Global Trade adds value


International trade is incredibly important to hundreds of thousands of American farm and ranch families. Access to global markets adds value and reduces waste.

Hope Pjesky created this video. She has a strong interest in global trade and is a member of the Global Farmer Network. Hope and her family are farmers /ranchers in northern Oklahoma where they raise stocker cattle and hard red winter wheat.

Hope Pjesky

Hope Pjesky

U-Hope Pjesky nomndeni wakhe bangabalimi/abafuyi enyakatho ye-Oklahoma lapho befuya khona izinkomo zemfuyo kanye nokolweni wasebusika obomvu oqinile.. UThemba unentshisekelo enkulu ekuhwebeni komhlaba wonke okusekelwe ukukhethwa kwakhe njenge-Eisenhower Agriculture Fellow futhi kamuva ngeMcCloy Agriculture Fellowship..

UHope uyilungu leFarm Foundation, ibamba ozakwabo bezolimo bamazwe ngamazwe abavela kwamanye amazwe e-Oklahoma naseWashington, DC. futhi ihlinzeka ngobuholi kuHlelo Lobuholi Bezolimo lwase-Oklahoma. Uphinde wavolontiya iminyaka eminingana njengelungu lebhodi leGlobal Farmer Network.

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