

隨著火災同乾旱摧毀澳洲, scores of protesters call on government to take action oncatastrophic” 氣候變化.

綠色政治家和他們的支持者經常試圖利用科學來證明佢哋喧鬧的要求. Anyone who disagrees with these views is immediately ridiculed and labelled aclimate-denierwith the social standing and intellect of a troglodyte.

Yet they refuse to apply the same scientific principles to biotechnology-and in South Australia, they’re already threatening to reimpose a moratorium on the growing of GM crops.

This political catastrophe is counterintuitive to the credible body of scientific proof on plant biotechnology-including evidence of environmental benefits-which actually outweighs the global scientific consensus on climate change.

都同 25 多年的經證實的農藝學, 經濟, 以及喺全球同澳洲其他地區成功種植不同轉基囙品種嘅環境進展.

自從玉米等生物技術衍生食品以來, 人們都食過数万亿嘅餸菜, 大豆, 苜蓿, 土豆, 南瓜, 同木瓜第一次開始在美國生產.

How many deaths or illnesses have been linked to genetically modified crops?” asks Cameron J. 遺傳識字項目英文. “Not one. Not so much as a sniffle.

He continuesThat’s not a surprise to scientists, as almost every food-related expert and every major oversight or regulatory body in the world has concluded that biotech crops are as safe for human and animal consumption as food grown conventionally or organically.

其他論點被用來為南澳大利亚的反轉基囙立場辯護, 如所謂的溢價增長非轉基囙油菜籽, 透過獨立的經濟分析, 已經失去信譽. 然而, 不知何故, 證據和事實喺呢個問題上往往被忽視.

呢種方便嘅無知使南澳大利亚農民無法獲得呢種安全嘅技術, 而睇住其他州的生產者已經緊種植轉基囙油菜籽成功, 如在維多利亞呢度過去 12 年.

This has occurred without even the slightest hint of any doomsday forecasts coming true, that were touted by politicians and activists in scare and misinformation campaigns which delayed the crop’s uptake long after the science was confirmed.

不幸, this irresponsible behaviour dents confidence in the local market, scaring off investment-not just in South Australia-into plant biotechnology research and development of new crops that actually enhance farmerslong-term ability to manage climate adaptation.

For non-farming Australians, who have witnessed the debate raging over the GM decision in South Australia and may have been wondering what all the fuss was about, the explanation is quite simple.

It’s no different to a single Australian jurisdiction banning laptops and other modern communication technologies that help deliver improved improve educational outcomes, while teachers and children in other schools throughout the country can access such tools, to deliver genuine benefits.

GM canola won’t solve every problem our farmers are experiencing right now due to this savage drought and other challenges. But it’s an invaluable tool with great potential to help build sustainability and grow crops that produce better results in a world we’re continually told, especially by those who preach science when demanding radical climate action, carries increased production volatility.

A story of environmental progress these scientific vandals won’t share with the public-like a skeleton in the closet-is the one about GM cotton that was first planted in Australia in 1996.

Before its introduction, growers spent about $50 million annually on insecticides-but in the 20-years of using GM varieties, improved pest control has led to a 92 percent reduction in insecticide use.

在 2016, GM cotton accounted for 98 percent of total cotton plantings, in Australia.

準確地證明, 當種植者可以選擇超越聲樂少數民族的靠嚇策略, 體驗真實同實用嘅科學時會發生咩, 環境, 和經濟傚益, 農場.

Andrew Weidemann

Andrew Weidemann

Andrew Weidemann farms with his wife Julie, brother Rodney and his wife Andrea in the Wimmera region in Victoria, Australia where they grow wheat, barley, canola, broad beans, chic and field peas, lentils, oaten and vetch hay along with White Suffolk prime lambs.
