I haven’t shaken the hand of a stranger, wa juntúul eetail utia'al u óoltaj, ti' asab ti' jump'éel ja'aba', ka mina'an u séen meentik ya'ab uláak' canadienses.

Lela' u ma' parecer juntúul nuxi' sacrificio. Pandemia le COVID-19 k ts'o'ok robado seen. U seres queridos kíimo'obe'. Le jejelas ts'o'ok u cerrado. Le paalalo'obo' ku séen p'áatik paachil ti' u escolarización.

Le asab apretones k'abo'ob u páajtal u menor k preocupaciones.

Ba'ale' le k u paache'. They’re more than gratuitous social gestures. They’re essential actions that forge relationships and build human connection.

Rompen le hielo. Expresan deportividad yaan le juegos. Sellan Mokt'aan ku k permiten maan ka koonik.

Lela' especialmente jaaj utia'al le agricultores. A pesar ti' u confiamos ti' le ciencia máax k'oja'an yo'osal producir yéetel wáaj neek'o'obo' plantamos yéetel ti' ka'anal ma'alo'obtal utia'al u jooch le janalbe'eno'ob cultivamos, K bisiko'onech tak ka'ansaj nuxi' tu'ux u k negocio ti' le úuchben usanza. Yéetel lelo' u k'áat u ya'al estrechar k'ab ti' le bak'o', Ma' saludar le máako'obo' pixeladas ti' le llamadas Zoom.

acerca u 15 Ku beetik wi'inal, Ka yóok'ol kaab empezaba reconocer u desafío le COVID-19, Jo'op' ti' jump'éel conferencia agrícola ti' Vancouver—ti' uláak' t'aano'ob,, ka'ach kuxtal bix u suukbenilo'obo' ti' teen tu yóok'ol kaabe' le agricultura. Bey ma' le bloqueos, I’d speak at events such as this about ten times a year, and I’d attend even more.

Le conexiones ti' máak u conferencias yéetel reuniones le importantes utia'al u je'el industria, Ba'ale' páajtal importar asab ti' le agricultores. We don’t congregate in offices. When we’re working in our fields, we’re isolated. Táan u béeytal u máan k'iin ti' le chéen chéen k iilik miembros u láak'o'ob yéetel xaan u yaan láak'o'ob ichil jump'éel chan wóoliso'.

I’ve joked that on our farm in rural Saskatchewan, we haven’t had to adopt special pandemic practices because we were social distancing long before anybody had ever heard of COVID-19.

group of women sitting on chair while listeningTune', le agricultores yaan jump'éel t'aan yaabilajech utia'al u aprovechar le reuniones tu'ux máak u much'ikubao'ob, kaambal, ka ma'alo'obkíinsiko'ob. Yaan k aprovechar le kúuchil meyajo'ob yaan utia'al estrechar u k'ab.

Ka ka'a Vancouver, chan xanab semanas ti' ka' le bloqueos surtan efecto, Ku suponía u debía xik'nal u Bélgica utia'al u representar le agricultores canadienses ti' jump'éel conferencia koonolo' agrícola. In propósito ka'ach tsolik bix ka Ba'axten usamos nu'ukul ti' protección cultivos, disipar le temores ti' le consumidores yéetel reguladores europeos ba'ax ku retuergen pakteche' kin ku yu'ubal le t'aano' “glifosato.”

Mix máak jach asab persuasivo yóok'ol le janalbe'eno'ob yéetel bix u cultivan u reales le agricultores—Ka k clientes k'a'anan wil k, meentik k'áat chi'oba', ka wu'uyik ba'ax K'a'abet k wa'al.

finalmente, it will be very difficult to change the hearts and minds of skeptics who don’t know much about food production if we can’t look them in the eye and yes, estrechar u k'abo'ob.

U káajal ti' Bélgica bin u cancelado, Je'ele', ka leti' le elección ma'alob. Asab ti' jump'éel ja'abil ts'o'okole', Ba'ale', Yaan k k'a' Suutnaj tumen k'a'abet u wutskintik 15 wi'inal conexiones Jaatal nook'o'ob.

Bey ma' u pandemia, Tin tukultaj le koonolo' canadiense yanen ts'o'oksik ti' le auge. Táant k negociar le USMCA, k éejenil revisado yéetel, USA, Mexico, ka Canadá. Le Asociación Transpacífica, Ka k une u noj lu'umilo'obo' mentik kex cuenca le Pacífico, Bin bo'otiko'on óolal yéetel impulso. Le jala'acho' provincial u Saskatchewan páajtal tu je'ek'abtaj jump'éel oficina comercial ti' Singapur, so we could take advantage of TPP’s opportunities through in-person meetings.

Bejla'e', Ka' asab ti' jump'éel ja'abil fronteras cerradas, k situación kutal jach jela'an. Ka' jo'op' k pactos comerciales sigan ti' vigor, le wíiniko'obo' ku ts'o'ok Suuk u paakat tak te ichnajo'—and I’m worried that we’re going to hear new calls for the protectionism that is the enemy of farmers, jejelas yéetel clientes dependen ti' le mercados kaxtik.

Here’s a simple step in the right direction: Let’s start by allowing libre circulación ichil Canadá yéetel Estados Unidos. Le ba'ala' permitiría jump'éel aumento le maano' yéetel koonol transfronteriza u insumos agrícolas, maquinaria ka grano. Le aumento le ketlamo' ichil compradores yéetel vendedores beneficiaría le agricultores yéetel le jejelas je'el tu'ux le frontera.

Tuukulo'oba' ti' le canadienses bey ti' le estadounidenses uts u jactar ti' u paralelo 49 le le frontera indefensa jach chowak u yóok'ol kaabe', Bejo' ti' le viajeros ti' ambas direcciones. Let’s go back to leaving it undefended and accessible. Je'el u páajtal k reunir k ti' le Puente le Jets' óolal ti' laak'in yéetel le Arco le Jets' óolal tu chik'iin.

Libre circulación ichil Canadá, USA. U páajtal u precursor le libre circulación way yóok'ol kaabe'. I can’t wait to visit Belgium and talk about the importance of global trade and global connections—ka ts'aik u k'ab juntéene' asab.


Nominaciones Táan siendo aceptados ti' le candidatos ti' le 2021 Global Farmer Network Roundtable and Leadership Training. Tentatively scheduled to be held during summer 2021, the next Roundtable will include a virtual component prior to meeting in person in Brussels, Bélgica. The face-to-face event date is dependent on when travel is allowed and people feel safe. Asab a'alajil t'aan yo'osal u káajal Waye'.

Beetik clic waye' utia'al u beeta'al jump'éel donación ti' le páawo'ob Global u Agricultores.

Cherilyn Jolly Nagel

Cherilyn Jolly Nagel

Raised on the Saskatchewan prairies, Cherilyn Jolly-Nagel and her husband David continue their love for the land while growing grains, pulses, oilseed crops, along with two daughters in Mossbank. Elected as the first female President for the Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association, Cherilyn challenged government policies that affected the business of agriculture and is a leader on issues that impact farmers on grain transportation, governance, trade and public trust. As board member for the Global Farmer Network, Cherilyn advocates for strong global trade relations and for farmers use of technological advancements. Ti' 2021, Cherilyn was recognized as one of Canada's Top 50 People of Influence in Agriculture. Cherilyn was interviewed in the documentary 'License to Farm' where she encouraged other farmers to share their stories with the public, was featured with Canadian Chef Michael Smith in a video to promote lentils and featured in an episode of Canadian Better Living on the topic of pesticide use and promotion of plant biotechnology. Invited by the Mattel Toy company, Cherilyn was a mentor in the 'Barbie: You Can Be Anything Mentorship' program for young girls who dream of being a farmer.
