GFN可持續發展食品公司消息 2021


如果農民有機會直接與食品公司高管交談,佢哋會點說法?? 相當多, 事實證明. Farmers sell through a value chain and often don’t get to talk with those who market their crops to consumers as end products. 此視頻包括嚟自世界各地嘅全球農民網絡成員—Ruramiso Mashumba-Zimbabwe, Jennie Schmidt-United States, 紐西蘭, Alana Koch-Canada, Maria Giraudo Gaviglio-Argentina, and Gabriel Carballal-Uruguay—分享佢哋嘅耕作實踐, 鼓勵種植糧食嘅人同銷售糧食嘅人進行對話.

These five GFN farmers were part of a video presentation shown during a Food Executive Summit titled 加速雄心壯志: 不斷變化緊嘅糧食系統中取得成功嘅新途徑. 虛擬會議由科尔特瓦同食好全球提供.

Alanna Koch

Alanna Koch

A farmer, industry leader, long-time agriculture champion, former senior government executive and experienced corporate director, Alanna Koch is the Board Chair of the Global Institute for Food Security (GIFS) at the University of Saskatchewan. She works with farmers and the agriculture industry through her consulting company, KoHert Agri Inc. Prior to this, she served as Deputy Minister to Premier Brad Wall and Cabinet Secretary and was the Saskatchewan Deputy Minister of Agriculture for nine years.

Alanna has been involved in the agriculture industry, both professionally and personally, for most of her career and life. Alanna and her husband, Gerry Hertz, farm at Edenwold, SK, and are committed to sustainable crop rotation practising minimum tillage and utilizing advanced crop technology growing grains, oilseeds and pulse crops.
