Kenya’s Farmers Support Their President’s Call to Fast Track Bt Cotton Access

When Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta visited the city of Eldoret in June, he gave those of us who live here a great sense of hope about the future of farming, 科學, 和技術.

Two months later, 然而, we’re still waiting on his government’s ministers to make good on his promise to remove Kenya’s harmful ban on GMOs.

The president traveled here on June 21 至 commission the Rift Valley Textile (棉) Mill (Rivatex) that he said would create thousands of textile jobs, improve the economic prospects of cotton farmers, and help him meet the goals of his Big 4 Agenda.

He also made a major announcement: He publicly directed the ministers of Agriculture, Industry, Environment, Health, and Education to fast track the commercialization of GMO cotton and rescind the 2012 ban on GM imports.

This was just what I wanted to hear. My farm is right outside Eldoret, within the breadbasket of the country. Although I don’t grow cotton my main agricultural enterprises are maize, dairy and vegetables. I immediately understood the huge significance of this directive. It meant that Kenya finally would repeal a ban that has hurt our farmers and prevented Kenya from achieving food security; that Bt cotton and maize would immediately be commercialized.

Essentially President Kenyatta said by joining the nations that have embraced biotechnology, we could at long last enter the 21st century.

The problem is that in the two months since his visit, we’ve made no progress beyond our 20th-century methods. We’re no closer to the commercialization of GMO cotton than we were at the start of the year! The ministers appear to have done nothing.

I’ve been calling for Kenya to accept GMOs for a decade. I’ve personally observed how this safe and proven technology has helped farmers around the world, from the United States to South Africa; from Canada to India. By reducing the threats posed by pests and weeds, it has allowed farmers to produce record-setting harvests.

Access to GMOs is crucial for a developing country like Kenya, where millions of people – 多於 80 % of the Kenyan populationdepend on farming for their livelihoods and malnutrition is a constant menace. We must find creative and durable ways to increase the income of our farmers and improve the food security of everybody. GMOs won’t accomplish this by themselves, but they’re an important part of the formula and we’ve scorned them for far too long.

In his address at the commissioning of the cotton mill in Eldoret, President Kenyatta talked about the demand for GMO cotton. If the refurbished mill is to run at full capacity and full employment, it will need a reliable supply of cotton. To achieve this, farmers will require access to GMOs that neutralize the attacks of bollworms, increasing cotton production in 22 counties ten-fold from the current 28,000 tones to 260,000 tons per year. This cotton will feed not only the new mill, but also half a dozen other mills that have shut down in recent years. GMO technology has the potential to help them roar back to life.

Wherever cotton farmers have gained access to GMOs, they’ve rushed to take advantage of them. 在 印度, 例如, 估計的 97 percent of cotton farmers plant GMO varieties. Nobody forced this on them. They chose it voluntarily because they saw the benefits.

Maize is the next obvious opportunity for GMO adoption. As a grower of maize myself, I’m keenly aware of how GMOs can improve my productivity and profitability. This tool would help me kill the insects that gnaw on my crops without the complication of pesticides. And all I’m seeking is access to the same technology that farmers in many other countries now take for granted.

We Kenyans can complain all we want about legacies of colonialism and racism and how the world neglects Africa; even about corruption but in the case of GMOs, the sad fact is that we have denied ourselves this opportunity. We have nobody else to blame.

We can and must reverse course. We’ve seen what GMOs can do for farmers and consumers elsewhere. Let’s let this miracle of technology improve our own lives.

President Kenyatta understands the opportunity. Two months ago in Eldoret, he gave voice to it. Now it’s up to his ministers to push for the successful commercialization of GMOs, so that Kenya’s farmers can grow them as soon as 2020.

The time for words is over and the moment for action is here.



吉爾伯特阿拉普博爾種植玉米 (玉米), 蔬菜和奶牛上的一個小規模的養殖場 25 畝Kapseret, 埃爾多雷特附近, 肯尼亞. 吉爾伯特阿拉普博爾種植玉米, 吉爾伯特阿拉普博爾種植玉米. 吉爾伯特阿拉普博爾種植玉米 2011 GFN Kleckner Global Farm Leader award and volunteers as a member of the Global Farmer Network Advisory Council.


2 關於“的想法Kenya’s Farmers Support Their President’s Call to Fast Track Bt Cotton Access

  1. Wonderful to hear the support for this technology. Kenyan farmers have a great opportunity to showcase this technology to all African farmers. Good luck folks.

  2. As an agricultural enthusiast, I am thrilled to see the overwhelming support of Kenya’s farmers for their president’s call to fast track access to Bt cotton. This is a significant step towards revolutionizing the country’s farming practices and promoting sustainable agriculture.

    Bt cotton holds immense promise for Kenya’s farmers. By genetically modifying the crop to resist pests and diseases, farmers can expect higher crop yields and reduced dependency on harmful pesticides. This not only benefits the environment but also ensures the health and well-being of both farmers and consumers.

    The decision to fast track access to Bt cotton reflects the government’s commitment to embracing innovation and empowering farmers. By providing them with access to this technology, the government is enabling farmers to compete on a global scale and improve their economic prospects. This is a commendable move that will contribute to the overall growth and development of the agricultural sector.

    此外, the adoption of Bt cotton has the potential to create job opportunities and promote rural development. By enhancing productivity and quality, farmers can expand their operations, resulting in increased employment and improved livelihoods. This will have a positive ripple effect on the entire community and help alleviate poverty.

    It is important to emphasize the need for a robust regulatory framework to ensure the safe and responsible adoption of Bt cotton. The government and relevant stakeholders must work together to establish guidelines that address any potential risks associated with this technology. This will provide farmers with the necessary support and guidance, ensuring a smooth transition towards Bt cotton cultivation.

    I applaud Kenya’s farmers for their proactive stance and their willingness to embrace innovative solutions. Their support for the president’s call demonstrates their determination to improve agricultural practices and secure a brighter future for themselves and the nation. I am confident that with the successful implementation of Bt cotton, Kenya will witness a remarkable transformation in its agricultural sector.

    全面的, the decision to fast track access to Bt cotton is a remarkable step forward for Kenya. It showcases the government’s commitment to sustainable agriculture and the welfare of its farmers. I am optimistic about the positive impact this will have on the lives of farmers, 環境, and the country’s economy. Kudos to Kenya’s farmers for their unwavering support and their role in driving this agricultural revolution.