Sostenibilidad GFN Mensajería u jejelas ba'alo'ob 2021


Ba'ax ka dirían le agricultores wa tuvieran u oportunidad u t'aan Jun yéetel le ejecutivos ti' le compañías u janalbe'eno'ob.? Junsúutuk chowak, Bix resulta. Farmers sell through a value chain and often don’t get to talk with those who market their crops to consumers as end products. Le video analte'obo' yaan miembros le páawo'ob global u agricultores le yóok'ol kaaba'—Ruramiso Mashumba-Zimbabwe, Jennie Schmidt-United States, Nueva Zelanda, Alana Koch-Canada, Maria Giraudo Gaviglio-Argentina, and Gabriel Carballal-Uruguay—compartiendo u tu'ux agrícolas, ka fomentar jump'éel diálogo ichil le cultivan janalbe'eno'ob yéetel le le comercializan.

These five GFN farmers were part of a video presentation shown during a Food Executive Summit titled Acelerar le ambición: Túumben bejo'ob ti' le éxito ti' juntúul t.u.m alimentario cambiante. Le encuentro virtual bin u ofrecido tumen Corteva yéetel Eat Well Global.

Alanna Koch

Alanna Koch

A farmer, industry leader, long-time agriculture champion, former senior government executive and experienced corporate director, Alanna Koch is the Board Chair of the Global Institute for Food Security (GIFS) at the University of Saskatchewan. She works with farmers and the agriculture industry through her consulting company, KoHert Agri Inc. Prior to this, she served as Deputy Minister to Premier Brad Wall and Cabinet Secretary and was the Saskatchewan Deputy Minister of Agriculture for nine years.

Alanna has been involved in the agriculture industry, both professionally and personally, for most of her career and life. Alanna and her husband, Gerry Hertz, farm at Edenwold, SK, and are committed to sustainable crop rotation practising minimum tillage and utilizing advanced crop technology growing grains, oilseeds and pulse crops.
