
伊斯坦布爾比爾吉大學國際關係學位. 他使用衛星跟踪生產狀況,並使用傳感器站測量土壤的溫度和濕度. 他利用這些信息來提高產量. 種玉米, 土豆, 橄欖, 三葉草, 小麥, 大麥和西瓜 63 畝.

Zeinab's farm is a 100 donoms farm, growing apples, grapes and olives. She has a small food factory where apple vinegar, soup and grape products are made.

Since launching the Sakhrah Women’s Cooperative six years ago, Zeinab’s successful rural development model has attracted partnership opportunities and allowed Zeinab to expand her reach and connect with other rural female farmers to form the Female Farmers Union, the first of its kind in Jordan. Zeinab is an inspirational social pioneer who has faced a number of obstacles in support of the rights for rural women and hopes to expand her network to make a greater impact in neighboring countries

獲得MBA學位並在農業綜合企業工作後, 回到豬的家族企業, 牛肉和咖啡生產商. 推出了品牌豬肉產品. 是FarmPage的聯合創始人.

邁克爾·艾倫(Michael Allen)和兒子一起在南非普馬蘭加省的南非東北部耕種. 他們生產玉米和大豆 1000 公頃 (幾乎 2400 畝).

宿霧的一組名為Camotes Islands的小島上的農場, 菲律賓. 農場是 8 公頃,他們租 25-35 玉米生產公頃. 農場的使命與社區發展以及將耕作作為一種工具來幫助其他農民改善自己的技術以擺脫貧困的想法有關。.

領導當地農民團體 800 生產者封面 2500 公頃的農作物, 2 growing seasons per year – grow maize, 高粱和小麥.

72 hectare farm – grows mangoes, 甜羅望子, 柚木樹. 還資助其他農民生產 4,500 公頃的玉米生產和 4,000 英畝綠豆和其他豆類產量

多於 20,000 公頃用於種子繁殖, 鱷梨樹, 釀酒葡萄, 牛, 玉米, 土豆和森林. 多於 3,000 正在機械灌溉下.

希瑟·鮑多克(Heather Baldock)和她的丈夫格雷姆(Graeme)種小麥, 大麥, 油菜, 艾爾半島第三代家庭農場的豌豆和羽扇豆, 南澳大利亞.

我們家庭農場的總經理. 100 hectares of white corn production – implementing a drying and storage system

克努茲有人提出在第四代家庭農場. 大學畢業後,, 他開始了自己的農場 1987 這是一個純粹的耕地農場, 基於免耕系統. 他種小麥, 大麥, 燕麥和油菜. 從 1990-2010, 他購買和出口農業機械 12 歐洲國家, 非洲, 南亞、東南亞和中東. 現在他是免耕機械的自由銷售代理. 現在, 他還在應用科學學院研究農業對附近環境的影響.

自耕種 1976 - 將農場提升為一個社會上許多人都知道並想參觀的地方. 大田作物, 乳製品, 農林業, 水產和園藝 + 旅遊目的地. 倡導相模飯技術 (SRT), 這是零耕種的保護性農業.

Jorge farms in Argentina, mainly in the Buenos Aires province, but also a little in the Cordoba and La Pampa provinces. He’s involved in a family farming operation that has been no-till since 1994 with a crop rotation that grows 14 different crops on 4,500 公頃. Some of the farmland is owned and some is leased. He works to have the soil evergreen with good agricultural practices. The farm’s goal is to reduce the use of external inputs.

The operation produces corn for seed companies and also raises forage grasses, both of those crops under irrigation. The other crops produced on dry land include barley, 小麥, 豌豆, 油菜, 玉米和大豆. In addition to crops, the farm raises some cattle and polo horses. Jorge likes to welcome international visitors to see his farm.

He firmly believes in networking and learning from others. Jorge is a member of AAPRESID and CREA and is on the board of Sociedad Rural de Pergamino.

涉及三家農業企業,共約 5,000 公頃, 種植棉花, 小麥, 高粱和鷹嘴豆. 與一個農民組織合作,以確保及時獲得農業生物技術. 克萊克納獎得主 - 2008

Produces soybeans and corn, runs a cattle livestock operation and sells diesel, has trucking business.

與母親一起創辦玫瑰花瓣農場,為新娘行業生產冷凍乾燥的玫瑰花瓣; 也曾從事穀物, 牛肉和羊毛生產.

Responsible for agronomy and crop rotation, nutrient management plans, is very involved in the day-to-day management. He grows winter wheat, winter and spring malting barley, winter OSR, potatoes and sugar beet.

增長超過 25,000 公頃的大豆, 玉米, 巴西不同地區的桉樹和甘蔗. 活躍於農業組織

自耕種 1985 – 3,000 英畝菠蘿種植和包裝設施, 400 英畝芒果種植園,帶包裝設施, 和水果烘乾廠. 總勞動力 650. 加納最大的菠蘿生產商和出口商之一.

Guillermo is a fifth generation farmer in Tlaxcala, which is in the center of Mexico. He is an agronomist and produces maize, 黑小麥, 向日葵, and vetch and rye grass forages. He is also now in the barley business in the seed program with Heineken.
Guillermo is focused on soil conservation since Tlaxcala has the lowest organic matter percentage in the country. He promotes conservation agriculture principles of crop rotation and residue management.
On the livestock side, he has 100 Angus and braunvieh cattle on 200 公頃. The challenges Guillermo is currently facing include climate, the hard winter, the cost of fertilizers and an unsupportive government.
He is currently promoting projects with a carbon capture perspective and also innovation for small farmer systems. Guillermo leads Fundación Produce activities and projects with farmers in his state. He’s an innovator on his own farm and then shares the technologies with groups of farmers.

因生產兔子和割草機而被授予大阿克拉地區最佳農民 (甘蔗鼠) 肉.

Gheorge致力於 55,000 公頃的農場, 歐洲最大的公司之一,積極參與促進生物技術.

Bwogi Farms的首席執行官, 以來 2015. 對山羊和香蕉生產充滿熱情. 參與動員, 培訓並啟發數千人參加農業最佳管理實踐. 烏干達山羊農民合作社的創始人和執行委員會成員, 一個旨在使山羊農聚集在一起以提高產量的機構.

哈維爾在尼加拉瓜出生並長大. 在80年代的內亂時期, 全家移民到危地馬拉,然後移民到美國. 在 2015 他搬回尼加拉瓜. 他有一個家禽農場,其中包括 13 雞屋和 870 英畝甘蔗農場. 他們生產 530,000 每36天循環一次, 總計接近 7 週期/年.

管理的農民 3 農場 (幾乎 2,000 畝), 包括他的家庭農場. 產生玉米, 棉, 番茄, 土豆, 甜菜, 向日葵, 小麥和鷹嘴豆. 使用創新的灌溉技術.

第三代農民和牧場主, 獸醫. 操作 500 頭牛/犢牛業務和 25,000 頭飼養場; 種草和糧食.

何塞·路易斯(Jose Luis)是一位土木工程師,在過去的兩年中回到了自己的家禽農場. 這個農場有 13 棚屋可以容納更多 500,000 一次飛鳥. 計劃用更環保的技術建造新設施, 使用太陽能和水循環利用方法使公司盡可能保持綠色.

UNIPRO總幹事, 一個組織 2,000 農民. 這裡的農民很進步,主要種黃玉米. 他們知道轉基因玉米的好處, 對乾旱耐受性最感興趣,因為它是乾旱地區.

查爾斯成長 50 英畝玉米和 12 英畝咖啡,並致力於增加產量/英畝. 他還是輸入經銷商和穀物加工廠. 他從農民那裡購買玉米並進行碾磨以增加價值。. 查爾斯(Charles)是技術冠軍,在該地區舉世聞名.

Mateusz is a regenerative farmer from Poland on a mission of putting farmers at the center of climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts in a profitable way. As part of his family farm’s transition to farming with the cycles of nature rather than against them, 該 700 hectare farm has been in permanent grassland since 2008. It produces highest-quality hay for export and domestic market.
Mateusz together with his brother Paweł set up the European Carbon Farmers, a business promoting carbon farming, developing climate finance vehicles and working on transforming agricultural policy – in particular the CAP (共同農業政策) of the European Union from action- to result-based payments centered on soil carbon maintenance and enhancement.
Mateusz is actively involved in the work of UNFCCC’s COP26 – Climate Champions, where he is the Regenerative Agriculture Fellow. He also manages the Regenerative Agriculture Program in Poland through EIT Food.

合作農場 - 7,918 公頃的冬小麥, 油菜, 大麥麥芽, bt青貯玉米, 向日葵, 芥末, sugar beets – 650 奶牛場, 750 小母牛, 600 多頭有能力 1200 – 120 僱員.

Brad Clark is farming with his two brothers in the Driftless region of Southwest Wisconsin amongst the river bluffs and valleys of the Mississippi and Wisconsin Rivers. The brothers farm 5,000 row crop acres growing corn, 大豆, 小顆粒 (大麥, 黑麥, 小麥), and alfalfa. They are currently milking 1,000 dairy animals and raising the young stock on-site.

蒂姆·庫瑟(Tim Couser)和他的父母在愛荷華州中部的一個家庭農場種植玉米, 大豆, 有, 種子玉米和種子大豆以及牛的精加工.

自己的 7,000 內陸邊緣西澳大利亞州的一英畝耕地. 今年他又租了 7,000 英畝 6 年份. 他種小麥, 油菜. 農民獲得創新技術的長期支持者和研究員. 專業農藝師.

加布里埃拉克魯茲, an agronomist engineer, is managing the farm in Elvas, Portugal that has been in her family for more than 110 years with her sister. Using conservation practices and efficient water use they are growing wheat, 大麥, green peas, 三葉草, maize and biodiversed pastures for raising beef cattle and Iberian pigs in Portugal. Gabriela was recognized as the 2010 GFN Kleckner Global Farm Leader award recipient.

在英國接受教育和工作後回到家庭農場. 綜合技術, 機械和高產系統管理,用於大型奶牛場種植玉米和青貯飼料.

唐頓農場, 是生態農業和社區支持農業的結合, 生產和農場管理角色促進社區支持的農業和有機種植.

Papaya, dragon fruit, malunggay, 甜羅望子, guava, jack fruit, pomegranate, mango sweet and giant, 白飯, 玉米, ladyfinger, 香蕉, citrus, and bamboos are grown. Produces vegetables: hot pepper, 番茄, 玉米, string beans, okra, 茄子, and others. Specializing in a hot pepper, the siling tingala. Click to watch bio

昏暗的水稻, 大豆, 養豬時小麥和玉米, 巴西南部的肉牛和奶牛. 在 1995 he sold his farm and bought new land in Maranhão State. 作為該地區的先鋒農民, 他利用技術和保護來實現高產. 他耕種 2,000 公頃,涉及他的女兒.

Yara擁有農學學士學位和作物生產與生理學碩士學位, 以及人力資源管理碩士. 她在巴西擔任農藝師,然後去美國學習. 她工作了 9 夏威夷從事作物遺傳學研究已有十年. 過去 4 多年她回到巴西務農.

農學家, 3,200 公頃的農場 2,600 hectares under pivot irrigation – biotech corn and soybeans, 大蒜, 蘿蔔, 1100 奶牛. 650 僱員, 350 固定和 300 季節性收穫大蒜.

Raised in the city but married to a farmer, Judith de Vor is now a proud dairy farmer who is working with her animals every day. Together with her husband Rick and 3 kids, as a fifth generation they continue their love for the animals and the land while raising cows. They are working in a sustainable and regenerative way – as much as possible. Their environment, the society, nature and landscape management are important parts of the way they farm. Judith is running several projects for increasing biodiversity and endangered bird species are protected at the farm. Thousands of people are being welcomed each year on the farm. From open farm days to school classes, agricultural organizations and policy makers; they all come to the farm to learn and understand farming and food production. Judith believes dialogue is very important when it comes to making true connections.

Judith is an advocate for agriculture and part of TeamAgroNL and a Nuffield farming scholar. She promotes Dutch food and farmers and speaks at several events all over the world. With a background in political science, agricultural policies has her interest. She is also an agricultural social innovator. Judith is stimulating and supporting other farmers with new ideas, leadership and personal development with special attention to mental health. She is currently working on creating a new mentoring program.

管理農場財務, 灌溉, seed production – 2 農場總數 1600 hectares – 900 玉米公頃, 700 hectares rotates into durum wheat – pivots and sprinklers for irrigation – 5 僱員 + 家庭成員

種植雜種和有機作物; 展示新技術和種子並將技術轉讓給農民. 她的農場是青年和農民的體驗式學習農場. 她與果農合作,幫助他們獲得諮詢服務, 技術, 並將他們與使用最佳實踐的其他農民聯繫起來.

Richard Franke Dijkstra和他的家人在巴西南部種植大豆, 食用豆, 玉米, 小麥, 大麥, 雷草和黑燕麥; 50% 他們種植的大豆和玉米中有轉基因和 100% 的操作是免耕的. 理查德和他的姐夫還經營一家 480 奶牛場 4000 每年生豬.

Andre grows 3,000 hectares of no-till GM soybeans and GM-hybrid corn along the border of Brazil and Paraguay. He also raises cattle in the same area during the winter season, reducing the meat carbon footprint.
He has improved the first Low Carbon Agriculture Project on his farm, working with a public bank fund and a multi-national input company provider’s support to implement and share his best practices with other producers. Best management practices and environmental responsibility are his guidance when making production decisions.
Andre is an ag leader in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul. He is president of the State Soybean Growers Association. 除了耕種, he also consults with other producers on precision agriculture and integrated production systems.
Andre recently took part in advocacy efforts to amplify internet connectivity in rural areas.

16 hectare farm – grows cotton, 玉米, sorghum and cow pea – leader of local cotton producers cooperative.

Lili graduated from Sichuan Agricultural University with a Master’s degree in microbiology. 她為政府工作, 和在 2011 她決定開辦自己的農場. 她耕種的土地超過 800 acres of leased land – fruits, 蔬菜, 和蔬菜種子.

Agronomist – farms 3650 公頃, 1000 其中有滴灌橄欖. 自己生產和銷售石油的合作社的共同所有人. 從 100 公頃葡萄園.

農場 190,000 acres – 108,000 玉米畝, 大豆, 小麥和向日葵. 大豆是 100% GM, 照原樣 80% 玉米. 我們飼養自己的犢牛,並為飼養場購買犢牛. 牛奶 1,900 奶牛.

蒂姆是第五代農民, educator, and agvocate. His family operates Deer Run Farm – a 30 acre
“truck” farm on Long Island, New York – where they grow leafy greens, 和靠近紐約市的草藥, and herbs. Though conventional, the farm fashions itself biointensive, using Integrated Pest Management, naturally-derived biorationals, and organic amendments. Fractional monoculture is also a focus: small-scale, intensive cropping punctuated by rotations and cover crops. 結果是, Deer Run Farm was hailed as a “national model” by the New York State Agricultural Environmental Management program for its stewardship. As one of a handful of farms outside of New York City, it faces unique challenges, especially those associated with urban-edge agriculture.
在 2005, he enrolled in the University of Florida’s Plant Medicine Program – an interdisciplinary “plant doctor” degree that parallels an M.D. or D.V.M. In the offseason, he’s an Associate Professor of Crop Science at Ferrum College, VA.

13,000 acre grain and oilseed farm – GM canola, 玉米和大豆, 還多年生黑麥草, 冬小麥, 燕麥, 飼料小麥油菜籽, 麻, sunflowers – Variable rate fertility, RTK / GPS和所有操作的映射. 6 全職, 22 兼職員工

七公頃玉米農場, 棉, 花生, 圓螺母, 紅薯和高粱. 四個家庭成員在農場工作, 取決於 5 越來越多的人在農場上進行手工除草和棉花採摘時間.

企業可以導入並充實 114,000 每年牛. 他們還產生堆肥,並有 160 邊緣土地的土地,對多種不同類型的農作物進行堆肥處理試驗.

朱塞佩·埃里亞斯農場 600 公頃, 種植玉米和小麥; 已 200 奶牛, 使用保護性耕作. 他是保護性耕作組織的負責人.

Rosalie Ellasus是第一代農民, 聖哈辛托州種植玉米和大米, 菲律賓. 羅莎莉(Rosalie)允許她的農場用作小農戶參觀和向他們學習的示範試點. 她目前擔任菲律賓玉米聯合會主席,還是貿易真相的成員 & 技術全球農民網絡.

當他說服有線電視網絡允許他使用塔樓農場的休耕地進行魚類養殖時,他開始養殖cat魚. 從一個池塘開始,到現在已經擴大到可以容納 5 每個生產週期噸魚. 還用池塘水灌溉種植蔬菜.

長大了家庭童話農場. 大學畢業後,, 在另一個農場工作並合作. 在1990年代經營自己的水果和蔬菜業務. 參與眾多農業組織.

Henrique是一名專門從事勞動法的律師. 他是巴西穀物生產商協會的法律總監, ABRASGRÃOS. 他是他們家庭農場的第三代, 當他的祖父從意大利來到巴西時開始. 他與父親和兄弟一起耕種. 他們種大豆, 玉米, 野豆, 小麥和高粱 2,800 公頃. 特別注意 1,200 原始森林公頃.

生物技術專業學生, 建立了一個傳播農業技術項目的組織. 他的家人致力於墨西哥北部的農業. 他在自己的農場種了轉基因和傳統玉米,以證明兩者之間的區別.

農學家. 管理周圍的農場 400 哈,還有豬. He has been planting Bt corn for several years – and prefers it to conventional. 看到他在農場中體驗到的技術價值.

理查德·福迪斯(Richard Fordyce)是種植玉米的第四代農民, 密蘇里州北部中部一個家庭農場的大豆和肉牛. 他擔任密蘇里州農業局局長.

Jake Freestone是Overbury Farms的農場經理, 位於西米德蘭茲郡, 英國, 他們在那裡種麵包的小麥, 菜籽油, 大麥麥芽, 豌豆, 亞麻籽和大豆以及 1,200 母羊.

Jack farms in southern Manitoba, 加拿大, 14 miles from the US border. He’s a fourth generation farmer who grows canola, corn and soybeans along with dry beans, including pinto beans, 海軍豆, black beans and kidney beans. 農場是 4,700 acres in the Red River Valley. The farm is not in expansion mode, but trying to gain more productivity through technology and biotechnology, doing more with less.
Jack is the former chair of Pulse Canada which represents the pulse crop industry. He also chaired the Canadian Canola Growers Association. He’s presently a director on the Manitoba Canola Growers Association and on the Canadian Canola Growers Association. He has participated in many international agriculture trade missions to five continents.
Jack and his family received the Red River Valley Exhibition Farm Family of the Year Award in 2017.
Jack is married to Dianne and they have three grown children and five grandchildren.

Manages demo farm showing combination of modern agriculture with enhancement of biodiversity and natural conservation. Works with dairy.

甘蔗農夫. 他有 40 山區的公頃土地和市區內22公頃的農場, 哪裡 5 這些公頃中的一部分已經轉化為果實, 家禽和豬的生產. 瑞安(Ryan)最近當選為菲律賓議員聯盟(Philippines Councilrs League)主席 (聚氯乙烯) - 內格羅斯西方章節. 他曾擔任錫萊市議員.

10,000 acre farm – grows corn, 苜蓿和龍舌蘭

該地區的主要農作物: 番茄, 玉米, 豆子

農場 2100 英畝農作物 (玉米, 棉, 白飯, soybeans – mostly flood irrigated) 與兒子合夥. 有 3 全職員工和額外的季節性員工. 大多數農作物都經過基因改良.

轉變家族企業種植咖啡, 澳洲堅果, 牛油果, 木材, 奶牛和綿羊生產. 受僱至 1,000 高峰時期的工人.

與她的父親和兩個哥哥一起農場. 生產日本綠茶 10 傳統方法的公頃, 卡瑪里查. 也種米 5 公頃,約 20 牛肉育種牛. 牛以草料和自製青貯飼料為食.

Harold Grall is a farmer in Dumas, Texas managing irrigated and dryland acres producing corn, grain sorghum and wheat with very limited tillage to preserve residue along with water conservation measures to protect the Ogallala Aquifer. He applies very limited tillage and maintains as much crop residue as possible to reduce wind erosion, keeping soil surface shaded and cooler, with less evaporation. The Increased water holding capacity of his soil allows him to fully store water from big rainfall events and winter snows.

農場 130 Bt玉米公頃, 農場位於以小農場為主的地區. 通過建立生產區,我可以種植 100% 該地區的 (130有 2009) 用轉基因玉米.

農學家, 指導農業生產 40,000 公頃的小麥, 油菜, 大豆, 一家公司的玉米和高粱產量佔ADP六個牛飼養場總穀物的一半. 他種植轉基因作物.

種大豆, 玉米, 小麥, 大麥, 燕麥, 雙低油菜籽和高粱. 所有玉米和大豆生產都是轉基因生物. 灌溉 10% 生產的. 禁止農場. 天然牧場的牲畜生產. 參與全球糧食貿易.

獸醫; 農業用水問題顧問, 積極促進小農戶的技術援助和技術轉讓.

Gerrid Gust和他的家人養了油菜籽, 扁豆, 亞麻和穀類穀物,包括加拿大大草原上的硬質小麥和軟白小麥.

阿爾弗雷多·古鐵雷斯(Alfredo Gutierrez)是墨西哥中部的農學家和第五代奶農, 他負責動物健康和營養的地方, 設備, 技術, 和包括玉米輪作的農作物生產, 黑小麥, 大麥, 豌豆 & 黑麥草.

Gina Gutierrez is serving as Community Outreach Agvocate for the Global Farmer Network. She is a 5th generation dairy farmer from the central region of Mexico. 在 2015, Gina started a Facebook page advocating for the dairy industry. La Vida Lactea現在擁有近 60,000 追隨者. She completed a Master's Degree in Corporate Law. She writes regularly for Ganadero and Holstein de Mexico magazine. 在 2018, 吉娜(Gina)獲得了全球農民網絡的克萊克納獎(Kleckner Award).

Deceased (1935-2021) 哈弗斯出生於桑托斯, São Paulo, 在 1935, 並主持了巴西鄉村協會 (SERB) 在之間 1996 å’Œ 2002.

Hafers在50至70年代的家族企業中擔任棉花經紀人和出口商. 來自外貿, 他的活動擴展到農業, planting coffee in Northern Paraná, 首先在租賃土地上, 和從 1962 繼續擁有自己的土地.

仍然在1970年代, 它開始從事林業並將其業務擴展到工業領域, 比薩Papel de Imprensa S的創立 / 一種. 他曾是Paranaense咖啡種植者協會主席 (亞太區) 咖啡博物館和移民博物館管理機構的創始人.

農場 2,000 acres – grows soybeans, 大麥, 小麥, 燕麥, 油菜, 特種豆, 草種子. 最早種植轉基因作物 1998 – appreciated better weed control, 作物輪作, 更高的產量和利潤

以來 1993 已經管理 10,000 種植根菜的灌溉土地英畝 (土豆, 洋蔥, 胡蘿蔔和防風草) 和穀類作物 (黑麥, 大麥和小麥). 農場僱用 100 人.

Bishnu Poudyal種植水稻, 玉米, 小麥和穀物,並在卡夫爾附近經營一家小型奶牛場, 尼泊爾. 他接待了受企業家精神啟發的農場訪客,並且是全球農民網絡的成員.

與丈夫肯尼斯·布雷(Kenneth Bray)的農場, 是他家第八代耕種這片土地的人. 他們將純種荷斯坦牛擠在 96 在愛爾蘭中心的英畝. 他們主要採用基於牧場的系統. 謝麗爾(Cheryl)仍然活躍在她家人的加拿大牛肉農場和該行業.

Kristjan farms 28,000 acres in the southeast corner of Saskatchewan, 加拿大, growing malt barley, hard red spring wheat, 油菜, fall rye, yellow peas and oats. He returned from university in 2008, determined to grow the family farm from the 2,000 acres that it was as he was growing up.
Kristjan used his interests in finance (he's a CPA) and people to make the business decisions and assemble the team needed to grow. The farm forward contracts its crops and adjusts the crop rotation to some degree according to the sales contracts that can be accessed.
The farm uses no-till on most of its acres, with minimum tillage on the rest. Technologies include variable rate fertilization and a 6-9 year nutrient management plan that includes numerous ways to apply fertilizer. This offers some risk management in years like this one when fertilizer prices are high.
Kristjan is working in collaboration with his brother who raises livestock, to produce silage for the cattle, then grow a cover crop that's available for grazing, in turn adding manure fertilizer to the land. From an environmental viewpoint, he thinks it's important to get farmers and livestock producers working together.

農業食品公司總裁兼所有者, 流程, packs and exports vegetables – 100 員工和 500 季節性工人. 農場 3,000 公頃. 五家公司用於根莖作物的包裝廠, 新鮮蔬菜和柑橘

導演 2 farms – one with 350,000 畜牧業公頃, 另一個, 20,000 公頃的轉基因大豆, 雜交玉米, 小麥, 雙低油菜籽和桉樹. 最近開始 200 hectare family farm – 50% 耕地, 直到, 和 50% 森林.

大衛·希爾(David Hill)是第三代混合耕種和牧民, 種植小麥, 大麥, 油菜, 諾福克的草種子和其他農作物, 英國. 他參加了轉基因甜菜的試驗,並給他留下了深刻的印象,他決定在政府的許可下開始在自己的農場種另一種轉基因作物.

Agricultural Engineer – Farms 794 hectares – also rents 12,000 公頃的小麥, 燕麥,
黑麥, 大麥, 玉米, 豌豆, 黃豆, 粱, 和向日葵. 租金: 28,000 公頃的牛肉生產

大衛·休斯和他的伙伴種玉米, 大豆, 布宜諾斯艾利斯省的小麥和大麥,並在斯拉里奧哈省建立一個牧場, 阿根廷.

Kornelis 'Kees' Huizinga has farmed in central Ukraine for 20 年份, 種植洋蔥, 蘿蔔, 小麥, 大麥, 油菜, 甜菜, 玉米, 向日葵和海軍豆. 他們還有一個現代化的奶牛場. Kees is a member of the Global Farmer Network. 在 2022, Kees received the GFN Kleckner Global Farm Leader Award.

農場 14,000 公頃,有父親和父親, 種大豆, 玉米, 小麥, 大麥和燕麥; 我們正在種植 90% 轉基因玉米, 大豆也是 100% 通用技術. 32 僱員

Developing and running his farm in a holistic manner, has a breeding herd for Angus, rearing sheep, chickens and pigs using rotational grazing and bale grazing. Selling directly to consumers through the farm shop and farmer markets.

Deceased (1943-2015) 下布魯爾蘇族部落在他的領導下通過爆米花擴大了農業發展, 商業水牛和牛群,並以Lakota Foods的名義銷售產品.

第六代農民, 與她的丈夫和 2 sons – grow corn and soybeans on 2,700 畝. 所有播種的種子均經過基因改良,具有改善植物健康的特性. 耕作方式包括: 免耕, 最少耕種至.

Started a farming business buying and selling crops; Teaches farmers on money, 氣候變化, conservation agriculture; Leader in Makandi Muungano Womens Group and is Chairlady of Ag in Mbeu Ward.

85 acre dairy farm – 37 荷斯坦, 12 羊, 120 豬. 增長 40 英畝的青貯玉米. 為自己和當地市場種植有機蔬菜. 七名員工

金農場 25 acres Papaya farm and wholesaling business – farm uses PRSV resistant transgenic cultivars. 他有一個以他的名字命名的木瓜品種.

熱情倡導農業和技術使用, 木瓜農民的女兒.

七公頃玉米農場, 棉, 花生, 圓螺母, 紅薯和高粱. 四個家庭成員在農場工作, 取決於 5 越來越多的人在農場上進行手工除草和棉花採摘時間.

已耕種 30 年份, 直言不諱的生物技術倡導者, 生長Bt棉花, 雜種蔬菜, 小麥, 芥末, 鷹嘴豆. 養牛, 山羊和後院家禽.

農場 48 公頃小麥, 白飯, 蔬菜, 脈衝, 香料, 芥末, 和茴香的團隊 15 工人. 通過井眼灌溉, 運河水和地下管線.

南希·卡瓦贊堅(Nancy Kavazanjian)是威斯康星州的一位農民,他幫助管理2000英畝的日常業務事務 (800 公頃) 家庭排農作物農場和鄉村升降機,重點在於以可持續的方式保護土壤和管理資源. Kavazanjian在紐約郊區長大. 今天她在比弗水壩裡耕種, 威斯康星州與丈夫查爾斯·哈默(Charles Hammer). 他們在一起育有兩個成年子女和四個孫子,並參與當地的分水嶺和土地利用規劃活動.

愛荷華州動物科學學位, 碩士, 堪薩斯州的豬營養. 在 2009 他開始以公婆耕種. 4,000 英畝玉米, 大豆; 150-頭牛/小腿手術. 使用精密技術, 區域映射, 網格採樣, 更好地應用種子, 肥料和化學品. 已投資太陽能技術.

第五代農民: 種土豆, 小麥, 大米和玉米 500 畝. 兒子做隧道農業, 種植淡季蔬菜和水果. 農場有40名員工. 用管井灌溉. 九十牛場.

Cultivating Kiwi, fish farming, buffalo farming, chilly and vegetable farming, peanut, avocado, other fruits. Regular milk is sold. Indigenous species (such as fapar, 白飯, 小麥) also produced.

Felix Kili is a second generation cereals farmer and a graduate in agricultural engineering. He grows 600 hectares of maize, barley and wheat and canola using minimum till technology with an eye toward no-till farming. The farm uses a crop rotation and plants sun hemp, sunflower and canola as cover crops. All farm operations are mechanized and include GPS.
The farm has its own silos and maize mill. It’s widely known in the country, standing out for its mechanization and technology advances. These advancements influence many other farmers. The farm offers quarterly field days with local farm input suppliers to educate farmers around them on sustainable farming practices.
As rainfall has become less reliable, the farm implemented minimum tillage to preserve soil moisture. Soil improvements have increased returns for the farm. Yields used to average 7.8 tons of maize/hectare and now it’s more in the range of 9.2 tons/hectare. This happened while the farm has reduced costs for fertilizer, 機械, 勞工, 和燃料.

Rodney Kili是第二代農民, 玉米生長, 大麥麥芽, 小麥, 最低的耕作和GPS在Uasin Gishu縣的向日葵和油菜, 肯尼亞. 他們使用最少的耕作和GPS. 他們有 25 奶牛,正在努力擴大業務.

也種植青貯飼料的奶農, 燕麥. 引入乳製品技術, 現代飼料, 並建立一所學校,對農民進行奶業培訓.

擁有 400 紅河谷的英畝農場. 農場是黑土,種有多種農作物, 轉基因和傳統. 我們種了穀物, 油菜, 向日葵和豆類作物. 它絕對是平坦的並且在角落里工作.

A farmer, industry leader, long-time agriculture champion, former senior government executive and experienced corporate director, Alanna Koch is the Board Chair of the Global Institute for Food Security (GIFS) at the University of Saskatchewan. She works with farmers and the agriculture industry through her consulting company, KoHert Agri Inc. Prior to this, she served as Deputy Minister to Premier Brad Wall and Cabinet Secretary and was the Saskatchewan Deputy Minister of Agriculture for nine years.

Alanna has been involved in the agriculture industry, both professionally and personally, for most of her career and life. Alanna and her husband, Gerry Hertz, farm at Edenwold, SK, and are committed to sustainable crop rotation practising minimum tillage and utilizing advanced crop technology growing grains, oilseeds and pulse crops.

Patience Koku is serving the GFN as Regional Lead: 非洲. Patience的農場位於Jere Azara灌溉計劃中, 加賀子地方政府, 在尼日利亞卡杜納州. The farm produces two crops annually under center pivot irrigation. They grow mostly seed corn and corn grain for major food processing companies in Nigeria, 像尼日利亞的麵粉廠. 她是 2019 全球農民網絡和 2018 年度康奈爾科學農民聯盟. 她還是康奈爾科學聯盟諮詢委員會委員. In her time as a member of the GFN, she has advocated on major stages.

農業經濟學博士; 50 英畝的奶牛場,有一些ste牛皮, 100 英畝雜交玉米產量, 7 employees – do contract work for a sugar company.

Sudhindra Kulkarni種植轉基因棉花, 卡納塔克邦馬利鄉村附近的豆類和穀物, 印度.

拉傑什·庫馬爾(Rajesh Kumar)農場 120 印度兩個地區的英畝, 用灌溉種植茄子, 甜玉米, 玉米筍, 西紅柿和其他蔬菜. 他通過多個地點的售貨亭直接向消費者出售新鮮農產品,並經營一個食品加工單位來罐裝蔬菜. 先生. Kumar是TATT全球農民網絡的成員,也是 2012 TATT克萊克納貿易 & 技術進步獎.

種植玉米, 小麥, 荔枝, 芒果, 香蕉和番石榴 175 畝; 65 微灌對果園畝; 在他的農場安裝了太陽能冷庫. 他擁有比哈爾邦技術最先進的農場. 倡導基因工程, 機械化, 微灌.

第一代農民, 運行受控流量, 行間播種系統 640 小麥畝, 轉基因油菜, 大麥, 豌豆, 旋轉的蠶豆; 是加拿大西部第一個發展交通管制農業系統的國家.

傑克和他的家庭農場轉基因油菜, 小麥, 案件, 豌豆, 轉基因大豆, 亞麻和扁豆. 其中第一個農場在種植大豆的地區 2010. 現在考慮玉米. 無耕作的 20+ 年份.

Doyle Lentz種植大麥, 春小麥, 大豆和油菜籽在加拿大邊境附近的一個農場裡生活了一個多世紀.

以來 2008, Diana Lenzi is running her family's winery, Fattoria di Petroio, near Siena in Tuscany, 意大利. She owns and farms 15 hectars of organic vineyards to produce Chianti Classico wines. 從 5 hectars of an organic olive grove, the farm produces extra virgin olive oil. She has an international market for the products, but also relies on direct sales at the farm. The farm hosts tourists, wine tours, and wine events that are organized by her family. In addition to a culinary career, Diana has experience in young farmers organizations.

八公頃玉米農場, 捲心菜, 番茄. 也有牛, 驢子, 綿羊和鄉村雞

前首席執行官 76,000 納瓦霍民族企業的英畝 210,000 來自科羅拉多河一部分的聖胡安河流域的英畝英尺的水. 現在, 綠石農業集團董事總經理, LLC,向美國西南部和美國原住民部落的農民和牧場主提供農業綜合企業諮詢

Dairy United Ltd的創始人. 用 15 內蒙古呼和浩特和海勒的農場以及 10,000 奶牛. 中國最大的乳業合作社, 自從 2008 三聚氰胺醜聞.

Adowarim Lugu-Zuri grows coconuts, 番茄, 玉米, 木薯, okra and raises snails and pigs in central and eastern Ghana. Utilizing precision agriculture, including greenhouse and hydroponic technology, she is focused on curbing post-harvest loss in all sectors. Click to watch bio

家庭參與兩個農場. 一個是 15,000 公頃,另一個是 10,000 hectares – grow corn, 小麥, 大豆, 油菜. 農場所有農作物的種子生產. 使用高科技機器, GPS系統, 精耕細作.

Rajaram Madhavan每年在Ulundhai村附近的農場上種植三種不同的農作物, 泰米爾納德邦, 印度. Madhavan擁有對農民友好的農具的多項專利, 舉辦研討會,鼓勵企業家從事農業專業.

種植小麥, 香米香米和香米, Bt棉, 德西棉花和瓜爾. 他擁護包括轉基因作物在內的新技術, 他用農業技術幫助指導他的同胞和年輕農民.

博士. 凱莉·曼頓·皮爾斯, 和她的丈夫艾倫一起, 生長油菜, 小麥, 大麥, 西澳大利亞州的燕麥草和綿羊. 除了耕種, 凱利(Kelly)是默多克大學(Nurdoch University)的納菲爾德學者和研究員

第四代農民 - 400 hectares –grows sorghum, 向日葵, 小麥, 大麥, 苜蓿豌豆, 豆子. 在1980年代增加了中心樞紐來種植玉米. 在 2000 種植 33 葡萄種植地和公頃 2005 建酒莊.

Ruramiso Mashumba 擔任 GFN 區域負責人: 非洲. Ruramiso 是來自 Marondera 的年輕女農民, 津巴布韋和姆南迪非洲創始人, 幫助農村婦女消除貧窮和營養不良的組織. 她目前正在攻讀永續食品和農業 MBA 學位. 這位開創性的農民獲得了許多榮譽和成就,證明了她在津巴布韋農業部門所做的傑出工作. Ruramiso已被公認為 2020 GFN克萊克納獎獲得者.

從那以後,德里克一直和父親一起耕種 1983. 他們耕種 1,600 公頃的農作物 (30 中心樞紐灌溉下每公頃) 並提高 100 肉用牛. 在 2005, he started South Africa's first corn ethanol plant with his brother.

參與烏干達種子公司的雜交種子製種. 種植玉米 400 英畝, 豬 800 和 120 奶牛. 12 固定工和 80 季節性的

種植棉花, 玉米和花生, 養牛, 山羊和家禽. 農場是半機械化的. 種植, 採摘, 分級和打包是手動完成的.

第一代農民 - 1800 畝, 種小麥, 大麥和油菜. 美國一家大型乳品店的股東. 擁有和管理業務的董事總經理 30,000 阿根廷的英畝耕地. 克萊克納獎得主 - 2009.

自從與丈夫耕種以來 1978 - 900 hectares – grows wheat, 油菜, 肉牛和羊羔. 為當地和地區農民組織了各種轉基因信息研討會.

被 GFN 認可為 2021 克萊克納全球農場領導獎獲得者, Annechien 10 Have Mellema 從那時起就開始務農 1993. 在她的農場你會發現 600 母豬, 5,000 終結者, 小麥, 甜菜、玉米和沼氣廠 1,1 兆瓦. 她是豬肉行業的領頭羊, 當地水務局董事會成員, 動物事務委員會成員. Annechien 是哈姆雷茨的創始人, 來自 Annechi 的散養肉和她自己品牌的豬肉.

和他的兒子, 管理一個 420 公頃灌溉農場. 生產用於罐頭和冷凍行業的甜玉米, 穀物玉米 (其中 100 轉基因玉米的公頃) 和法國豆. 參與直接播種技術的開發.

He originates from Argentina and is now farming in African countries, bringing modern technology and training. Previously managed Argentinian wheat, 大麥, 大豆, 向日葵, 玉米和高粱.

農業工程師; 有兩個兄弟的農場. 2,225 acres – wheat, 大豆, corn – double crop production; 儘管經濟條件艱難, 生物技術的使用非常高.

Aaron Moore combined his passions for agriculture and business by becoming an analyst for John Deere. First in Brisbane, then moving to New Zealand he became a field staff manager working with dealers and growers to deliver a technology that allowed them to be more efficient and improve their operations.

His next journey took him to Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam to build an indoor hydroponic farming operation from the ground up. He then set up his own hydroponic consulting business and he now oversees all production related activities taking place in the Bustanica Modular Grow Units.

小農研究生物技術. 幫助消除了甘藷和木薯的病毒, 並被選中參加非洲農業生物技術開放論壇. 萬事達卡獎學金在密歇根州立大學學習.

自耕種 1990 – grows maize, 向日葵, 花生, 油菜和西紅柿. 當Pioneer在2002年被引入贊比亞時,我的農業業務得到了改善 2007 農業合作社部.

Pierre Kamere Munyura是咖啡種植者和加工者, 種植咖啡 25 西部省的英畝, 盧旺達.

先生. 穆西副市長種玉米, 豆子, 土豆, 飼養豬和牛 21 他獲得的公頃 2004 通過農業發展土地重新分配計劃 (拉德) 在南非. 他被公認十月 17 在得梅因, 愛荷華州作為 2017 克萊克納獎獲得者.

護理親戚, 她尋求我們的醫師指導她進行大豆作為廉價蛋白質來源的實驗. 現在已經訓練了 10,000 大豆種植中的婦女. 巴山農場創始人, 津巴布韋國家大豆協會副會長.

Biotech cotton farmer – 10 hectares – have seen an increase in the use of biotech by smallholder farmers as they battle bollworms. 現在超過 90% 的當地農民使用它.

Has grown Bt cotton since it arrived in India and successfully uses micro irrigation. Uses a combination of modern and traditional, with the help of advanced technology.

Along with raising livestock, different crops are planted including: 油菜, 小麥, 大麥, 玉米, 大豆. The farm uses irrigation and is involved with seed production.

監督對玉米生產的個人投資, 木薯, 高價值農作物, 和水果. 參與宣傳團體; 菲律賓玉米聯合會, 棉蘭老島北部家禽業協會.

3.5 英畝的香蕉, 9.2 大米產量, 6 芒果種植畝. 12 dairy cattle Some horticultural crops – tomatoes, 法國豆, 綠皮書, 洋蔥, 和西瓜 - 擁有現代化的碾米廠.

Uses sustainable, effective agricultural practices; Full-time farmer, teacher at a local college; Promotes world food security and improving farmer livelihoods.

第三代農民 - 產生玉米, 白飯, 大豆, 芋頭, 木薯和蔬菜,以及芒果和腰果種植園以及牛, 羊, 山羊和豬 50 公頃.

蒂亞(Tia)是薩凡納青年農民網絡的國家主任, 非洲領先的農民發展組織,它在全球有關糧食和營養安全的辯論中為農民表達了聲音.

A third-generation farmer from South Dakota – farms with father and uncle, 3,300 玉米畝, 大豆和乾草. 430 奶牛場, 並提出替代小母牛. 積極講述農業故事.

該地區的先鋒TC香蕉種植者. 活躍於農業組織. Has represented Kenya in Farmers’ meetings in Uganda, 坦桑尼亞和南非.

Pacifique has a bachelor's degree in biotechnology. He is a farmer and an entrepreneur. In December 2015 he started Real Green Gold Ltd, using half a hectare of land from his family. He developed a banana farming demonstration farm with more than 15 varieties of bananas and trained small producers while contracting to buy their 1st grade quality bananas. He sells them to high-end hotels and restaurants in Kigali. Today he has expanded to 3 公頃, adding avocados and other fruits and vegetables like tomatoes, 洋蔥, and eggplants. As the number of crops increased, he started working with more farmers. He's currently working with 144 small producers from across Rwanda. The group has been challenged with Panama disease, a devastating disease in bananas. He is a founding member of Rwandan Youth in Agribusiness Forum (RYAF) a countrywide network of youth who are doing primary production, food processing and extension service. Click to watch bio.

前夕 "刺耳的" Ntseoane是一個新興的農民, 在Kaalfontein飼養玉米和肉牛, 豪登省Emfuleni市, 南非.

Isidro Antonio Matamoros Ochoa是牛肉生產副教授, 農場 1,059 hectares – owned by 4 投資者以來 2007 – developing 720 cow dairy – 16 僱員, 37 合同工, 咖啡種植園.

Tomas從事精準農業, 專注於少生產, 可持續生產. 他尋找每種環境的生產潛力,並在每種情況下實現最便捷的管理,並著眼於效率, 績效和盈利能力. 以來 2007 他曾擔任Las Cortaderas Group的董事兼協調員, 一家幫助整合農場技術解決方案的公司.

Grows bananas, green beans, 堅果, avocados and peas. Deals with fresh produce crops, largely horticultural crops from seed to produce marketing, including certification to global standards that lead to market access.

大型網箱養魚戶 (26 籠/羅非魚300 MTS /年) 和小型養雞場. 開發了AquaRech App - 允許農民獲得高質量的飼料, 管理農場, 獲得他們產品的市場准入. Has developed a digital thermometer that relays water temperature to farmer's phones.

擔任農業工程師,為烏拉圭最大的農舍工作並從事農業工作. 約3000家合作夥伴生產商的種子專家. 與美國農業部合作, 提供農業統計, 作物預報, 烏拉圭的牲畜和奶業信息.

Deceased ( -2020) Benjamin Olumuyiwa Adewumi在尼日利亞耕種已有超過 25 年份, 玉米生長, 芭蕉, 香蕉, 木薯和一些牲畜. Adewumi是一位接受過美國國際開發署(USAID-MARKETS)II培訓的木薯農民,也是全球農民網絡的成員.

安德魯(Andrew)專長於牧草萊種子和大麥麥芽. 他耕種的土地超過 700 公頃的草用作種子,還有大面積的春季麥芽專用大麥. 他的農場是私有的, 承租和承包農業安排, 服務市場需求驅動.

種植轉基因和雜種作物, 油菜, 小麥, 燕麥和大麥, 大豆, 玉米和高粱, 一些農作物正在灌溉. 飼養種牛並租用農業機械. 與免耕農業基金會合作

A farmer and forestry researcher, has implemented an integrated crop, livestock and forestry system to produce soybeans, 玉米, 小米, eucalyptus trees, 草, and beef cattle.

穀物和油料生產商, 土豆-新鮮和加工過的, 牛, 乳製品, 和灌溉設備經銷商. 他一直是阿根廷農民面臨的特殊經濟挑戰的高價值發言人.

Marco Pasti produces maize, 大豆, 小麥, 大麥, 甜菜, some wine grapes and walnuts in North-East Italy along the Adriatic coast. They also feed some beef cattle and have a biogas plant to produce electricity. He's past-president of the Italian corn grower association. 保護性耕作的專業知識. Marco recently participated in the Argentina-based summit: Mobilizing the GFN in Support of a Resilient Agri-Food System.

Charles' family farm business was started in 1985 by his parents. 他們生產 3,500 hectares in a sustainable intensified agriculture operation with soybeans, corn as a second crop and cattle in an integrated crop-livestock management system. The farm is in the middle of Brazil.
Charles' father was a pioneer in the adoption of no-till technology, and in the production of corn as a second crop. He has passed away and now Charles and his sister lead the family company.
The farm participates in a farmers group that conducts its own research program looking for better technologies and crop management systems for the sustainability and efficiency of their farm business.
In addition to using no-till for the past 31 年份, the farms soil is permanently covered using cover crops. Nutrient management is balanced with crop yields using precision agriculture tools. The farm produces about 15 tons of grains/hectare/year and conserves at least 10 tons of dry matter over the soil, protecting soil biological activity and biodiversity and mitigating water erosion.

農學家, 農場 500 公頃與他的父親; 開始了 "Petrosu Serv" 出售農場生產的蔬菜和穀物種子. 擴大溫室蔬菜生產.

運行Unifarm, 全球GAP認證 400 加上平陽省的公頃果蔬農場. 種植香瓜, 香蕉, 傑克水果和其他蔬菜. 在越南極少數高科技農場中享有盛名.

伊恩·皮格特(Ian Pigott)在哈彭登(Harpenden)經營多元化的農業業務, 英國. 位於 20 距離倫敦市中心, 他種小麥, 油籽, 輪作的油菜和燕麥. 農場是LEAF (將環境與農業聯繫起來) 示範農場. 伊恩(Ian)是全球農民網絡的成員.

Hope Pjesky和她的家人是俄克拉荷馬州北部的農民/牧場主,在那裡他們飼養牲畜和堅硬的紅色冬小麥. 希望使她對全球貿易產生了濃厚的興趣,她被選為艾森豪威爾農業研究員並隨後通過麥考伊農業研究獎學金獲得了支持。.

希望是農場基金會的成員, 在俄克拉荷馬州和華盛頓接待來自其他國家的國際農業研究員, DC. 並領導俄克拉荷馬州農業領導力計劃. 她還自願擔任了全球農民網絡的董事會成員數年。.

第三代家庭農場 - 4,500 hectares – alfalfa, 玉米, 小麥, 大麥, 番茄, 菜花, broccoli – also raise cattle and sheep - 種植Bt玉米

梅爾和她的丈夫邁克經營一家 2500 英畝牛肉和綿羊業務. 他們的牲畜是 100% 草餵. 過度 95% 他們的農產品 (羊肉, 牛肉和羊毛) 出口. 這家公司還有一個羊耳釘, 繁殖Perendale複合公羊.

Prakash Puppalwar has been recognized as a progressive farmer by Maharashtra India. He was among the first farmers to adopt Bt cotton when it was introduced in India in 2002. He did experiments on his farm with Bt cotton, including the use of micro-irrigation, micro-fertigation, plastic mulching and pheromone traps. He works to drive adoption of these techniques among other farmers as well.
Prakash farms 11 hectares with 7 hectares under full irrigation and the rest partially irrigated. In addition to using hybrid seed and the techniques outlined above, his farm also uses solar power. His multi-crop system includes Bt cotton, 大豆, pigeon peas, 香蕉, turmeric and watermelon. He produces a crop for green manure, to add organic matter to the soil to increase organic Corban. Some of his production is organic.
He provides timely guidelines to area farmers in order to advance the use of modern farming techniques. Prakash has been recognized with the Progressive Farmer Award by the Indian Cotton Association and by CII Mumbai. Manavseva Foundation recognized him with the Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krushiratn Puraskar award for appreciation of his work in agriculture. He was appointed a resource person by the Government of Maharashtra to guide farmers. He was also appointed to the Atma committee by the Government of Maharashtra.

Jose Luis Quintana farms with three generations of his family on an enterprise based in Rosales, Chihuahua in the North of Mexico. His agriculture company has reached 250 acres of arable land growing alfalfa, peanut, 小麥, nuts corn, oats and cotton. On an additional 4,000 畝, cattle are raised using regenerative livestock practices.

家庭農民, 農藝師和大豆種植顧問, 玉米, 麥上 275 公頃. 他領導一項國際計劃,將免耕技術轉移到非洲, 從加納和幾內亞開始, 種植玉米和大豆.

農業工程師, 活躍於免耕協會, 自從 1970 – 400 英畝的轉基因玉米和高粱 - 產生 60 工作

Became engaged in his father’s farm in 2005 - 400 公頃種植玉米和黑麥. 其餘的被其他能源作物覆蓋. 該農作物專門供養農場的沼氣廠,發電量為500kw / h.

以來 1986, 葡萄牙農業企業集團首席執行官. 3,700 畝, 90% 灌溉–橄欖樹, 李子, 桃子, 軟木樹, 桉樹; 玉米, 小麥, 向日葵, 燕麥 - 400 中心樞軸下的公頃, 250 肉用牛

在一個六十英畝的農場上, 拉維種水稻, 甘蔗, 棉花和豆類. 在夏季明智地利用水, 他使用灑水器和滴灌系統. 增加了機械化以解決勞動力短缺; 12 僱員. The Kleckner Global Farm Leader Award winner in 2013, Ravi volunteers as a board member for the Global Farmer Network. Click to watch bio

27-acre farm – grows Bt cotton, 辣椒, 玉米和水稻. 牲畜包括四頭公牛和五頭牛. 在總數中 27 畝, 11 英畝正在滴灌, å’Œ 16 洪水灌溉下的英畝. 四個人在農場工作.

梅格斯(Megz)是薩斯喀徹溫西南部的一位穀物農民. 她和丈夫是免耕農. 他們成長 2,800 大麥畝, 硬質小麥, 大綠色小扁豆和亞麻. She’s an advocate for agriculture and good policy and is passionate about developing consumer trust in farmers. 她在Twitter上有很強的追隨者, Instagram和Facebook.

熱情的學生, 參與家庭農場.

Semeh Roberts is CEO of the Universal Farmers Association (UFA) in Liberia. The organization is building the capacity of its more than 15,000 farmers through workshops on sustainable land use, biodiversity conservation, climate change mitigation and adaptation and dividing them into farming groups to engage in mechanized farming with an eye toward making Liberia food secure by 2030.
Despite strong natural resources, Liberia has no record of feeding itself. The country imports $200M US worth of rice annually, but it’s not enough to feed the population. In support of UFA’s development goal, UNDP and the Global Environment Facility (GEF) are providing support, comprising farming tools, training, cash grants, 等等. and they’ve cleared 1500 acres in separate locations. This year they are growing cassava, oil palm, 芭蕉, pepper, garden eggs, watermelon and working on honey bee domestication with support from the Associated Women of the World (ACWW), based in the UK.

Efrén Robles was born and raised in Manatí, Puerto Rico. He is the co-founder of Frutos del Guacabo, a Culinary Agro-Hub Farm and co-founder of Horizon Solutions a water treatment consulting firm. He’s a passionate businessman, committed to the growth of local food ecosystems. During the past 13 years Efren has been able to work with over one-hundred farmers and commercialize over 200 local products. He has been very active on the local gastronomic scene and with the help of his family they have developed gastronomic experiences designed to showcase the impact of local production/consumption on the near communities.

因甘蔗生產而退化的恢復耕地. 現在長出大豆, 玉米, 小麥和咖啡 - 榮獲巴拉那州和巴西最佳咖啡品質獎.

700 位於洪都拉斯首府特古西加爾巴(Tegucigalpa)西部的賈馬斯特蘭(Jamastran)山谷中的英畝農場. 玉米 (300 畝) Dairy – 280 é ­, 90 奶牛; most farming is done by machine – including the milking

何塞跑了 1200 英畝的養牛場已經成為 40 年份. 該農場現在生產木薯, 玉米, 本地市場的牛肉和牛奶. 羅薩萊斯與當地一家水電開發商合作,在農場上建造了一座小型水力發電廠.

Kaahwa Jean是一位養魚戶, 企業家和顧問. 他是Shalom Fish Farms Ltd的董事總經理. 和非洲農業綜合服務有限公司. 他最初是一名養魚的農民,主要生產食用魚, 魚種和提供水產養殖服務. 他從事園藝, 乳製品和家禽.

A mixed cropping/livestock farm using holistic grazing, minimal tillage, cover cropping, mineral nutrition to produce winter vegetables, cereal, 油籽. Raises ewes for wool and lamb production, first cross Angus Friesian heifers, pasture-raised laying hens.

Fourth generation farmer – bought his first farm in 1972. 目前農場 400 英畝玉米和大豆, 大部分免耕. 為了使他的保護計劃可行,他所有的農作物都使用轉基因技術. 2018 將是他的第45次收穫. 拉里倡導農業, 發表很多演講並在社交媒體上建立自己的存在.

莉迪亞·薩蘇(Lydia Sasu)致力於改善農村女性農民的生活. 作為家庭農民和發展行動協會執行理事 (DAA) 在加納, 莉迪亞.

Grows conventionally wheat, 甜菜, rapeseed and corn for regional mills, sugar producers, biogas plant and crush facilities. Uses cover crops and flowering strips.

珍妮是第三代農民. 家庭農場種穀物, 馬里蘭東海岸的蔬菜和釀酒葡萄. 農場的任務是練習 "協同農業" 使用所有最佳耕作方法創造健康的土壤並維持健康的糧食生產.

Took over a farm in the Federal State of Mecklenburg – Western Pomerania in the eastern part of Germany after reunification in 1990. 農場是 650 公頃 - 油菜, 小麥, 甜玉米和甜菜.

斯科特(Scott)是居住在巴西的美國農民. 他擁有康奈爾大學的農業經濟學學位。. 他前往巴西 2004 大學畢業後和他父親較早耕種之後. 他首先在巴西的兩家公司工作, 管理農田並為其他農田投資者服務. 他獨自耕種了 4 年份.

增加豆類,因為它們更耐旱. 認證種子生產者. 隨著她業務的發展, 她購買了加工和包裝設備,並開始了一項營銷計劃,以在市場上出售她的種子。.

阿馬杜是貿易建築師, 誰投資創造一個高科技溫室帶來穩定價格淡季蔬菜馬里. 大棚無土使用生產, 氣候控制, 霧化, 鋁屏幕和水回收.

Balwinder Singh Kang自從開始耕種 1984. 他種了轉基因棉花, 雜種蔬菜, 小麥, 哈努曼加的芥末和鷹嘴豆, 在拉賈斯坦邦, 印度. 康向農民宣傳使用最新技術進行農業的好處,並且是全球農民網絡的成員.

第三代農民種植水稻, 小麥, 土豆, 燕麥豌豆和飼料作物, 在旁遮普邦25英畝的家庭農場中,黑麥草和芥末醬. 他是轉基因和雜交作物的堅定支持者. 已經結束 30 與農民合作進行農業技術轉讓以提高生產力的多年經驗.

先生. PPS Pangli種小麥, 白飯, 巴斯馬蒂香精, 玉米, 脈衝, 大蒜, 洋蔥, 位於他祖傳村莊龐連的農場中的芥末和種子生產飼料和時令蔬菜, 位於印度北部的旁遮普邦的盧迪亞納區. 先生. Pangli 主持印度聯合農民賦權倡議, 是Borlaug南亞農民協會的農民領袖,並且是全球農民網絡的成員.

莎拉·辛格(Sarah Singla)種小麥, 小黑麥種子, 強姦, 苜蓿, 法國南部一個家庭農場的冬季豌豆和許多農作物. Sarah是Nuffield學者,也是全球農民網絡的成員.

有家人的多元化穀物農場–種植小麥, 大豆, 玉米輪作–少耕或免耕; 生物技術種植者主席, 北達科他州穀物種植者協會前任主席

有家人的多元化穀物農場–種植小麥, 大豆, 玉米輪作–少耕或免耕; 生物技術種植者主席, 北達科他州穀物種植者協會前任主席

Breeding operation in the sheep and beef industries – export genetics to Australia and Bangladesh. 種植飼料作物. 新西蘭獸醫理事會和“紅肉夥伴”理事會成員.

Her farming operation uses no-till, variable input application and others. Produces poultry, confectioning and specialty crops, yerba mate, coriander, sunflower and rice processing.

種米, 玉米, 蔬菜和棉花,並在該地區積極從事乳製品開發. He played a crucial role in drafting the vision statement of agriculture for Prime Minister Modi’s election.

Jacob Farms grows corn, 豆子, grain sorghum, 小麥, 棉, and cover crops ensuring there is a living root in all acres 365 days a year to prevent soil erosion. Using multispecies winter cover crops, custom grazing is offered to cow/calf operations in the area. The farm has been under no-till for about 21 years and has been using intensive planting rotations, variable rate applications, and cover crops for 14 年份.

Deceased (1975-2021) Julio Speroni的農場位於阿根廷恩特雷里奧斯省. 上 4,500 英畝土地, 他在野外跑赫里福德和安格斯牛, 生產 800-850 從 1,000 奶牛. 他和他的員工堅信良好的動物福利規範. 他也種玉米, 大豆, 使用免耕技術的高粱和黑麥草.

Sujatha擁有 30 泰米爾納德邦的農田. 她種有機蔬菜, 甘蔗, 和Bt棉. 她使用Bt棉花中的一些有機耕作原理來提高產量. Sujatha還飼養牛和山羊.

3,000 小麥畝, 大麥, 雙低油菜籽旋轉. 種植的雙低油菜籽是傳統的, 綜述, Clearfield和IT品種. 禁止, 完全留茬的可控交通種植系統. 600 美利奴綿羊.

經營一個小型家庭農場 (240 畝) 得梅因西北 - 目前未灌溉,但正在考慮可能性; 養玉米, 大豆, 農民市場的甜玉米和當地公司的一些特種作物

Founded a women’s farming group in her village in order to transfer her knowledge of modern farming techniques to others. 在她的農場, 她種玉米, 蔬菜, 辣椒和園藝植物.

乳製品和放牧總經理, 克雷格莫爾可持續發展. 操作有 22 坎特伯雷的乳製品業, 北奧塔哥地區. 用 16,000 奶牛, 該公司使用旋轉草場放牧系統,並添加了Fodder Beet和Kale. 所有農場都灌溉. 牧場主要是黑麥草和三葉草的混合物, 一些羊茅草.

Stella Thomas is a farmer who has also established the first female owned seed company in Nigeria called Tecni Seed. She is the CEO of Tecni Seed, one of the foremost seed companies in Nigeria where she grows maize, 白飯, sorghum and vegetable seeds. Stella grows seed on her farm and also outsources the growing of seed on other farms. She works with over 3,000 farmers cultivating over 6,000 hectares annually.

Shuichi Tokumoto produces rice, beans and corn on 1,000 公頃. Having been introduced to GM crop systems and new seed coating technology, he plans to use sustainable practices to grow GM crops with an emphasis on environmentally friendly agriculture. He serves as representative director, Agricultural Corporation Tree & Norf Company.

Le Thi Trang種菜, 瓜, 平陽省Unifarm上的香蕉和柑橘類水果, 越南. 芽莊市熱衷於發展越南農業,並作為全球農民網絡的成員,對農村經濟產生積極影響.

棉花和穀物的生長量超過 100 哈並舉起 100 牲畜頭, 在涉及國際貿易的問題上活躍於農民組織

Agronomist Engineer – active with the National Seed Institute and other agricultural organizations.

Deceased (unknown - 2022) NIBULON Ltd.總經理, 領導烏克蘭農業變革的公司. 投資運輸物流系統, 農業產品的存儲和加工. 將玉米生產引入烏克蘭.

Ad van Velde is a dairy farmer in the northern part of the Netherlands. On his family farm, he milks 200 cows with some external labor. The farm breeds all of its own cattle. Ad has been farming since 1979. He’s an innovator who has been using milking robots since 1998. The dairy is moving toward being antibiotic-free and climate neutral, also quick to adopt new technology to improve milk production. His milk is delivered to NoorderlandMilk, a cooperative that Ad founded in 2006.
Ad grows grass, 苜蓿, sugar beets and maize on loamy clay soil which requires drainage tile. The farm is intensively cooperative with crop farmers in the region, exchanging land and providing manure to other farmers. Ad is working on several projects with Wageningen University. He also owns DairyNext, a business development consultancy. He is also a partner in a dairy project in India.
He is a farmer with an international view and a very large network. Ad has been president of Global Dairy Farmers since 2017.

農場 3,400 玉米公頃, 冬小麥, 大麥, 硬質小麥, 向日葵, 強姦, 甜菜和其他小農作物.

帶有自動擠奶器的45頭奶牛場. 新不倫瑞克省年輕農民論壇前任主席. 真正的農業大使; 農場接待了許多遊客,包括學校團體.

佩德羅·維格諾(Pedro Vigneau)是第五代農民, 飼養牛和種植農作物飼料和穀物, 包括通用大豆, 在阿根廷中部. 對免耕農業的好處以及使用技術保護環境充滿熱情.

種植小麥, 大麥麥芽, 油菜種子, 甜菜和豌豆上 3000 畝. 瑞典國會議員, 2007- 農業與環境委員會成員, 與民法.

特里·旺澤克是第四代北達科他州的農民. 這家合作夥伴關係提高春小麥, 玉米, 大豆, 大麥, 幹食用豆和向日葵. 特里當選為北達科他州參議員, 提供領導到農業委員會,並作為臨時參議長. Terry continues to provide leadership to the National Association of Wheat Growers and the NoDak Mutual Insurance. 他在商業管理和詹姆斯敦學院會計學學位,並完成了得克薩斯A & 中號執行計劃農業生產.

博士植物育種家和作者 4 註冊雜種. 參與妻子的家庭農場,在那裡他們種植玉米作為種子, 新鮮市場的甜玉米, 油菜,有一個櫻桃園.

安德魯·韋德曼(Andrew Weidemann)與妻子朱莉(Julie)一起耕種, 維多利亞州Wimmera地區的兄弟Rodney和他的妻子Andrea, 在澳大利亞種植小麥的地方, 大麥, 油菜, 蠶豆, 別緻和豌豆, 扁豆, oaten和紫etch乾草配白色薩福克羊羔.

前記者. 按土地面積計,他的農場是尼日利亞第二大商業水稻農場; 45,000 公頃; 為磨坊主種植大米. 挑戰在於灌輸他的工人與一個基本上永久的富拉尼社區之間的和平共處. 這導致創建了一家技術初創公司,旨在彌合尼日利亞農村動蕩的農業社區與安全機構之間的鴻溝.

Growing cereals, legumes and potatoes, the hilly topography is what initially drove Jim into precision ag, aiming to improve productivity and reduce costs.

回到他的家庭農場 2007 從事金融交易員後. 培養小扁豆, 小麥, 雙低油菜籽和其他農作物. 家庭經營空中噴霧和農作物投入業務.

與他的兄弟合夥經營農場, 他也是持牌穀物經銷商. 在州玉米促進委員會任職,並與美國國家玉米種植者協會的貿易政策和生物技術行動小組一起領導工作.