vídeo: Integrated Pest Management in Wheat with Paul Temple


GFN member Paul Temple from the United Kingdom is featured in this short video from CropLife International. It’s part of a series of short informative videos he did compiled in late 2018.

Paul Temple is a third-generation beef and arable farmer in Yorkshire UK. Located on the East Coast of England, Paul’s farm faces many challenges from changing weather patterns to pests and diseases like slugs, beetles, and weeds. Find out how he Integrated Pest Management and sustainable farming practices to tackle these challenges. For more information and to view other videos you can also visit Paul’s Crop Protector page: https://croplife.org/industry-profile

Paul M.. Temple

Paul M.. Temple

Paul Temple volunteers as a Vice-Chairman for the Global Farmer Network and farms in the north of England in the United Kingdom. La granja practica l'agricultura de conservació en una granja familiar mixta de boví i conreu. Pau cultiva blat per a llavors, ordi, colza, vinificació de pèsols i mongetes. Recentment han tornat a afegir herbes a la rotació de conreu. Pel que fa a la carn, utilitzen una àmplia gamma d'herbes mediambientals amb bestiar allectant, cria de vedells que s'engreixen o es venen com a botigues. A més, la finca es troba en un esquema ambiental d'alt nivell amb accés educatiu.

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