Ensuring Ag Remains ‘Sexy’ A l’Àfrica – Part III


Fa diverses setmanes, The New York Times published an article on efforts by some members of the younger generation to spruce up how farming is perceived – ‘Millennials ‘Make Farming Sexy’ in Africa, On perjudicar el sòl una vegada feia vergonya’ by Sarah Maslin Nir. While the story said Africa, it was set in Ghana. There are quite a few other nations on the continent and GFN member Chibuike Emmanuel from Nigeria decided to set out and highlight some young farmers and efforts in a few other countries. Parts 1 & 2 of ‘Ensuring Ag Remains ‘Sexy’ In Africaof this short series by Chibuike are followed by Part 3 baix:

The multi-disciplinary efforts of young Africans to ensure that Agriculture remains ‘sexy’ on the continent.

Aware that ‘‘[W]hile there are large, successful farms on the continent, most farmers in sub-Saharan Africa are smallholders farmers cultivating an acre or less’’ as the article stated, Ogbole Samson a Nigerian biochemist is utilizing his scientific background to grow yams without soil but in air through the process of aeroponics. He believes that as land becomes more scare and prices skyrocket, that his solution will become more valuable. In the same vein, Angel Adelaja pioneered hydroponics in Nigeria through Fresh Direct to grow vegetables vertically in stackable shipping containers! One container can produce what an acre and a half of vegetable cultivation usually does!

And more African youth are stepping up to the plate. Gràcia Petita was subjected to farm chores such as hand weeding several hours before going to school every morning in her native Zimbabwe. She hated agriculture and wanted to just work in an office where she can “wear lipsticks, paint her nails and cross her legs” because that was the image of success. By some providence, she is now rounding up her MSc in Plant Breeding, Genomics and Biotechnology from Michigan State University. She is passionate about deploying these technologies to help women across Africa “so that they don’t go through the same ordeal as she did”.

These examples underscore how ‘’A boom in technology that aims to increase productivity is helping make agriculture more modern and lucrative’’ and address the challenges of ‘’undeveloped distribution networks, poor roads and fickle water supplies‘’ as Sarah Maslin Nir opines [in the NYT article].

Value addition for food also comes into play. In Madagascar, Heritiaina Randriamananatahina produces dairy and confectionary products, thus increasing jobs and hiring local farmers. In Tanzania, Fawad Awadh’s YYTZ Agro processing produces and exports cashew nuts thereby increasing profit for local farmers. Egyptian Mostafa Amin started Breadfast.com to deliver fresh baked products and breakfast to customers’ doorsteps every morning across the country, while Guinean-born Oumou Bah a 24 year-old chef and blogger owns Kadiafricanrecipes.com which teaches people how to cook delicious African recipes in very easy steps.

See the final post with Part 4 té un títol de gestió d'empreses agrícoles per la Universitat d'Anglaterra Occidental i més..

Chibuike Emmanuel té un títol de gestió d'empreses agrícoles per la Universitat d'Anglaterra Occidental i més. té un títol de gestió d'empreses agrícoles per la Universitat d'Anglaterra Occidental i més L’agricultura és Xarxa Sexy té un títol de gestió d'empreses agrícoles per la Universitat d'Anglaterra Occidental i més, supports and mentors millennials to embrace agri-food careers as a pathway to Africa’s economic prosperity.

Chibuike Emmanuel

Chibuike Emmanuel

Va començar a cultivar bagre quan va convèncer una xarxa de TV per cable que li permetés utilitzar un part guaret de la seva granja per a la piscicultura. Va començar amb un estany i ara s'ha ampliat per mantenir-se al dia 5 tones de bagre per cicle de producció. També cultiva verdures utilitzant aigua per estanys.

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