
Why join us in our mission to AMPLIFY THE FARMERSVOICE?

Your gift enables the Global Farmer Network (GFN) to continue to provide a forum for global farmers to share their stories and a from-the-field perspective with other farmers, consumers, Óolnake', yéetel le ya'ak u jo'olmakilo'ob políticos.

Donor Recognition

A tribute donation offers you a thoughtful way to celebrate a special person or occasion while contributing to our mission of amplifying the farmersvoice. Or, you may elect to have your name listed as a donor. Donations may also be made anonymously.

Help us build global advocates

Your gift to the Global Farmer Network Foundation is tax-deductible. To learn more about the opportunity to become a GFN Impact Investor, Much Búukint u ti' máax ku Mary ti' +515.274.0800 O [email protected].

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Shekhar Bhadsavle, India explains how the GFN is uniquely positioned to solve two important problems in the world, climate change and hunger.
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Patience Koku, Nigeria reveals how learning happens when top farmers from around the world are brought together.
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Javier Callegas, Nicaragua tells how the GFN brings farmers from around the world to a learning exchange for ideas a new perspective.
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Jose Luis Gonzalez, Columbia shares the importance of the GFN in helping farmers connect, to learn from each other, and together, have a stronger voice for agriculture.



Yéetel u áantaj, together we can amplify farmersvoices

At any moment, Global Farmer Network farmers are telling their stories, sharing information, answering questions and building trust among consumers, ya'ak u jo'olmakilo'ob k'ex óolnake' yéetel responsables políticos túun le seguridad, Bix ka sostenibilidad le janalbe'eno'ob, Yéetel ken u tsentuba', láaj jo'ochiko'obe' ka combustible u táan produciendo ti' jump'éel creciente jo'olkaajo' mundial.



Don’t forget to see if your company offers a matching gift program