Gagasan Pasokan Jaringan, Perspéktip


The Global Farmer Network brings farmers from around the world to a learning exchange for ideas. This helps farmers build on the experience of each other. Salaku hasilna, each gains a new perspective.

Javier Callegas, a farmer from Nicaragua and member of the Global Farmer Network tells how in this short video.

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Javier Callejas

Javier Callejas

Javier lahir sareng digedékeun di Nikaragua. During civil unrest in the 80's, kulawarga hijrah ka Guatemala lajeng ka AS. Di 2015 anjeunna dipindahkeun deui ka Nikaragua. Anjeunna boga peternakan jangjangan nu ngawengku 13 imah hayam jeung hiji 870 acre kebon tebu. Aranjeunna ngahasilkeun 530,000 hayam unggal siklus 36 poé, totalna deukeut 7 siklus / taun.

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