even notice the complete absence of worms from corn. Over time, it may dawn on them that they haven’t spotted any of these nasty critters in a long while. We may even reach a point where consumers don’t feel a need to shuck their corn before buying it, because they’ll come to expect full and healthy kernels on the inside. Talk about a win-win.

And there is more. Farmers burn less fuel because we have to run fewer tractors through our fields. Jinými slovy, biotechnology allows us to conserve gasa savings we can pass on to consumersand also reduces our carbon footprint. So GM corn is also a more sustainable food source that will help us minimize the impact of farming on the environment. Everybody should hail this advance in agricultural technology.

As with any innovative ‘solution’, there are often detractors. They may be driven by fear of the unknown or in support of a personal ideology. In a war of popular perceptions, confusion can carry the day, allowing fear, ignorance and outspoken activists to distort the truth and run roughshod over the interests of consumers. V tomto případÄ›, people like you and me who want to eat and serve affordable, tasty, nutritious corn to our family and friends.

Forty-plus years in retailing fresh produce has taught me that great taste, good quality and reliable supply will win over even the most ardent of naysayers, one ear at a time.

John Rigolizzo, Jr. je páté generace zemědělec, zvyšování čerstvá zelenina a kukuřičné pole v jižním New Jersey. The family farm produces for retail and wholesale markets. John is a volunteer board member of Truth About Trade & Technologie (www.truthabouttrrade.org)



John Rigolizzo, Jr.

John Rigolizzo, Jr.

John Rigolizzo, Jr. je páté generace zemědělec, dříve zvedání 1,400 akrů čerstvé zeleniny a polní kukuřice v jižním New Jersey. Rodinná farma nyní roste 70 akrů polní kukuřice a John radí místním farmářům s pěstováním a prodejem maloobchodní zeleniny. John se dobrovolně stává členem správní rady Global Farmer Network a poskytuje vedení Radě pro ochranu zemědělské půdy, Asociace pěstitelů zeleniny v New Jersey a New Jersey Tomato Council. Jako bývalý New Jersey Farm Bureau prezidenta, Jeho zájem a dlouholetá podpora volného obchodu se opíralo o jeho zapojení do 11 mezinárodní obchodní mise a angažovanost v jednáních Světové obchodní organizace v Seattlu a v Ženevě.

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