New Administration, Ny syn p̴ handel och f̦rordning Рnyheter f̦r veckan i Jan 23


Nyheter relaterade till ag tech, biotech, handel ? och kanske några andra intressanta artiklar där ute relaterade till jordbruk ? kommer att publiceras på denna sida under hela veckan (as the week progresses new items will be in?grön vid botten av sektioner). ?Se till att checka in regelbundet!



Trump Abandons Trans-Pacific Partnership, Obama?s Signature Trade Deal – New York Times – By Peter Baker (Jan 23)


President Donald Trump Makes Revised Trade Deals an Early Priority – Wall Street Journal – Av William Mauldin (Jan 23)

Two days after taking office, Nafta renegotiation and a potential bilateral pact with the U.K. are on the agenda


China says can resolve trade disputes with new U.S. government – Reuters (Jan 19)

China and the United States can resolve any trade disputes through talks, the government said on Thursday, as a Chinese newspaper warned U.S. business could be targets for retaliation…”


Trade MEPs give green light to Canada-EU trade deal CETA?- Food Navigator – By Louis Gore-Langton (Jan 24)

The EU Trade Committee (INTA) has approved the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) this morning, marking a major step toward the deal between EU and Canada becoming reality.

mexico?s Potential Weapons if Trump Declares War on Nafta – New York Times – By Eduardo Porter (Jan 24)


Redefining a ‘special relationship’: Trump and May to talk trade – Reuters – By Elizabeth Piper (Jan 25)



The smart way to help African farmers tackle climate changeIRINBy Sophie Mbungua (Jan 20)


East Africa: Irrigation Farming ‘Only Way to Food Security’ – The Citizen via allAfricaBy Alawai Masare (Jan 23)


Ctrl, Alt, Delete to Better Yields – AgWeb – By Sonja Begemann (Jan 24)

“för jordbrukare, precision gene-editing technology could mean faster advancements and more precise focus on issues that plague their crops.


How GM crops can help us to feed afast-growing?värld – Konversationen – By Stuart Thompson (Jan 24)


The apple that never browns wants to change your mind about genetically modified foods – Washington Post – Av Caitlin Dewey (Jan 23)

While genetic modifications have in the past been mainly defended as a way to protect crops, the Arctic Apple would be one of the first GMOs marketed directly to consumers as more convenient

GMO critics say they are hopeful, dock, that consumers will continue to show skepticism about the produce. Despite a growing consensus in scientific circles that GMOs pose little risk, environmental and consumer groups have successfuly mounted campaigns against GMOs over the past 30 år, successfully limiting the practice to commodity crops like soybeans and corn.



FDA & USDA push forward plan to update how genetically modified organisms are regulated – Food Navigator – Av Elizabeth Crawford (Jan 23)

FDA and USDA push forward a strategy to modernize how genetically modified organisms are regulated that was created in part with the Executive Office of the President under the Obama Administration even as President Trump took office with the promise to undo much of what his predecessor advanced.

Memorandum: Regulatory Freeze Pending ReviewThe White House via Politico (Jan 20)


US feed and grower orgs find potential in proposed biotech rules?- Feed Navigator – By Aerin Einstein-Curtis (Jan 19)

Proposed biotech rules offer chance for educational outreach, trade discussions and practical regulation, say feed and crop grower organizations.

Research agency says Kenya set to lose millions for blocking GM crop trialsBusiness DailyBy Gerald Andae (Jan 16)


New GMO apples could show if QR code labels workFood DiveBy Keith Loria (Jan 20)


These Moms Say The Girl ScoutsNewest Cookie Rejects Science, Conflicts With Its STEM Advocacy – – By Kavin Senapathy (Jan 20)


GMOs are key to ending perennial drought, say MPsDaily Nation (kenya) – By Dennis Odunga (Jan 21)


China Moving Towards Commercialization of Its Own Biotechnology CropsUSDA’s GAIN reportPrepared by Gene Kim (december 2016)

“De ?13th Five-Year Plan for Science and Technology Innovation? aims to push forward the commercialization of a new domestic type of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) majs, Bt bomull, and herbicide-resistant soybeans by 2020. PÃ¥ samma gÃ¥ng, delays in import approvals continue to worsen, causing unpredictability for traders and delaying the adoption of needed new varieties in exporting countries such as the United States.

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