Using precision technology to optimise farm inputs and yields


Learn how Mid-Canterbury dairy, cropping farmer and Global Farmer Network member Craige Mackenzie uses precision technology to deliver the right amount of water and nitrogen fertiliser to the right place, at the right time in this Ag Matters video case study.

Craige Mackenzie

Craige Mackenzie

Le agricultura tak 1978 Ti' 200 Kan ts'áako'ob - cultivos neek', incluido le trigo, Raigrás, Fescue, zanahorias híbridas, rábano híbrido, espinacas ka achicoria; utilizar le detección cultivos, cartografía le lu'umo', ka'anatako'ob tasa variable u fertilizantes, yik'áalil químicos yéetel riego. Socios ti' jump'éel 1200 lechería wakax. Craige volunteers as a board member for the Global Farmer Network.
